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CHANGELOG.txt in Bean (for Drupal 7) 7

Current API VERSION: 5.

Bean 7.x-1.x-dev, xxxx-xx-xx

Bean 7.x-1.13, 2018-08-09
#2843416 by jordanclague: Undefined index for title and label when no beans in use
#2857677 by badjava, DamienMcKenna, skwashd: Revision UUIDs are not unique using bean_uuid
#2780717 by Grayle: Sorting by title but showing only labels
#2732035 by james.williams, Samvel: Static cache in bean_load_delta unclearable
#2084823 by timodwhit, Delphine Lepers, dxvargas, Samvel, Pol: contextual links for entity view
#2375291 by kyletaylored: Allow the view mode to be controlled in
#2734693 by joseph.olstad, Fabianx, krlucas, sylus: Add persistent caching to
  bean_block_info() to avoid loading all beans at run-time when using Panels /
  CTools content type block plugin.
#2894054 by DamienMcKenna: Undefined index: type in DevelContribGeneratorDefault
#2894053 by DamienMcKenna: Add support for Devel (Contrib) Generate.
#2940081 by DamienMcKenna: Clean up existing tests.

Bean 7.x-1.12, 2018-08-09
Bad release.

Bean 7.x-1.11, 2016-08-08
Reverted: #2527008 by axel.rutz: Display cache breaks bean display

Bean 7.x-1.10, 2016-08-03
#2527008 by axel.rutz: Display cache breaks bean display.
#2465267 by brantwynn: Bean insists we use a tagged release of Entity API and
  that's simply not happening.
#2576711 by a.milkovsky: Missing isNewEntity() method caused problems with e.g.
  entity_extract_ids(), Deploy, etc.
#2623448 by helmo: Ensure uuid.install is loaded when overloading its schema.
#1995770 by kris84, Albert Volkman: Use the label as the entity label, not the
  title. This should resolve a number of issues with other modules.
#2572517 by JeroenT: Weights of submit buttons on the bean form results in the
  Entity Translation 'Remove translation' button appearing before the 'save'
#2743457 by dan.munn, max.parker: Bean labels being encoded on admin pages
#2714693 by fullerja: In watchdog logging, use type rather than typeName()
#2702495 by plopesc: Get rid of bean_load_delta() in Bean entity class for
  better compatibility and performance
#2459041 by jsacksick: Use bean_access as access callback for block/add/(type)
#2267391 by freality: Bean properties display as improper type in Views

Bean 7.x-1.9, 2015-03-03
#1821136 by stefan.r, delzhand, vflirt, rsmylski, recrit, ultimateboy, kris84:
  Integration with Inline Entity Form.
#2008252 by diarmy: Error in admin/workbench/create when using Bean with
  Workbench and Commerce Kickstart.
#2240815 by topsitemakers: Variables not deleted on hook_uninstall().
#2161535 by acrollet, DamienMcKenna, jwilson3: Panelizer support for Bean.
#2148099 by ultimateboy, pgrond: Access issue on block/add page.
#1942558 by davidwbarratt: Unable to create beans on install.
#2365597 by gabesullice: More robust entitycache support.
#2427029 by hswong3i: is type varchar but its default 0 is
  PHP type integer.
#2442937 by acorso: Add Bean Title and Label Filters for Bean Usage
#1912354 by stefan.r: Add warninging to bean all module
2338913 by steve.stotter: Fixed Token should be used instead of bean_type as
  type property in entityPropertyInfo / BeanMetadataController.
#2324575 by Steven Jones: Fixed Static cache in bean_block_info unclearable.
#2344929 by jeffam: Fixed Bean Usage doesn't show all usages.
#2325077 by Deciphered: Fixed Bean entity controller skips Rules integration.

Bean 7.x-1.8, 2014-10-02
#2175309 by jeffam: Added Block add/edit pages can still use site theme when an
  admin theme is enabled.
#2148923 by codeamatic, nielsdefeyter, lahode: Fixed Unable to translate bean
#2201503 by jlyon, sherakama | ibotvinn: Fixed Block cache not flushed after
  editing a bean.
#2337555 by catch: Add static caching to bean_load_delta().

Bean 7.x-1.7, 2013-11-29
#2145333 by chris.jichen: Fixed misspelling of entity_access in views plugin.

Bean 7.x-1.6, 2013-11-20
#2138651 by indytechcook: Add deploy_managed_ui_form_elements() to edit/create
#1941168: Add back in missing setDefault method on bean class.
#1957986 by sylus: Bean + UUID / Deploy.
#2112567 by webflo: Make access controller swappable.
#2115463 by webflo: Page title is escaped twice.
#1684250 by rimen, foopang: Transliteration module integration fix.
#2117223 by jrbeeman: Static cache bean_block_info().
#2123053 by dagmar: Uninstalling Bean when Shortcut module is disabled produces
  a fatal error.
#2114279 by kingandy: Block cache flush introduces Block module dependency.

Bean 7.x-1.5, 2013-10-23
by DamienMcKenna: Fixed arbitrary tag in the bean title input.

Bean 7.x-1.4, 2013-10-13
#2080239 by ro0NL: Bean export type is internally translated.
#2061725 by timaholt: support UUID for revisions.
#2076133 by Sylvain Lecoy: Align admin/structure text with drupal standards.
#1359472 by arithmetric: Fix uninstall of bean module plugins.
#2053911 by franz: When no Bean type is created, views_handler_filter_bean_type
  return many errors.
#2095595 by SpadXIII: Fixed Revision stores wrong uid.
#1891210 by valderama, guillaumev: Fixed Incompatible with entity reference
  formatter Rendered Entity.
#1891928 by jeffam | indytechcook: Fixed Block reference not picking up bean
  module blocks.
#2108631 by webflo: Fixed Add access checks to default Bean Admin UI.

