You are here in BigBlueButton 6

Big Blue Button - Enables universities and colleges to deliver a high-quality learning experience.

@author Stefan Auditor <>

NOTE: Parameters marked with (NFS) are not yet fully supported. You can pass them in to the controller, but they may not have any actual effect on the conference. This is more a limitation based on support by the actual BBB application more than the API itself.


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 * @file
 * Big Blue Button - Enables universities and colleges to deliver a high-quality
 * learning experience.
 * @author
 * Stefan Auditor <>
 * NOTE: Parameters marked with (NFS) are not yet fully supported. You can pass
 * them in to the controller, but they may not have any actual effect on the
 * conference. This is more a limitation based on support by the actual BBB
 * application more than the API itself.

// Debug mode

// Define API URL
define('BBB_API_BASE_URL', variable_get('bbb_base_url', 'http://YOUR_BIGBLUEBUTTON_SERVER.TLD/bigbluebutton/api/'));

// Define API calls
define('BBB_API_CREATE', 'create');
define('BBB_API_JOIN', 'join');
define('BBB_API_IS_MEETING_RUNNING', 'isMeetingRunning');
define('BBB_API_END_MEETING', 'end');
define('BBB_API_GET_MEETING_INFO', 'getMeetingInfo');
define('BBB_API_GET_MEETINGS', 'getMeetings');

 * Create Meeting (create)
 * @param ARRAY $params
 *   Associative array of additional url parameters. Components:
 *   - name: STRING (REQUIRED) A name for the meeting.
 *   - meetingID: STRING A meeting ID that can be used to identify this meeting
 *     by the third party application. This must be unique to the server that
 *     you are calling. If you supply a non-unique meeting ID, you will still
 *     have a successful call, but will receive a warning message in the
 *     response.
 *   - attendeePW: STRING The password that will be required for attendees to
 *     join the meeting. This is optional, and if not supplied, BBB will assign
 *     a random password.
 *   - moderatorPW: STRING The password that will be required for moderators to
 *     join the meeting or for certain administrative actions (i.e. ending a
 *     meeting). This is optional, and if not supplied, BBB will assign a
 *     random password.
 *   - welcome: STRING A welcome message that gets displayed on the chat window
 *     when the participant joins. You can include keywords (%%CONFNAME%%,
 *     %%DIALNUM%%, %%CONFNUM%%) which will be substituted automatically. You
 *     can set a default welcome message on
 *   - dialNumber: STRING The dial access number that participants can call in
 *     using regular phone. You can set a default dial number on
 *   - voiceBridge: STRING Voice conference number that participants enter to
 *     join the voice conference. Note that if you don't specify a voiceBridge
 *     parameter, the meetingID parameter is used. The default pattern for this
 *     is a 5-digit number, because in the default Asterisk configuration, this
 *     is the PIN that a dial-in user must enter to join the conference. If you
 *     want to change this pattern, you have to edit
 *     /etc/asterisk/bbb_extensions.conf
 *   - logoutURL: STRING The URL that the BigBlueButton client will go to after
 *     users click the OK button on the 'You have been logged out message'.
 *     This overrides, the value for bigbluebutton.web.loggedOutUrl if defined
 *     in
 *   - maxParticipants: NUMBER The maximum number of participants to allow into
 *     the meeting (including moderators). After this number of participants
 *     have joined, BBB will return an appropriate error for other users trying
 *     to join the meeting. A negative number indicates that an unlimited
 *     number of participants should be allowed (this is the default setting).
 * @return OBJECT or FALSE
 *   - meetingID: STRING The meeting ID supplied by the third party app. It
 *     must be used in conjunction with a password in subsequent calls for
 *     joining or otherwise modifying a meeting's status.
 *   - attendeePW: STRING The password that will be required for attendees to
 *     join the meeting. If you did not supply one, BBB will assign a random
 *     password.
 *   - moderatorPW: STRING The password that will be required for moderators to
 *     join the meeting or for certain administrative actions (i.e. ending a
 *     meeting). If you did not supply one, BBB will assign a random password.
 * @see
function bbb_api_create($params = array()) {
  $query_string = bbb_api_generate_querystring(BBB_API_CREATE, $params);
  $request = BBB_API_BASE_URL . BBB_API_CREATE . '?' . $query_string;
  return bbb_api_execute_query($request);

 * Join Meeting (join)
 * @param ARRAY $params
 *   Associative array of additional url parameters. Components:
 *   - fullName: STRING (REQUIRED) The full name that is to be used to identify
 *     this user to other conference attendees.
 *   - meetingID: STRING (REQUIRED) If you specified a meeting ID when calling
 *     create, then you can use either the generated meeting token or your
 *     specified meeting ID to find meetings. This parameter takes your meeting
 *     ID.
 *   - password: STRING (REQUIRED) The password that this attendee is using. If
 *     the moderator password is supplied, he will be given moderator status
 *     (and the same for attendee password, etc)
 *   - userID: STRING An identifier for this user that will help your
 *     application to identify which person this is. This user ID will be
 *     returned for this user in the getMeetingInfo API call so that you can
 *     check
 *  - webVoiceConf: STRING If you want to pass in a custom voice-extension when
 *    a user joins the voice conference using voip. This is useful if you want
 *    to collect more info in you Call Detail Records about the user joining the
 *    conference. You need to modify your /etc/asterisk/bbb-extensions.conf to
 *    handle this new extensions.
 * @return
 *   There is no XML response for this call if it is properly formatted. You
 *   should simply redirect the user to the call URL, and they will be entered
 *   into the meeting.
 *   NOTE: there is the possibility that a user is sent to a join URL that is
 *   invalid right now. For instance, if the client application forms the URL
 *   incorrectly, or sends the user to join a meeting that hasn't been created,
 *   then the user will end up seeing the XML that would be returned as an
 *   error. We need to figure out a better way of handling this.
 * @see
function bbb_api_join($params) {
  $query_string = bbb_api_generate_querystring(BBB_API_JOIN, $params);
  return BBB_API_BASE_URL . BBB_API_JOIN . '?' . $query_string;

