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bear_necessities.module in Bear 7.2

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7 modules/bear_necessities/bear_necessities.module


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 * @file
 * Code for the Bear Necessities feature.
include_once '';

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function bear_necessities_form_node_type_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  if (empty($form['#node_type']->type)) {

    // Set 'Preview before submitting' to disabled.
    $form['submission']['node_preview']['#default_value'] = DRUPAL_DISABLED;

    // Set publishing options.
    $form['workflow']['node_options']['#default_value'] = array(

    // Unset 'promote to frontpage' and 'make sticky' options.

    // Unset display author information.
    $form['display']['node_submitted']['#default_value'] = FALSE;

    // Set comments to hidden.
    if (module_exists('comment')) {
      $form['comment']['comment']['#default_value'] = COMMENT_NODE_HIDDEN;

 * Implements hook_form_node_form_alter().
function bear_necessities_form_node_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {

  // Remove 'promote to frontpage' and 'make sticky' options.

  // We want to hide revision information from people that do not have permission
  // to view content revisions.
  if (module_exists('workbench_moderation') && isset($form['revision_information']['workbench_moderation_state_new'])) {
  if (!user_access('view revisions')) {
    if (isset($form['revision_information']['#access'])) {
      $form['revision_information']['#access'] = FALSE;

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function bear_necessities_form_ckeditor_admin_profile_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {

  // By default turn off CKEditor's "Advanced Content Filter" which removes
  // html tags that do not have wysiwyg buttons enabled.
  if (empty($form['advanced']['js_conf']['#default_value'])) {
    $form['advanced']['js_conf']['#default_value'] = 'config.allowedContent = true;';

 * Implements hook_menu_block_blocks().
function bear_necessities_menu_block_blocks() {
  return array(
    'bear_necessities-1' => array(
      'menu_name' => 'main-menu',
      'parent_mlid' => 0,
      'title_link' => 0,
      'admin_title' => '',
      'level' => 1,
      'follow' => 0,
      'depth' => 0,
      'expanded' => 0,
      'sort' => 0,

 * Implements hook_library_alter().
 * Add our custom css for the asset widget library so that we can add the embed
 * icon.
function bear_necessities_library_alter(&$libraries, $module) {
  if ($module === 'asset_widget') {
    $libraries['asset_widget']['css'][drupal_get_path('module', 'bear_necessities') . '/css/bear-asset-widget.css'] = array(
      'weight' => 12,
      'group' => CSS_THEME,

 * Implements hook_filter_info().
function bear_necessities_filter_info() {
  $filters = array();
  $filters['kill_nbsp'] = array(
    'title' => t('Kill Non-Breaking Spaces'),
    'description' => t('Remove non-breaking spaces.'),
    'process callback' => '_bear_necessities_kill_nbsp',
    'tips callback' => '_bear_necessities_kill_nbsp_tips',
  return $filters;

 * Implements hook_css_alter().
 * The semantic UI module includes its library in the admin theme as well.
 * We want to prevent altering the admin theme as the library introduces a couple theming bugs.
function bear_necessities_css_alter(&$css) {
  global $theme;
  if ($theme == 'seven') {
    unset($css[libraries_get_path('semantic_ui') . '/semantic.css']);

 * Implements hook_js_alter().
 * The semantic UI module includes its library in the admin theme as well.
 * There isn't a problem with the JS itself, but we just don't need to load it.
function bear_necessities_js_alter(&$js) {
  global $theme;
  if ($theme == 'seven') {
    unset($js[libraries_get_path('semantic_ui') . '/semantic.js']);

 * Filter callbacks.
function _bear_necessities_kill_nbsp($text, $filter) {
  return preg_replace('/&nbsp;/', ' ', $text);

 * Filter tips.
function _bear_necessities_kill_nbsp_tips($filter, $format, $long = FALSE) {
  if (!$long) {

    // This string will be shown in the content add/edit form.
    return t('Don\'t use non-breaking spaces.  Ever.');
  else {

    // And this one on the "Filter Tips" page.
    return t('Non-breaking spaces are evil and will be eradicated.');