Bean 7.x-1.3, 2013-07-24
#2036137 by eugene.ilyin: Fixed Numeric delta of the bean block.
 Followup by brantwynn Fix block delta truncation error.
#1728632 by donutdan4114 | indytechcook: Fixed Can't name a bean type 'bean'.
#1982468 by 30equals: Cleanup menulink/shortcut after uninstall.

Bean 7.x-1.2, 2013-05-12
#1924126 by DamienMcKenna: Group beans by block type in the CTools/Panels
  content type (sic) plugin.
#1978808 by k.minkov: Assign bean object to form on insert.
#1990112 by rodrigo panchiniak fernandes: Minor Typo at README.txt.
#1961464 by jamsilver: Extra fields needed for label, revision and view_mode
form elements.
#1973696 by pcambra: Fix bean.api.php to set path and file in the class level.
#1935770 by rooby: Beans without a title should not fallback to showing the
admin label but instead show no title at all.
#1957260 by DamienMcKenna: There is no $langcode argument for
#1935466 by jeffam, DamienMcKenna: Improve integration with Admin Menu module.
#1934294 by darthsteven: Entity Cache Support.
#1906958 by ytsurk, Albert Volkman, miro_dietiker: Added Switch admin
  bean/block list to views.
#1935770 by rooby: fixed erronous block titles showing up as labels.
#1179420 by mrfelton: Unable to install Bean plugins from an installation
  profile, switched to ctools style plugin naming.
#1941168 by DamienMcKenna, Albert Volkman: Fixed the 'set active' URL.
#1911224 by DamienMcKenna: Reverted support for references_dialog, that module
  already added support for Bean.

Bean 7.x-1.1, 2013-02-27
#1911224 by DamienMcKenna: Added Support for references_dialog().
#1910566 by Bès: Added Use label of view mode in bean add and edit form.
#1912444 by John Bickar: Fixed Fatal Error: Call to undefined function
#1354824 by DamienMcKenna, willvincent | mrfelton: Fixed Unable to add fields to
  newly created bean type.
#1918188 by eugene.ilyin: Added Few useful views handlers for work with bean
#1916938: Fixed Empty block name in entity reference field.
#1924006 by DamienMcKenna: Added Convert bean URL to lowercase.
#1920296 by fubhy | indytechcook: Fixed Can't delete revisions.

Bean 7.x-1.0, 2013-02-01
#1850948 by indytechcook: Fixed Bean revision fields are not accessible in

Bean 7.x-1.0-rc10, 2013-02-01
Make sure bean_reset rebuilds the menu correctly.
Fix issue in install of shortcuts.
#1691482: Moved contextual links back to bean_view and check that return of
  plugin is a render array
#1891532: Remove check_plain from bean entity class
#1897834 Fixed Bean, Features and permissions.
#1900104: Fixed Error when disabling bean.
#1892272 by stijndm: Fixed Unable to edit exported bean types due to form API
  syntax error.

Bean 7.x-1.0-rc9, 2013-01-21
#1885958 by Steven Jones: Added EntityMetadataWrapper sets not working.
#1893950: Fixed Ctools warnings in log.
Move check_plain into the entity class.
#1887778 by Deciphered: Fixed Incorrect operations colspan.
#1891358 by DamienMcKenna: Fixed Data loss if both 'Create new revision" and
  "Set Revision as default" options unchecked.
#1886002 by DamienMcKenna | paulhhowells: Fixed Administer Bean Settings x2.
#1889892 Fixed bean_reset() calls menu_rebuild(), which already happens during

Bean 7.x-1.0-rc8, 2013-01-10
Remove batches and use correct cache clear function.
#1883232 by Steven Jones: Fixed Bean EntityMetadataWrapper integration broken.
Fix bean unit test.
#1885238 by indytechcook: Fixed xss bean type label not escaped sufficiently.

Bean 7.x-1.0-rc7, 2012-12-31
#1828096 by Brandonian: Fixed bean_update_7007 does not work with real-world
#1691482 by Brandonian | mrfelton: Fixed contextual links not working.
#1601960 by indytechcook Fixed [bean_all()] Endless recursion in combination
  with Views.
#1611676 by barraponto | hazah: Added Views filter by bean type.
#1799776 by bforchhammer: Fixed entity translation regressions.
#1710256 by jonhattan, indytechcook: Fixed «Delete block type» button
#1785950 by jonhattan | indytechcook: Fixed Revert and delete should be separate
#1786036 by jonhattan | indytechcook: Fixed Caches not completely cleared.
Integrate Bean Revisions
#1814068 by jonhattan: Remove leftover patch files in repo.
#1833176 by darrenmothersele: Fixed List Shortcut module as a dependency or
  remove from bean_install().
#1836798 by bhauff: Block Label used rather than Title on block/delta and
#1844538 by mrfelton: Fixed Field data missing when editing language neutral
#1839966 by ultimateboy: Fixed block/add doesn't check for access before
  generating list.
#1838088 by jamesharv: Fixed Adding bean type and permissions to existing
  features module can cause drush cache clear to fail.
#1845974 by indytechcook: Fixed Block Admin label is correct.
#1793586 by Mixologic | indytechcook: Fixed Editing Bean Content Does not
  Trigger Page Cache Clear.
#1870730 by jm.federico: Fixed bean_view() changes the current page title.
#1859450 by jonhattan: Drop dependency on block.module.