 * Is meeting running (isMeetingRunning)
 * This call enables you to simply check on whether or not a meeting is running
 * by looking it up with your meeting ID.
 * @param ARRAY $params
 *   Associative array of additional url parameters. Components:
 *   - meetingID: STRING (REQUIRED) The meeting ID that identifies the meeting
 *     you are attempting to check on.
 * @return BOOLEAN
 *   A string of either “true” or “false” that signals whether a meeting with
 *   this ID or token is currently running.
 * @see
function bbb_api_isMeetingRunning($params) {
  $query_string = bbb_api_generate_querystring(BBB_API_IS_MEETING_RUNNING, $params);
  $request = BBB_API_BASE_URL . BBB_API_IS_MEETING_RUNNING . '?' . $query_string;
  return bbb_api_execute_query($request);

 * End Meeting (end)
 * Use this to forcibly end a meeting and kick all participants out of the
 * meeting.
 * @param ARRAY $params
 *   Associative array of additional url parameters. Components:
 *   - meetingID: STRING The meeting ID that identifies the meeting you are
 *     attempting to end.
 *   - password: STRING The moderator password for this meeting. You can not
 *     end a meeting using the attendee password.
 *  @return OBJECT or FALSE
 *    This call returns no additional information other than the standard
 *    returncode parameter of "SUCCESS" or "FAILED". It will return a
 *    messageKey and message for additional information.
 * @see
function bbb_api_end($params) {
  $query_string = bbb_api_generate_querystring(BBB_API_END_MEETING, $params);
  return BBB_API_BASE_URL . BBB_API_END_MEETING . '?' . $query_string;

 * Get Meeting Info (getMeetingInfo)
 * This call will return all of a meeting's information, including the list of
 * attendees as well as start and end times.
 * @param ARRAY $params
 *   Associative array of additional url parameters. Components:
 *   - meetingID: STRING If you specified a meeting ID when calling create,
 *     then you can use either the generated meeting token or your specified
 *     meeting ID to find meetings. This parameter takes your meeting ID.
 *   - password: STRING (REQUIRED) The moderator password for this meeting. You
 *     can not get the meeting information using the attendee password.
 * @return OBJECT or FALSE
 * @see
function bbb_api_getMeetingInfo($params) {
  $query_string = bbb_api_generate_querystring(BBB_API_GET_MEETING_INFO, $params);
  $request = BBB_API_BASE_URL . BBB_API_GET_MEETING_INFO . '?' . $query_string;
  return bbb_api_execute_query($request);

 * Get Meetings (getMeetings)
 * This call will return a list of all the meetings found on this server.
 * @param ARRAY $params
 *   Associative array of additional url parameters. Components:
 *   - random: STRING (REQUIRED) This can be any value. It must be supplied so
 *     that we can use your security salt and do a checksum verification that
 *     you are the server's owner. This is for security purposes. If you do not
 *     supply the random parameter, the call will fail immediately.
 * @return OBJECT or FALSE
 * @see
function bbb_api_getMeetings($params) {
  $query_string = bbb_api_generate_querystring(BBB_API_GET_MEETINGS, $params);
  $request = BBB_API_BASE_URL . BBB_API_GET_MEETINGS . '?' . $query_string;
  return bbb_api_execute_query($request);

/* Helper functions */

 * Generate a signed query string
function bbb_api_generate_querystring($call, $params = array()) {
  $query = array();

  // Create the entire query string for your API call without the checksum
  // parameter URL encoding the parameters
  foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
    $query[] = $key . '=' . drupal_urlencode(trim($value));

  // Putting it together
  $query_string = implode('&', $query);
  return $query_string . '&checksum=' . sha1($call . $query_string . BBB_API_SECURITY_SALT);

function bbb_api_execute_query($request) {

  $xml = @simplexml_load_file($request);
  $response = bbb_api_parse_response($xml);

  if ($response->returncode == 'SUCCESS') {
    if ($response->running) {

      // Switch to boolean
      $response->running = strtoupper($response->running) == 'TRUE' ? TRUE : FALSE;
    return $response;
  else {
    watchdog('big blue button', '@message_key: @message', array(
      '@message_key' => $response->messageKey,
      '@message' => t($response->message),
    return FALSE;

 * Parse xml response
 * @param XML
 * @return OBJECT
function bbb_api_parse_response($xml) {

  //TODO: Refactor
  $response = new StdClass();
  if ($xml) {
    foreach ($xml as $element => $node) {
      $response->{$element} = (string) $node;
  return $response;

 * Custom debugging
function bbb_api_debug($var) {
  if (BBB_API_DEBUG) {
    watchdog('big blue button debug', '%message', array(
      '%message' => '<pre>' . print_r($var, 1) . '</pre>',


Namesort descending Description
bbb_api_create Create Meeting (create)
bbb_api_debug Custom debugging
bbb_api_end End Meeting (end)
bbb_api_generate_querystring Generate a signed query string
bbb_api_getMeetingInfo Get Meeting Info (getMeetingInfo)
bbb_api_getMeetings Get Meetings (getMeetings)
bbb_api_isMeetingRunning Is meeting running (isMeetingRunning)
bbb_api_join Join Meeting (join)
bbb_api_parse_response Parse xml response
