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better-formats-defaults-admin-form.tpl.php in Better Formats 6.2

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  1. 6 better-formats-defaults-admin-form.tpl.php

Default theme implementation to configure Better Formats defaults admin page.

Available variables:

  • $form_submit: Form submit button.

Each $node_default_rows contains a row

Each $data in $node_default_rows contains:

  • $data->role: Role name.
  • $data->format_select: Drop-down menu for setting format.
  • $data->weight_select: Drop-down menu for setting weights.


View source

 * @file
 * Default theme implementation to configure Better Formats defaults admin page.
 * Available variables:
 * - $form_submit: Form submit button.
 * Each $node_default_rows contains a row
 * Each $data in $node_default_rows contains:
 * - $data->role: Role name.
 * - $data->format_select: Drop-down menu for setting format.
 * - $data->weight_select: Drop-down menu for setting weights.

// Add table javascript
drupal_add_tabledrag('node-format-defaults', 'order', 'sibling', 'better-formats-role-node-weight');
drupal_add_tabledrag('comment-format-defaults', 'order', 'sibling', 'better-formats-role-comment-weight');
drupal_add_tabledrag('block-format-defaults', 'order', 'sibling', 'better-formats-role-block-weight');
<div class="description">

print '<p><strong>' . t('Defaults only affect NEW content NOT existing content.') . '</strong></p>';

print '<p><strong>' . t('Place roles in order of precedence by dragging more important roles to the top.') . '</strong></p>';

print t('Node defaults');
  <table id="node-format-defaults">

print t('Role');

print t('Default format');

print t('Weight');

$row = 0;

foreach ($node_default_rows as $rid => $data) {
      <tr class="draggable <?php

  print $row % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even';
        <td class=""><?php

  print $data->role;

  print $data->format_select;

  print $data->weight_select;




print t('Comment defaults');
  <table id="comment-format-defaults">

print t('Role');

print t('Default format');

print t('Weight');

$row = 0;

foreach ($comment_default_rows as $rid => $data) {
      <tr class="draggable <?php

  print $row % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even';
        <td class=""><?php

  print $data->role;

  print $data->format_select;

  print $data->weight_select;




if ($_GET['q'] === 'admin/settings/filters/defaults') {

  print t('Block defaults');

  if (isset($block_default_rows)) {
    <table id="block-format-defaults">

    print t('Role');

    print t('Default format');

    print t('Weight');

    $row = 0;

    foreach ($block_default_rows as $rid => $data) {
        <tr class="draggable <?php

      print $row % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even';
          <td class=""><?php

      print $data->role;

      print $data->format_select;

      print $data->weight_select;






<div class="description">

print '<p>' . t('* Only formats that a role has permission to use are shown in the default format drop downs.') . '</p>';


print $form_submit;