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barcode--i25.tpl.php in Barcodes 7

Default theme implementation to present a barcode.

Available variables:

  • svg: The rendered barcode in svg format.
  • type: The barcode type.
  • value: The barcode value.
  • width: The display width.
  • height: The display height.
  • color: The barcode color.
  • padding_top: The top padding.
  • padding_right: The right padding.
  • padding_bottom: The bottom padding.
  • padding_left: The left padding.
  • show_value: Show the raw barcode value.


View source

 * @file
 * Default theme implementation to present a barcode.
 * Available variables:
 * - svg: The rendered barcode in svg format.
 * - type: The barcode type.
 * - value: The barcode value.
 * - width: The display width.
 * - height: The display height.
 * - color: The barcode color.
 * - padding_top: The top padding.
 * - padding_right: The right padding.
 * - padding_bottom: The bottom padding.
 * - padding_left: The left padding.
 * - show_value: Show the raw barcode value.
 * @ingroup themeable
<div class="barcode barcode-<?php

print strtolower(str_replace('+', 'plus', $type));
  <div class="code"><?php

print $svg;

if ($show_value) {
    <div class="value"><?php

  print $value;