Bean 7.x-1.0-rc6, 2012-09-05
#1649312: Bean Usage sub-module.
#1691458 by mrfelton: Fixed Unable to access bean overview page unless
  administer bean permissions is granted.
#1698548 by rsaddington: Fixed Block types tables has too many td's.
#1534722 by broeker, skwashd | tanc: Added Make custom bean forms compatible
  with Display Suite.
#1684250 by rimen|indytechcook: Transliteration module integration.
#1663264 by brantwynn: Fixed Status Message Text is wrong during Bean Create and
#1717540 by jonhattan: Fixed [bean_all()] Fatal error when creating a block
#1751268 by skwashd: Added Support Services API v3002.
#1770190 by bforchhammer: Fixed entity translation integration.
#1535444 by indytechcook: Fixed display of permission description.

Bean 7.x-1.0-rc5, 2012-06-03
Fixed unit testing issues with Bean permissions. febbraro.
Fixed the default plugin fall back for a Bean. febbraro.
Added default no-op tests on unimplemented unit tests. febbraro.
#1541802: Add back bean_all module.
#1538852 by alexweber: Added 'Package" for Bean modules in .info file.
#1535444 by indytechcook: Added permission for block_view() url.
#1535444 by barraponto: Fixed mis type in bean_permission.
#1541968 by alexweber: Fixed Fatal error when uninstalling Bean Admin UI.
#1510508 by mraichelson: Fixed issue with sorting with Workbench integration.
#1510508 by jhedstrom: Fixed access permissions to Workbench.
#1559944 by recidive, skwashd: Added Services support.

Bean 7.x-1.0-rc4, 2012-04-18
#1510508: Added Integrate with Workbench.
#1503270 by Denes.Szabo|indytechcook: Added Block list displays the filter form
  when have not defined a bean type yet.
#1519730 by skwashd: Fixed Plugin @plugin of plugin type bean:@type points to
  nonexistent file bean_admin_ui()/BeanCustom.class.php for class handler.
#1537456 by barraponto|indytechcook: Fixed Better titles for
  bean/add/%bean-type and bean/edit/%bean-delta.
#1170188 by barraponto, alexweber | mrfelton: Added menu items for Bean Type
  edit, delete, manage fields, display fields pages.
#1491956 by recidive: Add UUID/Deploy support.

Bean 7.x-1.0-rc3, 2012-03-16
Fixed issue with bean type filter at admin/content/blocks.
#1452368 by Denes.Szabo: Fixed Empty description not handled.
#1458298 by tim.cosgrove: Fixed Implementation of Contextual Links for Beans
  causes block to appear even with content is otherwise empty.
#1376902 by willvincent: Fixed Plugin container of plugin type bean:types points
  to nonexistent file.
#1354824 by willvincent | mrfelton: Fixed Unable to add fields to newly created
  bean type.
Fix coding standards and use the correct scope in functions.

Bean 7.x-1.0-rc2, 2012-03-16

Bean 7.x-1.0-rc1, 2012-02-17
Added description to beans.
Improve block/add and admin/structure/block-types by alphabetizing and making
  more consistent with node/add
Added Tests.
#1389446 by rogical: Added config link in info file.
#1216572 by duellj: Fixed Block cache not flushed after editing a bean, fixing a
  couple of errant block_types (underscore)
#1345966 by brantwynn, indytechcook: Change bean page to use EntityFieldQuery.

Bean 7.x-1.0-beta10, 2011-12-30
#1288438 by drewish: Fixed Definitive broken admin page, when filter type isn't
fixing schema field for delta in by tim.cosgrove
#1376902 by indytechcook: Fixed Plugin container of plugin type bean:types
  points to nonexistent file.
#1371280 by duellj: Fixed New %bean_delta() URL breaks translations.
#1371362 by duellj: Added Provide integration with title.module for
  translatable block titles.
#1351694 by indytechcook: Check if bean type class exists when loading bean.
#1387242 by brantwynn, indytechcook: Bean module not aligned with Drupal's
  coding standards.
API Change: Changed the name of class name for Drupal Standards.  All plugins
  will need to be updated:
  - bean_plugin renamed to BeanPlugin
  - bean_default renamed to BeanDefault
  - bean_type_plugin_interface renamed to BeanTypePluginInterface
  - bean_custom rename to BeanCustom

Bean 7.x-1.0-beta9, 2011-12-02
#1359472 by indytechcook: Error while uninstalling bean.
#1356088 by indytechcook:  Changed path of block types.
#1355818 by Draknek: Fixed Typo in permission description.
#1344146 by aheimlich: Fixed bean.tpl.php not being used.
Change how beans types classes are loaded.  Use the Code Registry rather than
  ctools includes
  - API CHANGE NOTICE: requires you to have the plugin files in the info file.
  - You no longer need to specify a "path" in the plugin.

Bean 7.x-1.0-beta8, 2011-11-16
Update to use new entity api methods. Code clean up and minor bug fixes in
  delete and redirects.
#1334476: Add form_state to bean form plugin.
#1335482 by jasperknops: Fixed No check if delta is unique.
#1340338 by duellj and indytechcook: Fixed Notice if editing bean without access
  to change view mode.
#1342360: Fixed creating of new bean object.
Update hook_uninstall to add field_attach_delete_bundle.
#1332440 by duellj: Fixed Bean default fields in edit form should come first.
#1330868: Reworked loading of entity from DB to avoid issues with loading

Bean 7.x-1.0-beta7, 2011-11-16

Bean 7.x-1.0-beta6, 2011-11-01
API CHANGE HAS BEEN INTRODUCED. SEE #1323876: Entity API 7.x-1.0-beta11 requires
  new Entity::view() signature. Change your version numbers in your custom block
Increment version level.
#1323876 by adamdicarlo: Fixed Entity API 7.x-1.0-beta11 requires new
  Entity::view() signature.
#1319918: contextual links missing.

