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public function CalendarEventsIndex::processRequest in Booking and Availability Management API 8

Processes the request and returns an array of data as appropriate.


\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request: The request object.

\Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface $route_match: The route match object.

\Symfony\Component\Serializer\SerializerInterface $serializer: The serializer. Some methods might require the plugin to leverage the serializer after extracting the request contents.

Return value

array The response.



Overrides ServiceDefinitionInterface::processRequest


src/Plugin/ServiceDefinition/CalendarEventsIndex.php, line 132
Contains \Drupal\bat_api\Plugin\ServiceDefinition\CalendarEventsIndex.php


Plugin annotation @ServiceDefinition( id = "calendar_events_index", methods = { "GET" }, translatable = true, deriver = "\Drupal\bat_api\Plugin\Deriver\CalendarEventsIndex" )




public function processRequest(Request $request, RouteMatchInterface $route_match, SerializerInterface $serializer) {
  $unit_types = $request->query
  $event_types = $request->query
  $background = $request->query
  $unit_ids = $request->query
  $start_date = $request->query
  $end_date = $request->query
  $start_date_object = new \DateTime($start_date);
  $end_date_object = new \DateTime($end_date);
  if ($unit_types == 'all') {
    $unit_types = [];
    foreach (bat_unit_get_types() as $type => $info) {
      $unit_types[] = $type;
  else {
    $unit_types = array_filter(explode(',', $unit_types));
  if ($event_types == 'all') {
    $types = [];
    foreach (bat_event_get_types() as $type => $info) {
      $types[] = $type;
  else {
    $types = array_filter(explode(',', $event_types));
  $events_json = [];
  foreach ($types as $type) {

    // Check if user has permission to view calendar data for this event type.
    if (!$this->currentUser
      ->hasPermission('view calendar data for any ' . $type . ' event')) {

    // Get the event type definition from Drupal
    $bat_event_type = bat_event_type_load($type);
    $target_entity_type = $bat_event_type

    // For each type of event create a state store and an event store
    $database = Database::getConnectionInfo('default');
    $prefix = isset($database['default']['prefix']['default']) ? $database['default']['prefix']['default'] : '';
    $event_store = new DrupalDBStore($type, DrupalDBStore::BAT_EVENT, $prefix);
    $today = new \DateTime();
    if (!$this->currentUser
      ->hasPermission('view past event information') && $today > $start_date_object) {
      if ($today > $end_date_object) {
        return [];
      $start_date_object = $today;
    $ids = array_filter(explode(',', $unit_ids));
    foreach ($unit_types as $unit_type) {
      $entities = $this
        ->getReferencedIds($unit_type, $ids);
      $childrens = [];

      // Create an array of unit objects - the default value is set to 0 since we want
      // to know if the value in the database is actually 0. This will allow us to identify
      // which events are represented by events in the database (i.e. have a value different to 0)
      $units = [];
      foreach ($entities as $entity) {
        $units[] = new Unit($entity['id'], 0);
      if (!empty($units)) {
        $event_calendar = new Calendar($units, $event_store);
        $event_ids = $event_calendar
          ->getEvents($start_date_object, $end_date_object);
        if ($bat_event_type
          ->getFixedEventStates()) {
          $event_formatter = $this->fixedStateEventFormatter;
        else {
          $event_formatter = $this->openStateEventFormatter;
        foreach ($event_ids as $unit_id => $unit_events) {
          foreach ($unit_events as $key => $event) {
            $events_json[] = [
              'id' => (string) $key . $unit_id,
              'bat_id' => $event
              'resourceId' => 'S' . $unit_id,
            ] + $event
  $context = array(
    'unit_ids' => $unit_ids,
    'unit_types' => $unit_types,
    'start_date' => $start_date_object,
    'end_date' => $end_date_object,
    'event_types' => $event_types,
    'background' => $background,
    ->alter('bat_api_events_index_calendar', $events_json, $context);
  return array_values($events_json);