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BlazyDefault.php in Blazy 8.2

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  1. 8 src/BlazyDefault.php
  2. 7 src/BlazyDefault.php




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namespace Drupal\blazy;

 * Defines shared plugin default settings for field formatter and Views style.
class BlazyDefault {

   * Defines constant for the supported text tags.
  const TAGS = [

   * The current class instance.
   * @var self
  private static $instance = NULL;

   * Returns the static instance of this class.
  public static function getInstance() {
    if (is_null(self::$instance)) {
      self::$instance = new BlazyDefault();
    return self::$instance;

   * Returns Blazy specific breakpoints.
   * @todo remove custom breakpoints anytime before blazy:3.x.
  public static function getConstantBreakpoints() {
    return [

   * Returns alterable plugin settings to pass the tests.
  public function alterableSettings(array &$settings = []) {
    $context = [
      'class' => get_called_class(),
      ->alter('blazy_base_settings', $settings, $context);
    return $settings;

   * Returns settings provided by various UI.
  public static function anywhereSettings() {
    return [
      'fx' => '',
      'style' => '',

   * Returns basic plugin settings.
  public static function baseSettings() {
    $settings = [
      'cache' => 0,
      'current_view_mode' => '',
      'skin' => '',
    ] + self::anywhereSettings();
    return $settings;

   * Returns cherry-picked settings for field formatters and Views fields.
  public static function cherrySettings() {
    return [
      'box_style' => '',
      'image_style' => '',
      'media_switch' => '',
      'ratio' => '',
      'thumbnail_style' => '',
      '_uri' => '',

   * Returns image-related field formatter and Views settings.
  public static function baseImageSettings() {
    return [
      'background' => FALSE,
      'box_caption' => '',
      'box_caption_custom' => '',
      'box_media_style' => '',
      'caption' => [],
      'responsive_image_style' => '',
    ] + self::cherrySettings();

   * Returns deprecated settings.
   * @todo remove custom breakpoints anytime before 3.x.
  public static function deprecatedSettings() {
    return [
      'breakpoints' => [],
      'sizes' => '',
      'grid_header' => '',

   * Returns image-related field formatter and Views settings.
  public static function imageSettings() {
    return [
      'icon' => '',
      'layout' => '',
      'view_mode' => '',
    ] + self::baseSettings() + self::baseImageSettings() + self::deprecatedSettings();

   * Returns Views specific settings.
  public static function viewsSettings() {
    return [
      'class' => '',
      'id' => '',
      'image' => '',
      'link' => '',
      'overlay' => '',
      'title' => '',
      'vanilla' => FALSE,

   * Returns fieldable entity formatter and Views settings.
  public static function extendedSettings() {
    return self::viewsSettings() + self::imageSettings();

   * Returns optional grid field formatter and Views settings.
  public static function gridSettings() {
    return [
      'grid' => 0,
      'grid_header' => '',
      'grid_medium' => 0,
      'grid_small' => 0,
    ] + self::anywhereSettings();

   * Returns sensible default options common for Views lacking of UI.
  public static function lazySettings() {
    return [
      'blazy' => TRUE,
      'lazy' => 'blazy',
      'ratio' => 'fluid',

   * Returns sensible default options common for entities lacking of UI.
  public static function entitySettings() {
    return [
      'media_switch' => 'media',
      'rendered' => FALSE,
      'view_mode' => 'default',
      '_detached' => TRUE,
    ] + self::lazySettings();

   * Returns default options common for rich Media entities: Facebook, etc.
   * This basically disables few Blazy features for rendered-entity-like.
  public static function richSettings() {
    return [
      'background' => FALSE,
      'lazy' => '',
      'lightbox' => FALSE,
      'media_switch' => '',
      'placeholder' => '',
      'resimage' => FALSE,
      'use_loading' => FALSE,
      'type' => 'rich',
    ] + self::anywhereSettings();

   * Returns shared global form settings which should be consumed at formatters.
  public static function uiSettings() {
    return [
      'decode' => FALSE,
      'one_pixel' => TRUE,
      'noscript' => FALSE,
      'placeholder' => '',
      'responsive_image' => FALSE,
      'unstyled_extensions' => '',
    ] + self::anywhereSettings();

   * Returns sensible default container settings to shutup notices when lacking.
  public static function htmlSettings() {
    return [
      'blazy_data' => [],
      'lightbox' => FALSE,
      'namespace' => 'blazy',
      'id' => '',
      'is_preview' => FALSE,
      '_richbox' => FALSE,
      'route_name' => '',
      'use_field' => FALSE,
      'unstyled' => FALSE,
      'view_name' => '',
    ] + self::imageSettings() + self::uiSettings();

   * Returns sensible default item settings to shutup notices when lacking.
  public static function itemSettings() {
    return [
      '_api' => FALSE,
      'bundle' => '',
      'classes' => [],
      'content_url' => '',
      'delta' => 0,
      'embed_url' => '',
      'entity_type_id' => '',
      'extension' => '',
      'image_url' => '',
      'item_id' => 'blazy',
      'lazy_attribute' => 'src',
      'lazy_class' => 'b-lazy',
      'padding_bottom' => '',
      'placeholder_fx' => '',
      'placeholder_ui' => '',
      'player' => FALSE,
      'resimage' => FALSE,
      'scheme' => '',
      'type' => 'image',
      'uri' => '',
      'use_data_uri' => FALSE,
      'use_loading' => TRUE,
      'use_media' => FALSE,
      'height' => NULL,
      'width' => NULL,
    ] + self::htmlSettings();

   * Returns blazy theme properties, its image and container attributes.
   * The reserved attributes is defined before entering Blazy as bonus variable.
   * Consider other bonuses: title and content attributes at a later stage.
  public static function themeProperties() {
    return [

   * Returns additional/ optional blazy theme attributes.
   * The attributes mentioned here are only instantiated at theme_blazy() and
   * might be an empty array, not instanceof \Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute.
  public static function themeAttributes() {
    return [



Namesort descending Description
BlazyDefault Defines shared plugin default settings for field formatter and Views style.