Bean 7.x-1.0-beta5, 2011-10-23
View modes should default to "default" not "full".
#1317016: Add the ability to use different view modes in beans.
#1316996: Add required fields to the meta data.

Bean 7.x-1.0-beta4, 2011-10-21
#1315582: Fix notice error on install.
Updated Documentation and added bean.api.php.
#1309126: Add machine names to beans.
#1309126 by adamdicarlo and indytechcook: Add machine names to Beans to use as
#1264686: Adding hook_bean_access() to expose the access decision in
  bean_access() to other modules. Also adding a menu access callback for the
  Bean add page (block/add).
#1179420: Unable to install Bean Admin UI from an installation profile.
Fixing code formatting.
#1302224 by aroq: Make bean entities translatable by entity_translate module.
#1291274 Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ':' with PHP 5.2.
#1288438 Update filter on bean content page.

Bean 7.x-1.0-beta3, 2011-09-21
Bug fixes include fixing broken access to the bean admin UI.
#1272402: bean_get_all_beans() fails if called more than once.
#1272200 by ultimateboy: Fix permission in bean_admin_ui.
Fix bug caused by caching bean results.

Bean 7.x-1.0-beta2, 2011-09-07
Fix for compatibility with latest version of EntityAPI.

Bean 7.x-1.0-beta1, 2011-08-10
API Change: The interface BeanTypePluginInterface has changed the validate
  method to include &$form_state as the second argument. Be sure to change any
  plugins using the validate method.
#1221210: Filters for admin/content/blocks: Add filters to bean listing.
#1239596: Remove the .gitignore file from the repository: Remove .gitignore.
#1221008: Add a MENU_NORMAL_ITEM for the block admin page: Define admin page as
Add form_state to the validate method.
Fixing permission string for Manage Block Types page.
Fix some small code style issues.
#1207152: Form level submit handlers not called when bean save button is used -
  ensure that form level submit handlers are called when bean save button is
Using block_flush_caches() which triggers _block_rehash() for all themes to
  clear related caches when a bean is saved.
Adding a dependency on the block module.
Adding check to ensure that the BeanTypePluginInterface interface is loaded.
Adding check to verify that the bean plugin class loaded successfully.

Bean 7.x-1.0-alpha4, 2011-06-22
Added missing file for exportable support.
Remove rougr dsm statement.
#1196774: Add bean plugin interface: Add code interface for a cleaner

Bean 7.x-1.0-alpha3, 2011-06-22
#1167506: Unable to view newly created bean ensure that beans load correcty on
  older version of php.
#1184498: Improvements to the bean administration page improvements to the bean
  admin page.
#1194004: Bean add form submit handler not called when another module alters the
  form - manually attach validate and submit handlers to bean add/edit form.
#1192822: Add logging on bean creation and updating - Add logging on bean
#1160056: Make Bean types exportable by mrfelton, fabsor: Make bean types

Bean 7.x-1.0-alpha2, 2011-06-16
#1167368: Bean plugins not returned from the cache properly by mrfelton: Bean
  plugins not returned from the cache properly. Be sure to clear caches after
  pulling this code.
#1167506: Unable to view newly created bean, #1167552: Undefined index:
  alumni_header in bean_fetch_plugin_info() bean.module line 200: Cache and
  static caching resetting issues.
#1173634: Add contextual 'Edit' link for beans add contextual links by mrfelton.
#1171200: Deleting Bean Leaves Records in Block Table Delete Bean bugs.
#1172884: Missing permissions make it impossible for anonymous users to view
  Beans by mrfelton Fixed incorrect name of hook_permission.

Bean 7.x-1.0-alpha1, 2011-05-20
Initial release.


