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30 calls to biblio_wrapper() in Bibliography Module 7.2

biblio_bibtex_entity_load in modules/bibtexParse/biblio_bibtex.module
Implements hook_entity_load().
biblio_category_section in includes/
biblio_contextObject in includes/
biblio_contributor_page_view in ./biblio.module
Displays a biblio contributor; Hands data off to the Field API
biblio_contributor_pre_save in includes/
Perform actions to a contributor object before saving
biblio_contributor_set_parsed_values in includes/
biblio_create in ./biblio.module
Create a biblio entity object
biblio_create_contributor_refs in ./biblio.module
Creates contributor reference fields based on user-entered contributor names and categories. Also creates Contributor entities for those contributors that don't already exist.
biblio_create_imported_contributors in includes/
biblio_create_imported_keywords in includes/
biblio_delete_confirm in ./biblio.module
Rather than build a complete form, we will simply pass data on to a utility function of the Form API called confirm_form().
biblio_delete_confirm_submit in ./biblio.module
Delete form confirmation page
biblio_form in ./biblio.module
Displays the Add/Edit form for a biblio entity
biblio_get_contributors in includes/
Extracts Contributor data from a Biblio entity and lists contributors together in an array.
biblio_get_contributor_category in includes/
biblio_page_edit in ./biblio.module
Presents the biblio editing form, or redirects to delete confirmation.
biblio_page_title in ./biblio.module
hook_menu() callback
biblio_page_view in ./biblio.module
Displays a biblio; Hands data off to the Field API
biblio_parse_author in includes/
biblio_save_node in includes/
biblio_style_cse in styles/
theme_biblio_format_authors in includes/
theme_biblio_style in includes/
Applies a "style" function to a single node.
theme_biblio_tabular in includes/
_biblio_bibtex_export in modules/bibtexParse/biblio_bibtex.module
Export data in bibtex format.
_biblio_bibtex_import in modules/bibtexParse/biblio_bibtex.module
_biblio_pm_create_node_from_xml in modules/pubmed/biblio_pm.module
_biblio_prepare_submit in ./biblio.module
Prepare a biblio for submit to database. Contains code common to insert and update.
_biblio_truncate_long_fields in ./biblio.module
Truncates field values that are longer than the specified field value length. This is particularly useful when importing biblio entities.
_md5sum in includes/