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public function PARSECREATORS::grabSurname in Bibliography Module 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 bibtexParse/PARSECREATORS.php \PARSECREATORS::grabSurname()
  2. 6.2 modules/bibtexParse/PARSECREATORS.php \PARSECREATORS::grabSurname()
  3. 6 bibtexParse/PARSECREATORS.php \PARSECREATORS::grabSurname()
  4. 7.3 plugins/biblio_style/bibtex/PARSECREATORS.php \PARSECREATORS::grabSurname()
  5. 7.2 modules/bibtexParse/PARSECREATORS.php \PARSECREATORS::grabSurname()

Surname may have title such as 'den', 'von', 'de la' etc. - characterised by first character lowercased. Any uppercased part means lowercased parts following are part of the surname (e.g. Van den Bussche)

1 call to PARSECREATORS::grabSurname()
PARSECREATORS::parseAuthor in modules/bibtexParse/PARSECREATORS.php
Create writer arrays from bibtex input.


modules/bibtexParse/PARSECREATORS.php, line 318
Classes Creators and PARSECREATORS.


Released through under the GPL licence. Do whatever you like with this -- some credit to the author(s) would be appreciated.


public function grabSurname($input) {
  $surnameArray = preg_split(" ", $input);
  $noPrefix = $surname = FALSE;
  foreach ($surnameArray as $value) {
    $firstChar = substr($value, 0, 1);
    if (!$noPrefix && ord($firstChar) >= 97 && ord($firstChar) <= 122) {
      $prefix[] = $value;
    else {
      $surname[] = $value;
      $noPrefix = TRUE;
  if ($surname) {
    $surname = join(" ", $surname);
  if (isset($prefix)) {
    $prefix = join(" ", $prefix);
    return array(
  return array(