View source
  1. Current API VERSION: 5.
  2. Bean 7.x-1.x-dev, xxxx-xx-xx
  3. ----------------------------
  4. Bean 7.x-1.13, 2018-08-09
  5. ----------------------------
  6. #2843416 by jordanclague: Undefined index for title and label when no beans in use
  7. #2857677 by badjava, DamienMcKenna, skwashd: Revision UUIDs are not unique using bean_uuid
  8. #2780717 by Grayle: Sorting by title but showing only labels
  9. #2732035 by james.williams, Samvel: Static cache in bean_load_delta unclearable
  10. #2084823 by timodwhit, Delphine Lepers, dxvargas, Samvel, Pol: contextual links for entity view
  11. #2375291 by kyletaylored: Allow the view mode to be controlled in
  12. bean_view_page().
  13. #2734693 by joseph.olstad, Fabianx, krlucas, sylus: Add persistent caching to
  14. bean_block_info() to avoid loading all beans at run-time when using Panels /
  15. CTools content type block plugin.
  16. #2894054 by DamienMcKenna: Undefined index: type in DevelContribGeneratorDefault
  17. ->createEntity().
  18. #2894053 by DamienMcKenna: Add support for Devel (Contrib) Generate.
  19. #2940081 by DamienMcKenna: Clean up existing tests.
  20. Bean 7.x-1.12, 2018-08-09
  21. ----------------------------
  22. Bad release.
  23. Bean 7.x-1.11, 2016-08-08
  24. -------------------------
  25. Reverted: #2527008 by axel.rutz: Display cache breaks bean display
  26. Bean 7.x-1.10, 2016-08-03
  27. -------------------------
  28. #2527008 by axel.rutz: Display cache breaks bean display.
  29. #2465267 by brantwynn: Bean insists we use a tagged release of Entity API and
  30. that's simply not happening.
  31. #2576711 by a.milkovsky: Missing isNewEntity() method caused problems with e.g.
  32. entity_extract_ids(), Deploy, etc.
  33. #2623448 by helmo: Ensure uuid.install is loaded when overloading its schema.
  34. #1995770 by kris84, Albert Volkman: Use the label as the entity label, not the
  35. title. This should resolve a number of issues with other modules.
  36. #2572517 by JeroenT: Weights of submit buttons on the bean form results in the
  37. Entity Translation 'Remove translation' button appearing before the 'save'
  38. button.
  39. #2743457 by dan.munn, max.parker: Bean labels being encoded on admin pages
  40. #2714693 by fullerja: In watchdog logging, use type rather than typeName()
  41. #2702495 by plopesc: Get rid of bean_load_delta() in Bean entity class for
  42. better compatibility and performance
  43. #2459041 by jsacksick: Use bean_access as access callback for block/add/(type)
  44. #2267391 by freality: Bean properties display as improper type in Views
  45. Bean 7.x-1.9, 2015-03-03
  46. ------------------------
  47. #1821136 by stefan.r, delzhand, vflirt, rsmylski, recrit, ultimateboy, kris84:
  48. Integration with Inline Entity Form.
  49. #2008252 by diarmy: Error in admin/workbench/create when using Bean with
  50. Workbench and Commerce Kickstart.
  51. #2240815 by topsitemakers: Variables not deleted on hook_uninstall().
  52. #2161535 by acrollet, DamienMcKenna, jwilson3: Panelizer support for Bean.
  53. #2148099 by ultimateboy, pgrond: Access issue on block/add page.
  54. #1942558 by davidwbarratt: Unable to create beans on install.
  55. #2365597 by gabesullice: More robust entitycache support.
  56. #2427029 by hswong3i: is type varchar but its default 0 is
  57. PHP type integer.
  58. #2442937 by acorso: Add Bean Title and Label Filters for Bean Usage
  59. #1912354 by stefan.r: Add warninging to bean all module
  60. 2338913 by steve.stotter: Fixed Token should be used instead of bean_type as
  61. type property in entityPropertyInfo / BeanMetadataController.
  62. #2324575 by Steven Jones: Fixed Static cache in bean_block_info unclearable.
  63. #2344929 by jeffam: Fixed Bean Usage doesn't show all usages.
  64. #2325077 by Deciphered: Fixed Bean entity controller skips Rules integration.
  65. Bean 7.x-1.8, 2014-10-02
  66. ---------------------------
  67. #2175309 by jeffam: Added Block add/edit pages can still use site theme when an
  68. admin theme is enabled.
  69. #2148923 by codeamatic, nielsdefeyter, lahode: Fixed Unable to translate bean
  70. blocks.
  71. #2201503 by jlyon, sherakama | ibotvinn: Fixed Block cache not flushed after
  72. editing a bean.
  73. #2337555 by catch: Add static caching to bean_load_delta().
  74. Bean 7.x-1.7, 2013-11-29
  75. ---------------------------
  76. #2145333 by chris.jichen: Fixed misspelling of entity_access in views plugin.
  77. Bean 7.x-1.6, 2013-11-20
  78. ---------------------------
  79. #2138651 by indytechcook: Add deploy_managed_ui_form_elements() to edit/create
  80. form.
  81. #1941168: Add back in missing setDefault method on bean class.
  82. #1957986 by sylus: Bean + UUID / Deploy.
  83. #2112567 by webflo: Make access controller swappable.
  84. #2115463 by webflo: Page title is escaped twice.
  85. #1684250 by rimen, foopang: Transliteration module integration fix.
  86. #2117223 by jrbeeman: Static cache bean_block_info().
  87. #2123053 by dagmar: Uninstalling Bean when Shortcut module is disabled produces
  88. a fatal error.
  89. #2114279 by kingandy: Block cache flush introduces Block module dependency.
  90. Bean 7.x-1.5, 2013-10-23
  91. ---------------------------
  92. by DamienMcKenna: Fixed arbitrary tag in the bean title input.
  93. Bean 7.x-1.4, 2013-10-13
  94. ---------------------------
  95. #2080239 by ro0NL: Bean export type is internally translated.
  96. #2061725 by timaholt: support UUID for revisions.
  97. #2076133 by Sylvain Lecoy: Align admin/structure text with drupal standards.
  98. #1359472 by arithmetric: Fix uninstall of bean module plugins.
  99. #2053911 by franz: When no Bean type is created, views_handler_filter_bean_type
  100. return many errors.
  101. #2095595 by SpadXIII: Fixed Revision stores wrong uid.
