in Bibliography Module 7
Same filename and directory in other branches
Copyright: Matthias Steffens This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Please see the GNU General Public License for more details. File: ./includes/ Created: 28-May-06, 12:39 Modified: 13-Aug-06, 13:55.
This is a translation table for best-effort conversion from Unicode to LaTeX/BibTeX entities. It contains a comprehensive list of substitution strings for Unicode characters, which can be used with the 'T1' font encoding. Uses commands from the 'textcomp' package. Characters that can't be matched are converted to ASCII equivalents. Adopted from 'transtab' by Markus Kuhn (transtab.utf v1.8 2000-10-12 11:01:28+01 mgk25 Exp); see <> for more info about Unicode and transtab.
modules/bibtexParse/ source
* @file
* Copyright: Matthias Steffens
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
* Please see the GNU General Public License for more details.
* File: ./includes/
* Created: 28-May-06, 12:39
* Modified: 13-Aug-06, 13:55.
* This is a translation table for best-effort conversion from Unicode to LaTeX/BibTeX entities. It contains a comprehensive list of substitution strings for Unicode characters,
* which can be used with the 'T1' font encoding. Uses commands from the 'textcomp' package. Characters that can't be matched are converted to ASCII equivalents.
* Adopted from 'transtab' by Markus Kuhn
* (transtab.utf v1.8 2000-10-12 11:01:28+01 mgk25 Exp); see <> for more info about Unicode and transtab.
function _biblio_bibtex_get_transtab() {
return array(
"(?<!\\\\)#" => '$\\#$',
"(?<!\\\\)%" => "\\%",
"(?<!\\\\)&" => "\\&",
"(?<!\\\\)'" => "{\\textquoteright}",
"(?<!\\\\)`" => "{\\textquoteleft}",
" " => "~",
"¡" => "{\\textexclamdown}",
"¢" => "{\\textcent}",
"£" => "{\\textsterling}",
"¥" => "{\\textyen}",
"¦" => "{\\textbrokenbar}",
"§" => "{\\textsection}",
"¨" => "{\\textasciidieresis}",
"©" => "{\\textcopyright}",
"ª" => "{\\textordfeminine}",
"«" => "{\\guillemotleft}",
"¬" => "{\\textlnot}",
"" => "-",
"®" => "{\\textregistered}",
"¯" => "{\\textasciimacron}",
"°" => "{\\textdegree}",
"±" => "{\\textpm}",
"²" => "{\\texttwosuperior}",
"³" => "{\\textthreesuperior}",
"´" => "{\\textasciiacute}",
"µ" => "{\\textmu}",
"¶" => "{\\textparagraph}",
"·" => "{\\textperiodcentered}",
"¸" => "{\\c\\ }",
"¹" => "{\\textonesuperior}",
