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protected function BmTestBase::listBackupFiles in Backup and Migrate 7.3

Get a list of the files in a specific destination.


string $destination_id: The ID of the destination to check. Defaults to the manual file path.

Return value

array The backup files found in the requested backup destination.

3 calls to BmTestBase::listBackupFiles()
BmTestBase::deleteBackups in tests/BmTestBase.test
Delete all of the files in a specific backup destination.
BmTestEmail::testAddEmailDestination in tests/BmTestEmail.test
Confirm the whole email process.
BmTestProfiles::testFilenameOptions in tests/BmTestProfiles.test
Confirm the backup filename processes work as expected.


tests/BmTestBase.test, line 133
Shared functionality to make the rest of the tests simpler.


Base class for testing a module's custom tags.


protected function listBackupFiles($destination_id = 'manual') {
  require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../includes/';
  $items = array();

  // Load the destination object.
  $destination = backup_migrate_get_destination($destination_id);
  if (!empty($destination)) {
    $items = $destination
  return $items;