  102. #1891210 by valderama, guillaumev: Fixed Incompatible with entity reference
  103. formatter Rendered Entity.
  104. #1891928 by jeffam | indytechcook: Fixed Block reference not picking up bean
  105. module blocks.
  106. #2108631 by webflo: Fixed Add access checks to default Bean Admin UI.
  107. Bean 7.x-1.3, 2013-07-24
  108. ----------------------------
  109. #2036137 by eugene.ilyin: Fixed Numeric delta of the bean block.
  110. Followup by brantwynn Fix block delta truncation error.
  111. #1728632 by donutdan4114 | indytechcook: Fixed Can't name a bean type 'bean'.
  112. #1982468 by 30equals: Cleanup menulink/shortcut after uninstall.
  113. Bean 7.x-1.2, 2013-05-12
  114. ----------------------------
  115. #1924126 by DamienMcKenna: Group beans by block type in the CTools/Panels
  116. content type (sic) plugin.
  117. #1978808 by k.minkov: Assign bean object to form on insert.
  118. #1990112 by rodrigo panchiniak fernandes: Minor Typo at README.txt.
  119. #1961464 by jamsilver: Extra fields needed for label, revision and view_mode
  120. form elements.
  121. #1973696 by pcambra: Fix bean.api.php to set path and file in the class level.
  122. #1935770 by rooby: Beans without a title should not fallback to showing the
  123. admin label but instead show no title at all.
  124. #1957260 by DamienMcKenna: There is no $langcode argument for
  125. field_attach_form_validate().
  126. #1935466 by jeffam, DamienMcKenna: Improve integration with Admin Menu module.
  127. #1934294 by darthsteven: Entity Cache Support.
  128. #1906958 by ytsurk, Albert Volkman, miro_dietiker: Added Switch admin
  129. bean/block list to views.
  130. #1935770 by rooby: fixed erronous block titles showing up as labels.
  131. #1179420 by mrfelton: Unable to install Bean plugins from an installation
  132. profile, switched to ctools style plugin naming.
  133. #1941168 by DamienMcKenna, Albert Volkman: Fixed the 'set active' URL.
  134. #1911224 by DamienMcKenna: Reverted support for references_dialog, that module
  135. already added support for Bean.
  136. Bean 7.x-1.1, 2013-02-27
  137. ------------------------
  138. #1911224 by DamienMcKenna: Added Support for references_dialog().
  139. #1910566 by Bès: Added Use label of view mode in bean add and edit form.
  140. #1912444 by John Bickar: Fixed Fatal Error: Call to undefined function
  141. entity_language().
  142. #1354824 by DamienMcKenna, willvincent | mrfelton: Fixed Unable to add fields to
  143. newly created bean type.
  144. #1918188 by eugene.ilyin: Added Few useful views handlers for work with bean
  145. blocks.
  146. #1916938: Fixed Empty block name in entity reference field.
  147. #1924006 by DamienMcKenna: Added Convert bean URL to lowercase.
  148. #1920296 by fubhy | indytechcook: Fixed Can't delete revisions.
  149. Bean 7.x-1.0, 2013-02-01
  150. ------------------------
  151. #1850948 by indytechcook: Fixed Bean revision fields are not accessible in
  152. EntityFieldQuery.
  153. Bean 7.x-1.0-rc10, 2013-02-01
  154. -----------------------------
  155. Make sure bean_reset rebuilds the menu correctly.
  156. Fix issue in install of shortcuts.
  157. #1691482: Moved contextual links back to bean_view and check that return of
  158. plugin is a render array
  159. #1891532: Remove check_plain from bean entity class
  160. #1897834 Fixed Bean, Features and permissions.
  161. #1900104: Fixed Error when disabling bean.
  162. #1892272 by stijndm: Fixed Unable to edit exported bean types due to form API
  163. syntax error.
  164. Bean 7.x-1.0-rc9, 2013-01-21
  165. ----------------------------
  166. #1885958 by Steven Jones: Added EntityMetadataWrapper sets not working.
  167. #1893950: Fixed Ctools warnings in log.
  168. Move check_plain into the entity class.
  169. #1887778 by Deciphered: Fixed Incorrect operations colspan.
  170. #1891358 by DamienMcKenna: Fixed Data loss if both 'Create new revision" and
  171. "Set Revision as default" options unchecked.
  172. #1886002 by DamienMcKenna | paulhhowells: Fixed Administer Bean Settings x2.
  173. #1889892 Fixed bean_reset() calls menu_rebuild(), which already happens during
  174. drupal_flush_all_caches().
  175. Bean 7.x-1.0-rc8, 2013-01-10
  176. ----------------------------
  177. Remove batches and use correct cache clear function.
  178. #1883232 by Steven Jones: Fixed Bean EntityMetadataWrapper integration broken.
  179. Fix bean unit test.
  180. #1885238 by indytechcook: Fixed xss bean type label not escaped sufficiently.
  181. Bean 7.x-1.0-rc7, 2012-12-31
  182. ----------------------------
  183. #1828096 by Brandonian: Fixed bean_update_7007 does not work with real-world
  184. data.
  185. #1691482 by Brandonian | mrfelton: Fixed contextual links not working.
  186. #1601960 by indytechcook Fixed [bean_all()] Endless recursion in combination
  187. with Views.
  188. #1611676 by barraponto | hazah: Added Views filter by bean type.
  189. #1799776 by bforchhammer: Fixed entity translation regressions.
  190. #1710256 by jonhattan, indytechcook: Fixed «Delete block type» button
  191. misplaced.
  192. #1785950 by jonhattan | indytechcook: Fixed Revert and delete should be separate
  193. operations.
  194. #1786036 by jonhattan | indytechcook: Fixed Caches not completely cleared.
  195. Integrate Bean Revisions
  196. #1814068 by jonhattan: Remove leftover patch files in repo.
  197. #1833176 by darrenmothersele: Fixed List Shortcut module as a dependency or
  198. remove from bean_install().
  199. #1836798 by bhauff: Block Label used rather than Title on block/delta and
  200. block/delta/view.
  201. #1844538 by mrfelton: Fixed Field data missing when editing language neutral
  202. beans.
  203. #1839966 by ultimateboy: Fixed block/add doesn't check for access before