"º" => "{\\textordmasculine}",
"»" => "{\\guillemotright}",
"¼" => "{\\textonequarter}",
"½" => "{\\textonehalf}",
"¾" => "{\\textthreequarters}",
"¿" => "{\\textquestiondown}",
"À" => "{\\`A}",
"Á" => "{\\'A}",
"Â" => "{\\^A}",
"Ã" => "{\\~A}",
"Ä" => "{\\\"A}",
"Å" => "{\\r A}",
"Æ" => "{\\AE}",
"Ç" => "{\\c C}",
"È" => "{\\`E}",
"É" => "{\\'E}",
"Ê" => "{\\^E}",
"Ë" => "{\\\"E}",
"Ì" => "{\\`I}",
"Í" => "{\\'I}",
"Î" => "{\\^I}",
"Ï" => "{\\\"I}",
"Ð" => "{\\DH}",
"Ñ" => "{\\~N}",
"Ò" => "{\\`O}",
"Ó" => "{\\'O}",
"Ô" => "{\\^O}",
"Õ" => "{\\~O}",
"Ö" => "{\\\"O}",
"×" => "{\\texttimes}",
"Ø" => "{\\O}",
"Ù" => "{\\`U}",
"Ú" => "{\\'U}",
"Û" => "{\\^U}",
"Ü" => "{\\\"U}",
"Ý" => "{\\'Y}",
"Þ" => "{\\TH}",
"ß" => "{\\ss}",
"à" => "{\\`a}",
"á" => "{\\'a}",
"â" => "{\\^a}",
"ã" => "{\\~a}",
"ä" => "{\\\"a}",
"å" => "{\\r a}",
"æ" => "{\\ae}",
"ç" => "{\\c c}",
"è" => "{\\`e}",
"é" => "{\\'e}",
"ê" => "{\\^e}",
"ë" => "{\\\"e}",
"ì" => "{\\`\\i}",
"í" => "{\\'\\i}",
"î" => "{\\^\\i}",
"ï" => "{\\\"\\i}",
"ð" => "{\\dh}",
"ñ" => "{\\~n}",
"ò" => "{\\`o}",
"ó" => "{\\'o}",
"ô" => "{\\^o}",
"õ" => "{\\~o}",
"ö" => "{\\\"o}",
"÷" => "{\\textdiv}",
"ø" => "{\\o}",
"ù" => "{\\`u}",
"ú" => "{\\'u}",
"û" => "{\\^u}",
"ü" => "{\\\"u}",
"ý" => "{\\'y}",
"þ" => "{\\th}",
"ÿ" => "{\\\"y}",
"Ā" => "A",
"ā" => "{\\={a}}",
"Ă" => "{\\u A}",
"ă" => "{\\u a}",
"Ą" => "{\\k A}",
"ą" => "{\\k a}",
"Ć" => "{\\'C}",
"ć" => "{\\'c}",
"Ĉ" => "Ch",
"ĉ" => "ch",
"Ċ" => "C",
"ċ" => "c",
"Č" => "{\\v C}",
"č" => "{\\v c}",
"Ď" => "{\\v D}",
"ď" => "{\\v d}",
"Đ" => "{\\DJ}",
"đ" => "{\\dj}",
"Ē" => "E",
"ē" => "e",
"Ĕ" => "E",
"ĕ" => "e",
"Ė" => "E",
"ė" => "e",
"Ę" => "{\\k E}",
"ę" => "{\\k e}",
"Ě" => "{\\v E}",
"ě" => "{\\v e}",
"Ĝ" => "Gh",
"ĝ" => "gh",
"Ğ" => "{\\u G}",
"ğ" => "{\\u g}",
"Ġ" => "G",
"ġ" => "g",
"Ģ" => "G",
"ģ" => "g",
"Ĥ" => "Hh",
"ĥ" => "hh",
"Ħ" => "H",
"ħ" => "h",
"Ĩ" => "I",
"ĩ" => "i",
"Ī" => "I",
"ī" => "i",
"Ĭ" => "I",
"ĭ" => "i",
"Į" => "I",
"į" => "i",
"İ" => "{\\.I}",
"ı" => "{\\i}",
"IJ" => "IJ",
"ij" => "ij",
"Ĵ" => "Jh",
"ĵ" => "jh",
"Ķ" => "K",
"ķ" => "k",
"ĸ" => "k",
"Ĺ" => "{\\'L}",
"ĺ" => "{\\'l}",
"Ļ" => "L",
"ļ" => "l",
"Ľ" => "{\\v L}",
"ľ" => "{\\v l}",
"Ŀ" => "L·",
"ŀ" => "l·",
"Ł" => "{\\L}",
"ł" => "{\\l}",
"Ń" => "{\\'N}",
"ń" => "{\\'n}",
"Ņ" => "N",
"ņ" => "n",
"Ň" => "{\\v N}",
