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protected function BmTestBase::supportedCompressors in Backup and Migrate 7.3

Work out which compressor systems are supported by PHP.

Return value

array The list of supported compressors. Will always include the item 'none'.

1 call to BmTestBase::supportedCompressors()
BmTestProfiles::testAddDefaultProfile in tests/BmTestProfiles.test
Confirm adding a new backup process works.


tests/BmTestBase.test, line 107
Shared functionality to make the rest of the tests simpler.


Base class for testing a module's custom tags.


protected function supportedCompressors() {
  $items = array(

  // Work out which systems are supported.
  if (@function_exists("gzencode")) {
    $items[] = 'gzip';
  if (@function_exists("bzcompress")) {
    $items[] = 'bzip';
  if (class_exists('ZipArchive')) {
    $items[] = 'zip';
  return $items;