  204. generating list.
  205. #1838088 by jamesharv: Fixed Adding bean type and permissions to existing
  206. features module can cause drush cache clear to fail.
  207. #1845974 by indytechcook: Fixed Block Admin label is correct.
  208. #1793586 by Mixologic | indytechcook: Fixed Editing Bean Content Does not
  209. Trigger Page Cache Clear.
  210. #1870730 by jm.federico: Fixed bean_view() changes the current page title.
  211. #1859450 by jonhattan: Drop dependency on block.module.
  212. Bean 7.x-1.0-rc6, 2012-09-05
  213. ----------------------------
  214. #1649312: Bean Usage sub-module.
  215. #1691458 by mrfelton: Fixed Unable to access bean overview page unless
  216. administer bean permissions is granted.
  217. #1698548 by rsaddington: Fixed Block types tables has too many td's.
  218. #1534722 by broeker, skwashd | tanc: Added Make custom bean forms compatible
  219. with Display Suite.
  220. #1684250 by rimen|indytechcook: Transliteration module integration.
  221. #1663264 by brantwynn: Fixed Status Message Text is wrong during Bean Create and
  222. Update.
  223. #1717540 by jonhattan: Fixed [bean_all()] Fatal error when creating a block
  224. instance.
  225. #1751268 by skwashd: Added Support Services API v3002.
  226. #1770190 by bforchhammer: Fixed entity translation integration.
  227. #1535444 by indytechcook: Fixed display of permission description.
  228. Bean 7.x-1.0-rc5, 2012-06-03
  229. ----------------------------
  230. Fixed unit testing issues with Bean permissions. febbraro.
  231. Fixed the default plugin fall back for a Bean. febbraro.
  232. Added default no-op tests on unimplemented unit tests. febbraro.
  233. #1541802: Add back bean_all module.
  234. #1538852 by alexweber: Added 'Package" for Bean modules in .info file.
  235. #1535444 by indytechcook: Added permission for block_view() url.
  236. #1535444 by barraponto: Fixed mis type in bean_permission.
  237. #1541968 by alexweber: Fixed Fatal error when uninstalling Bean Admin UI.
  238. #1510508 by mraichelson: Fixed issue with sorting with Workbench integration.
  239. #1510508 by jhedstrom: Fixed access permissions to Workbench.
  240. #1559944 by recidive, skwashd: Added Services support.
  241. Bean 7.x-1.0-rc4, 2012-04-18
  242. ----------------------------
  243. #1510508: Added Integrate with Workbench.
  244. #1503270 by Denes.Szabo|indytechcook: Added Block list displays the filter form
  245. when have not defined a bean type yet.
  246. #1519730 by skwashd: Fixed Plugin @plugin of plugin type bean:@type points to
  247. nonexistent file bean_admin_ui()/BeanCustom.class.php for class handler.
  248. #1537456 by barraponto|indytechcook: Fixed Better titles for
  249. bean/add/%bean-type and bean/edit/%bean-delta.
  250. #1170188 by barraponto, alexweber | mrfelton: Added menu items for Bean Type
  251. edit, delete, manage fields, display fields pages.
  252. #1491956 by recidive: Add UUID/Deploy support.
  253. Bean 7.x-1.0-rc3, 2012-03-16
  254. ----------------------------
  255. Fixed issue with bean type filter at admin/content/blocks.
  256. #1452368 by Denes.Szabo: Fixed Empty description not handled.
  257. #1458298 by tim.cosgrove: Fixed Implementation of Contextual Links for Beans
  258. causes block to appear even with content is otherwise empty.
  259. #1376902 by willvincent: Fixed Plugin container of plugin type bean:types points
  260. to nonexistent file.
  261. #1354824 by willvincent | mrfelton: Fixed Unable to add fields to newly created
  262. bean type.
  263. Fix coding standards and use the correct scope in functions.
  264. Bean 7.x-1.0-rc2, 2012-03-16
  265. ----------------------------
  266. DO NOT USE
  267. Bean 7.x-1.0-rc1, 2012-02-17
  268. ----------------------------
  269. Added description to beans.
  270. Improve block/add and admin/structure/block-types by alphabetizing and making
  271. more consistent with node/add
  272. Added Tests.
  273. #1389446 by rogical: Added config link in info file.
  274. #1216572 by duellj: Fixed Block cache not flushed after editing a bean, fixing a
  275. couple of errant block_types (underscore)
  276. #1345966 by brantwynn, indytechcook: Change bean page to use EntityFieldQuery.
  277. Bean 7.x-1.0-beta10, 2011-12-30
  278. -------------------------------
  279. #1288438 by drewish: Fixed Definitive broken admin page, when filter type isn't
  280. set.
  281. fixing schema field for delta in by tim.cosgrove
  282. #1376902 by indytechcook: Fixed Plugin container of plugin type bean:types
  283. points to nonexistent file.
  284. #1371280 by duellj: Fixed New %bean_delta() URL breaks translations.
  285. #1371362 by duellj: Added Provide integration with title.module for
  286. translatable block titles.
  287. #1351694 by indytechcook: Check if bean type class exists when loading bean.
  288. #1387242 by brantwynn, indytechcook: Bean module not aligned with Drupal's
  289. coding standards.
  290. API Change: Changed the name of class name for Drupal Standards. All plugins
  291. will need to be updated:
  292. - bean_plugin renamed to BeanPlugin
  293. - bean_default renamed to BeanDefault
  294. - bean_type_plugin_interface renamed to BeanTypePluginInterface
  295. - bean_custom rename to BeanCustom
  296. Bean 7.x-1.0-beta9, 2011-12-02
  297. ------------------------------
  298. #1359472 by indytechcook: Error while uninstalling bean.
  299. #1356088 by indytechcook: Changed path of block types.
  300. #1355818 by Draknek: Fixed Typo in permission description.
  301. #1344146 by aheimlich: Fixed bean.tpl.php not being used.
  302. Change how beans types classes are loaded. Use the Code Registry rather than
  303. ctools includes
  304. - API CHANGE NOTICE: requires you to have the plugin files in the info file.
  305. - You no longer need to specify a "path" in the plugin.