"ň" => "{\\v n}",
"ʼn" => "'n",
"Ŋ" => "{\\NG}",
"ŋ" => "{\\ng}",
"Ō" => "O",
"ō" => "o",
"Ŏ" => "O",
"ŏ" => "o",
"Ő" => "{\\H O}",
"ő" => "{\\H o}",
"Œ" => "{\\OE}",
"œ" => "{\\oe}",
"Ŕ" => "{\\'R}",
"ŕ" => "{\\'r}",
"Ŗ" => "R",
"ŗ" => "r",
"Ř" => "{\\v R}",
"ř" => "{\\v r}",
"Ś" => "{\\'S}",
"ś" => "{\\'s}",
"Ŝ" => "Sh",
"ŝ" => "sh",
"Ş" => "{\\c S}",
"ş" => "{\\c s}",
"Š" => "{\\v S}",
"š" => "{\\v s}",
"Ţ" => "{\\c T}",
"ţ" => "{\\c t}",
"Ť" => "{\\v T}",
"ť" => "{\\v t}",
"Ŧ" => "T",
"ŧ" => "t",
"Ũ" => "U",
"ũ" => "u",
"Ū" => "U",
"ū" => "u",
"Ŭ" => "U",
"ŭ" => "u",
"Ů" => "{\\r U}",
"ů" => "{\\r u}",
"Ű" => "{\\H U}",
"ű" => "{\\H u}",
"Ų" => "U",
"ų" => "u",
"Ŵ" => "W",
"ŵ" => "w",
"Ŷ" => "Y",
"ŷ" => "y",
"Ÿ" => "{\\\"Y}",
"Ź" => "{\\'Z}",
"ź" => "{\\'z}",
"Ż" => "{\\.Z}",
"ż" => "{\\.z}",
"Ž" => "{\\v Z}",
"ž" => "{\\v z}",
"ſ" => "s",
"ƒ" => "{\\textflorin}",
"Ș" => "S",
"ș" => "s",
"Ț" => "T",
"ț" => "t",
"ʹ" => "'",
"ʻ" => "'",
"ʼ" => "'",
"ʽ" => "'",
"ˆ" => "{\\textasciicircum}",
"ˈ" => "'",
"ˉ" => "-",
"ˌ" => ",",
"ː" => ":",
"˚" => "o",
"˜" => "\\~{}",
"˝" => "{\\textacutedbl}",
"ʹ" => "'",
"͵" => ",",
";" => ";",
"Ḃ" => "B",
"ḃ" => "b",
"Ḋ" => "D",
"ḋ" => "d",
"Ḟ" => "F",
"ḟ" => "f",
"Ṁ" => "M",
"ṁ" => "m",
"Ṗ" => "P",
"ṗ" => "p",
"Ṡ" => "S",
"ṡ" => "s",
"Ṫ" => "T",
"ṫ" => "t",
"Ẁ" => "W",
"ẁ" => "w",
"Ẃ" => "W",
"ẃ" => "w",
"Ẅ" => "W",
"ẅ" => "w",
"Ỳ" => "Y",
"ỳ" => "y",
" " => " ",
" " => " ",
" " => " ",
" " => " ",
" " => " ",
" " => " ",
" " => " ",
" " => " ",
" " => " ",
" " => " ",
"‐" => "-",
"‑" => "-",
"‒" => "-",
"–" => "{\\textendash}",
"—" => "{\\textemdash}",
"―" => "--",
"‖" => "{\\textbardbl}",
"‗" => "{\\textunderscore}",
"‘" => "{\\textquoteleft}",
"’" => "{\\textquoteright}",
"‚" => "{\\quotesinglbase}",
"‛" => "'",
"“" => "{\\textquotedblleft}",
"”" => "{\\textquotedblright}",
"„" => "{\\quotedblbase}",
"‟" => "\"",
"†" => "{\\textdagger}",
"‡" => "{\\textdaggerdbl}",
"•" => "{\\textbullet}",
"‣" => ">",
"․" => ".",
"‥" => "..",
"…" => "{\\textellipsis}",
"‧" => "-",
" " => " ",
"‰" => "{\\textperthousand}",
"′" => "'",
"″" => "\"",
"‴" => "'''",
"‵" => "`",
"‶" => "``",
"‷" => "```",
"‹" => "{\\guilsinglleft}",
"›" => "{\\guilsinglright}",
"‼" => "!!",
"‾" => "-",
"⁃" => "-",
"⁄" => "{\\textfractionsolidus}",
"⁈" => "?!",
"⁉" => "!?",
"⁊" => "7",
"⁰" => '$^{0}$',
