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6 calls to BlazyUtil::isValidUri() in Blazy 8.2

BlazyFilter::process in src/Plugin/Filter/BlazyFilter.php
Performs the filter processing.
BlazyLightbox::build in src/BlazyLightbox.php
Gets media switch elements: all lightboxes, not content, nor iframe.
BlazyManager::createPlaceholder in src/BlazyManager.php
Build thumbnails, also to provide placeholder for blur effect.
BlazyManager::getBlazy in src/BlazyManager.php
Returns the enforced rich media content, or media using theme_blazy().
BlazyManager::thumbnailAndPlaceholder in src/BlazyManager.php
Build thumbnails, also to provide placeholder for blur effect.
BlazyUtil::imageUrl in src/BlazyUtil.php
Provides image url based on the given settings.