  306. Bean 7.x-1.0-beta8, 2011-11-16
  307. ------------------------------
  308. Update to use new entity api methods. Code clean up and minor bug fixes in
  309. delete and redirects.
  310. #1334476: Add form_state to bean form plugin.
  311. #1335482 by jasperknops: Fixed No check if delta is unique.
  312. #1340338 by duellj and indytechcook: Fixed Notice if editing bean without access
  313. to change view mode.
  314. #1342360: Fixed creating of new bean object.
  315. Update hook_uninstall to add field_attach_delete_bundle.
  316. #1332440 by duellj: Fixed Bean default fields in edit form should come first.
  317. #1330868: Reworked loading of entity from DB to avoid issues with loading
  318. plugin.
  319. Bean 7.x-1.0-beta7, 2011-11-16
  320. ------------------------------
  322. Bean 7.x-1.0-beta6, 2011-11-01
  323. ------------------------------
  324. API CHANGE HAS BEEN INTRODUCED. SEE #1323876: Entity API 7.x-1.0-beta11 requires
  325. new Entity::view() signature. Change your version numbers in your custom block
  326. types.
  327. Increment version level.
  328. #1323876 by adamdicarlo: Fixed Entity API 7.x-1.0-beta11 requires new
  329. Entity::view() signature.
  330. #1319918: contextual links missing.
  331. Bean 7.x-1.0-beta5, 2011-10-23
  332. ------------------------------
  333. View modes should default to "default" not "full".
  334. #1317016: Add the ability to use different view modes in beans.
  335. #1316996: Add required fields to the meta data.
  336. Bean 7.x-1.0-beta4, 2011-10-21
  337. ------------------------------
  338. #1315582: Fix notice error on install.
  339. Updated Documentation and added bean.api.php.
  340. #1309126: Add machine names to beans.
  341. #1309126 by adamdicarlo and indytechcook: Add machine names to Beans to use as
  342. Delta.
  343. #1264686: Adding hook_bean_access() to expose the access decision in
  344. bean_access() to other modules. Also adding a menu access callback for the
  345. Bean add page (block/add).
  346. #1179420: Unable to install Bean Admin UI from an installation profile.
  347. Fixing code formatting.
  348. #1302224 by aroq: Make bean entities translatable by entity_translate module.
  349. #1291274 Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ':' with PHP 5.2.
  350. #1288438 Update filter on bean content page.
  351. Bean 7.x-1.0-beta3, 2011-09-21
  352. ------------------------------
  353. Bug fixes include fixing broken access to the bean admin UI.
  354. #1272402: bean_get_all_beans() fails if called more than once.
  355. #1272200 by ultimateboy: Fix permission in bean_admin_ui.
  356. Fix bug caused by caching bean results.
  357. Bean 7.x-1.0-beta2, 2011-09-07
  358. ------------------------------
  359. Fix for compatibility with latest version of EntityAPI.
  360. Bean 7.x-1.0-beta1, 2011-08-10
  361. ------------------------------
  362. API Change: The interface BeanTypePluginInterface has changed the validate
  363. method to include &$form_state as the second argument. Be sure to change any
  364. plugins using the validate method.
  365. #1221210: Filters for admin/content/blocks: Add filters to bean listing.
  366. #1239596: Remove the .gitignore file from the repository: Remove .gitignore.
  367. #1221008: Add a MENU_NORMAL_ITEM for the block admin page: Define admin page as
  369. Add form_state to the validate method.
  370. Fixing permission string for Manage Block Types page.
  371. Fix some small code style issues.
  372. #1207152: Form level submit handlers not called when bean save button is used -
  373. ensure that form level submit handlers are called when bean save button is
  374. used.
  375. Using block_flush_caches() which triggers _block_rehash() for all themes to
  376. clear related caches when a bean is saved.
  377. Adding a dependency on the block module.
  378. Adding check to ensure that the BeanTypePluginInterface interface is loaded.
  379. Adding check to verify that the bean plugin class loaded successfully.
  380. Bean 7.x-1.0-alpha4, 2011-06-22
  381. -------------------------------
  382. Added missing file for exportable support.
  383. Remove rougr dsm statement.
  384. #1196774: Add bean plugin interface: Add code interface for a cleaner
  385. implementation.
  386. Bean 7.x-1.0-alpha3, 2011-06-22
  387. -------------------------------
  388. #1167506: Unable to view newly created bean ensure that beans load correcty on
  389. older version of php.
  390. #1184498: Improvements to the bean administration page improvements to the bean
  391. admin page.
  392. #1194004: Bean add form submit handler not called when another module alters the
  393. form - manually attach validate and submit handlers to bean add/edit form.
  394. #1192822: Add logging on bean creation and updating - Add logging on bean
  395. create/edit.
  396. #1160056: Make Bean types exportable by mrfelton, fabsor: Make bean types
  397. exportable.
  398. Bean 7.x-1.0-alpha2, 2011-06-16
  399. -------------------------------
  400. #1167368: Bean plugins not returned from the cache properly by mrfelton: Bean
  401. plugins not returned from the cache properly. Be sure to clear caches after
  402. pulling this code.
  403. #1167506: Unable to view newly created bean, #1167552: Undefined index:
  404. alumni_header in bean_fetch_plugin_info() bean.module line 200: Cache and
  405. static caching resetting issues.
  406. #1173634: Add contextual 'Edit' link for beans add contextual links by mrfelton.
  407. #1171200: Deleting Bean Leaves Records in Block Table Delete Bean bugs.
  408. #1172884: Missing permissions make it impossible for anonymous users to view
  409. Beans by mrfelton Fixed incorrect name of hook_permission.
  410. Bean 7.x-1.0-alpha1, 2011-05-20
  411. -------------------------------
  412. Initial release.