"⁴" => '$^{4}$',
"⁵" => '$^{5}$',
"⁶" => '$^{6}$',
"⁷" => '$^{7}$',
"⁸" => '$^{8}$',
"⁹" => '$^{9}$',
"⁺" => '$^{+}$',
"⁻" => '$^{-}$',
"⁼" => '$^{=}$',
"⁽" => '$^{(}$',
"⁾" => '$^{)}$',
"ⁿ" => '$^{n}$',
"₀" => '$_{0}$',
"₁" => '$_{1}$',
"₂" => '$_{2}$',
"₃" => '$_{3}$',
"₄" => '$_{4}$',
"₅" => '$_{5}$',
"₆" => '$_{6}$',
"₇" => '$_{7}$',
"₈" => '$_{8}$',
"₉" => '$_{9}$',
"₊" => '$_{+}$',
"₋" => '$_{-}$',
"₌" => '$_{=}$',
"₍" => '$_{(}$',
"₎" => '$_{)}$',
"€" => "{\\texteuro}",
"℀" => "a/c",
"℁" => "a/s",
"℃" => "{\\textcelsius}",
"℅" => "c/o",
"℆" => "c/u",
"℉" => "F",
"ℓ" => "l",
"№" => "{\\textnumero}",
"℗" => "{\\textcircledP}",
"℠" => "{\\textservicemark}",
"℡" => "TEL",
"™" => "{\\texttrademark}",
"Ω" => "{\\textohm}",
"K" => "K",
"Å" => "A",
"℮" => "{\\textestimated}",
"⅓" => " 1/3",
"⅔" => " 2/3",
"⅕" => " 1/5",
"⅖" => " 2/5",
"⅗" => " 3/5",
"⅘" => " 4/5",
"⅙" => " 1/6",
"⅚" => " 5/6",
"⅛" => " 1/8",
"⅜" => " 3/8",
"⅝" => " 5/8",
"⅞" => " 7/8",
"⅟" => " 1/",
"Ⅰ" => "I",
"Ⅱ" => "II",
"Ⅲ" => "III",
"Ⅳ" => "IV",
"Ⅴ" => "V",
"Ⅵ" => "VI",
"Ⅶ" => "VII",
"Ⅷ" => "VIII",
"Ⅸ" => "IX",
"Ⅹ" => "X",
"Ⅺ" => "XI",
"Ⅻ" => "XII",
"Ⅼ" => "L",
"Ⅽ" => "C",
"Ⅾ" => "D",
"Ⅿ" => "M",
"ⅰ" => "i",
"ⅱ" => "ii",
"ⅲ" => "iii",
"ⅳ" => "iv",
"ⅴ" => "v",
"ⅵ" => "vi",
"ⅶ" => "vii",
"ⅷ" => "viii",
"ⅸ" => "ix",
"ⅹ" => "x",
"ⅺ" => "xi",
"ⅻ" => "xii",
"ⅼ" => "l",
"ⅽ" => "c",
"ⅾ" => "d",
"ⅿ" => "m",
"←" => "{\\textleftarrow}",
"↑" => "{\\textuparrow}",
"→" => "{\\textrightarrow}",
"↓" => "{\\textdownarrow}",
"↔" => "<->",
"⇐" => "<=",
"⇒" => "=>",
"⇔" => "<=>",
"−" => "-",
"∕" => "/",
"∖" => "\\",
"∗" => "*",
"∘" => "o",
"∙" => ".",
"∞" => '$\\infty$',
"∣" => "|",
"∥" => "||",
"∶" => ":",
"∼" => "\\~{}",
"≠" => "/=",
"≡" => "=",
"≤" => "<=",
"≥" => ">=",
"≪" => "<<",
"≫" => ">>",
"⊕" => "(+)",
"⊖" => "(-)",
"⊗" => "(x)",
"⊘" => "(/)",
"⊢" => "|-",
"⊣" => "-|",
"⊦" => "|-",
"⊧" => "|=",
"⊨" => "|=",
"⊩" => "||-",
"⋅" => ".",
"⋆" => "*",
"⋕" => '$\\#$',
"⋘" => "<<<",
"⋙" => ">>>",
"⋯" => "...",
"〈" => "{\\textlangle}",
"〉" => "{\\textrangle}",
"␀" => "NUL",
"␁" => "SOH",
"␂" => "STX",
"␃" => "ETX",
"␄" => "EOT",
"␅" => "ENQ",
"␆" => "ACK",
"␇" => "BEL",
"␈" => "BS",
"␉" => "HT",
"␊" => "LF",
"␋" => "VT",
"␌" => "FF",
"␍" => "CR",
"␎" => "SO",
"␏" => "SI",
"␐" => "DLE",
"␑" => "DC1",
"␒" => "DC2",
"␓" => "DC3",
"␔" => "DC4",
"␕" => "NAK",
