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namespace Drupal\bat in Booking and Availability Management Tools for Drupal 8

Classsort descending Location Description
TypeGroupAccessControlHandler src/TypeGroupAccessControlHandler.php Access controller for the Property entity.
TypeGroupBundleAccessControlHandler src/TypeGroupBundleAccessControlHandler.php Defines the access control handler for the type group bundle entity type.
TypeGroupBundleForm src/TypeGroupBundleForm.php Form handler for type group bundle forms.
TypeGroupBundleInterface src/TypeGroupBundleInterface.php Provides an interface defining a event type entity.
TypeGroupBundleListBuilder src/TypeGroupBundleListBuilder.php Defines a class to build a listing of event type entities.
TypeGroupInterface src/TypeGroupInterface.php Provides an interface for defining Property entities.
TypeGroupListBuilder src/TypeGroupListBuilder.php Defines a class to build a listing of Type Group entities.
TypeGroupPermissions src/TypeGroupPermissions.php