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8 calls to biblio_get_style() in Bibliography Module 7.2

biblio_entry in includes/
biblio_format_authors in includes/
biblio_handler_citation::option_definition in views/
Information about options for all kinds of purposes will be held here.
biblio_page_view in ./biblio.module
Displays a biblio; Hands data off to the Field API
biblio_plugin_row_citation::option_definition in views/
Information about options for all kinds of purposes will be held here.
biblio_rtf_biblio_export in modules/rtf/biblio_rtf.module
theme_biblio_citeproc_style in modules/CiteProc/biblio_citeproc.module
_biblio_citekey_print in ./biblio.module
@todo create relevant documentation for this function