"␖" => "SYN",
"␗" => "ETB",
"␘" => "CAN",
"␙" => "EM",
"␚" => "SUB",
"␛" => "ESC",
"␜" => "FS",
"␝" => "GS",
"␞" => "RS",
"␟" => "US",
"␠" => "SP",
"␡" => "DEL",
"␣" => "{\\textvisiblespace}",
"" => "NL",
"␥" => "///",
"␦" => "?",
"①" => "(1)",
"②" => "(2)",
"③" => "(3)",
"④" => "(4)",
"⑤" => "(5)",
"⑥" => "(6)",
"⑦" => "(7)",
"⑧" => "(8)",
"⑨" => "(9)",
"⑩" => "(10)",
"⑪" => "(11)",
"⑫" => "(12)",
"⑬" => "(13)",
"⑭" => "(14)",
"⑮" => "(15)",
"⑯" => "(16)",
"⑰" => "(17)",
"⑱" => "(18)",
"⑲" => "(19)",
"⑳" => "(20)",
"⑴" => "(1)",
"⑵" => "(2)",
"⑶" => "(3)",
"⑷" => "(4)",
"⑸" => "(5)",
"⑹" => "(6)",
"⑺" => "(7)",
"⑻" => "(8)",
"⑼" => "(9)",
"⑽" => "(10)",
"⑾" => "(11)",
"⑿" => "(12)",
"⒀" => "(13)",
"⒁" => "(14)",
"⒂" => "(15)",
"⒃" => "(16)",
"⒄" => "(17)",
"⒅" => "(18)",
"⒆" => "(19)",
"⒇" => "(20)",
"⒈" => "1.",
"⒉" => "2.",
"⒊" => "3.",
"⒋" => "4.",
"⒌" => "5.",
"⒍" => "6.",
"⒎" => "7.",
"⒏" => "8.",
"⒐" => "9.",
"⒑" => "10.",
"⒒" => "11.",
"⒓" => "12.",
"⒔" => "13.",
"⒕" => "14.",
"⒖" => "15.",
"⒗" => "16.",
"⒘" => "17.",
"⒙" => "18.",
"⒚" => "19.",
"⒛" => "20.",
"⒜" => "(a)",
"⒝" => "(b)",
"⒞" => "(c)",
"⒟" => "(d)",
"⒠" => "(e)",
"⒡" => "(f)",
"⒢" => "(g)",
"⒣" => "(h)",
"⒤" => "(i)",
"⒥" => "(j)",
"⒦" => "(k)",
"⒧" => "(l)",
"⒨" => "(m)",
"⒩" => "(n)",
"⒪" => "(o)",
"⒫" => "(p)",
"⒬" => "(q)",
"⒭" => "(r)",
"⒮" => "(s)",
"⒯" => "(t)",
"⒰" => "(u)",
"⒱" => "(v)",
"⒲" => "(w)",
"⒳" => "(x)",
"⒴" => "(y)",
"⒵" => "(z)",
"Ⓐ" => "(A)",
"Ⓑ" => "(B)",
"Ⓒ" => "(C)",
"Ⓓ" => "(D)",
"Ⓔ" => "(E)",
"Ⓕ" => "(F)",
"Ⓖ" => "(G)",
"Ⓗ" => "(H)",
"Ⓘ" => "(I)",
"Ⓙ" => "(J)",
"Ⓚ" => "(K)",
"Ⓛ" => "(L)",
"Ⓜ" => "(M)",
"Ⓝ" => "(N)",
"Ⓞ" => "(O)",
"Ⓟ" => "(P)",
"Ⓠ" => "(Q)",
"Ⓡ" => "(R)",
"Ⓢ" => "(S)",
"Ⓣ" => "(T)",
"Ⓤ" => "(U)",
"Ⓥ" => "(V)",
"Ⓦ" => "(W)",
"Ⓧ" => "(X)",
"Ⓨ" => "(Y)",
"Ⓩ" => "(Z)",
"ⓐ" => "(a)",
"ⓑ" => "(b)",
"ⓒ" => "(c)",
"ⓓ" => "(d)",
"ⓔ" => "(e)",
"ⓕ" => "(f)",
"ⓖ" => "(g)",
"ⓗ" => "(h)",
"ⓘ" => "(i)",
"ⓙ" => "(j)",
"ⓚ" => "(k)",
"ⓛ" => "(l)",
"ⓜ" => "(m)",
"ⓝ" => "(n)",
"ⓞ" => "(o)",
"ⓟ" => "(p)",
"ⓠ" => "(q)",
"ⓡ" => "(r)",
"ⓢ" => "(s)",
"ⓣ" => "(t)",
"ⓤ" => "(u)",
"ⓥ" => "(v)",
"ⓦ" => "(w)",
"ⓧ" => "(x)",
"ⓨ" => "(y)",
"ⓩ" => "(z)",
"⓪" => "(0)",
"─" => "-",
"━" => "=",
"│" => "|",
"┃" => "|",
"┄" => "-",
"┅" => "=",
"┆" => "|",
"┇" => "|",
"┈" => "-",
"┉" => "=",
"┊" => "|",
"┋" => "|",
"┌" => "+",
