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7 calls to beautytips_add_beautytips() in BeautyTips 6.2

beautytips_admin in ./
Menu callback - beautytips admin settings form TODO: Add animation options.
beautytips_drupal_help_main in includes/
Menu callback; prints a page listing a glossary of Drupal terminology. Beautytips added for the help links
beautytips_init in ./beautytips.module
Implementation of hook_init().
beautytips_manager_init in ./beautytips_manager.module
Implementation of hook_init().
beautytips_textinput_form_change in includes/
theme_beautytips_advanced_help_topic in includes/
Display a help icon with a link to view the topic in a popup.
theme_beautytips_drupal_help_more_help_link in includes/
Returns code that emits the 'more help'-link. Overrides theme_more_help_link