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public function BmTestBasics::testQuickBackup in Backup and Migrate 7.3

Verify the main page has the expected form, then run a basic backup.


tests/BmTestBasics.test, line 37
Tests for different parts of the Backup Migrate system.


Test that the front page still loads.


public function testQuickBackup() {

  // Ensure that the private file system is working correctly.
  $edit = array();
    ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, 'Save configuration');
    ->assertText('The configuration options have been saved.');

  // Load the main B&M page.

  // @todo Confirm each of the tabs are present.
  // @todo Confirm each of the local tasks are present.
  // Confirm the form has the expected fields.

  // This item should not have a value "selected", it just defaults to the
  // first item being the active item.
  $items = array(
    ->assertSelectOptions('edit-source-id', $items);

  // This item should have a value "selected", not just the first item. Note:
  // if the 'manual' backup option isn't available then the private directory
  // path is not set correctly.
  $items = array(
    ->assertSelectOptions('edit-destination-id', $items);
    ->assertOptionSelected('edit-destination-id', 'download');

  // This item should not have a value "selected", it just defaults to the
  // first item being the active item.
  $items = array(
    ->assertSelectOptions('edit-profile-id', $items);

  // This item should not have a value "selected", it just defaults to the
  // first item being the active item.
  $items = array(
    ->assertSelectOptions('edit-copy-destination-id', $items);

  // Generate a backup and confirm it was created correctly.
  $edit = array(
    'destination_id' => 'manual',
    ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, 'Backup now');

  // Confirm the response is as expected. This is split up into separate
  // pieces because it'd be more effort than is necessary right now to confirm
  // what the exact filename is.
    ->assertText('Default Database backed up successfully');
    ->assertText('in destination Manual Backups Directory');

  // Try requesting the backup file.
  $xpath = $this
    ->xpath('//a[normalize-space(text())=:label]', array(
    ':label' => 'download',

  // @todo This doesn't work on drupalci, so work out how to fix it.
  // $this->drupalGet($xpath[0]['href']);