"┍" => "+",
"┎" => "+",
"┏" => "+",
"┐" => "+",
"┑" => "+",
"┒" => "+",
"┓" => "+",
"└" => "+",
"┕" => "+",
"┖" => "+",
"┗" => "+",
"┘" => "+",
"┙" => "+",
"┚" => "+",
"┛" => "+",
"├" => "+",
"┝" => "+",
"┞" => "+",
"┟" => "+",
"┠" => "+",
"┡" => "+",
"┢" => "+",
"┣" => "+",
"┤" => "+",
"┥" => "+",
"┦" => "+",
"┧" => "+",
"┨" => "+",
"┩" => "+",
"┪" => "+",
"┫" => "+",
"┬" => "+",
"┭" => "+",
"┮" => "+",
"┯" => "+",
"┰" => "+",
"┱" => "+",
"┲" => "+",
"┳" => "+",
"┴" => "+",
"┵" => "+",
"┶" => "+",
"┷" => "+",
"┸" => "+",
"┹" => "+",
"┺" => "+",
"┻" => "+",
"┼" => "+",
"┽" => "+",
"┾" => "+",
"┿" => "+",
"╀" => "+",
"╁" => "+",
"╂" => "+",
"╃" => "+",
"╄" => "+",
"╅" => "+",
"╆" => "+",
"╇" => "+",
"╈" => "+",
"╉" => "+",
"╊" => "+",
"╋" => "+",
"╌" => "-",
"╍" => "=",
"╎" => "|",
"╏" => "|",
"═" => "=",
"║" => "|",
"╒" => "+",
"╓" => "+",
"╔" => "+",
"╕" => "+",
"╖" => "+",
"╗" => "+",
"╘" => "+",
"╙" => "+",
"╚" => "+",
"╛" => "+",
"╜" => "+",
"╝" => "+",
"╞" => "+",
"╟" => "+",
"╠" => "+",
"╡" => "+",
"╢" => "+",
"╣" => "+",
"╤" => "+",
"╥" => "+",
"╦" => "+",
"╧" => "+",
"╨" => "+",
"╩" => "+",
"╪" => "+",
"╫" => "+",
"╬" => "+",
"╭" => "+",
"╮" => "+",
"╯" => "+",
"╰" => "+",
"╱" => "/",
"╲" => "\\",
"╳" => "X",
"╼" => "-",
"╽" => "|",
"╾" => "-",
"╿" => "|",
"○" => "o",
"◦" => "{\\textopenbullet}",
"★" => "*",
"☆" => "*",
"☒" => "X",
"☓" => "X",
"☹" => ":-(",
"☺" => ":-)",
"☻" => "(-:",
"♭" => "b",
"♯" => '$\\#$',
"✁" => '$\\%<$',
"✂" => '$\\%<$',
"✃" => '$\\%<$',
"✄" => '$\\%<$',
"✌" => "V",
"✓" => "v",
"✔" => "V",
"✕" => "x",
"✖" => "x",
"✗" => "X",
"✘" => "X",
"✙" => "+",
"✚" => "+",
"✛" => "+",
"✜" => "+",
"✝" => "+",
"✞" => "+",
"✟" => "+",
"✠" => "+",
"✡" => "*",
"✢" => "+",
"✣" => "+",
"✤" => "+",
"✥" => "+",
"✦" => "+",
"✧" => "+",
"✩" => "*",
"✪" => "*",
"✫" => "*",
"✬" => "*",
"✭" => "*",
"✮" => "*",
"✯" => "*",
"✰" => "*",
"✱" => "*",
"✲" => "*",
"✳" => "*",
"✴" => "*",
"✵" => "*",
"✶" => "*",
"✷" => "*",
"✸" => "*",
"✹" => "*",
"✺" => "*",
"✻" => "*",
"✼" => "*",
"✽" => "*",
"✾" => "*",
"✿" => "*",
"❀" => "*",
"❁" => "*",
"❂" => "*",
"❃" => "*",
"❄" => "*",
"❅" => "*",
"❆" => "*",
"❇" => "*",
"❈" => "*",
"❉" => "*",
"❊" => "*",
"❋" => "*",
"ff" => "ff",
"fi" => "fi",
"fl" => "fl",
"ffi" => "ffi",
"ffl" => "ffl",
"ſt" => "st",
"st" => "st",
Name | Description |
_biblio_bibtex_get_transtab |