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protected function BmTestBase::fileHasTimestamp in Backup and Migrate 7.3

Work out whether a backup filename includes a timestamp.


object $file: The backup file to examine.

Return value

mixed Returns 1 if found, 0 if not found, FALSE if an error occurs.

2 calls to BmTestBase::fileHasTimestamp()
BmTestBase::assertFileTimestamp in tests/BmTestBase.test
Confirm that a backup filename includes a timestamp.
BmTestBase::assertNoFileTimestamp in tests/BmTestBase.test
Confirm that a backup filename does not include a timestamp.


tests/BmTestBase.test, line 206
Shared functionality to make the rest of the tests simpler.


Base class for testing a module's custom tags.


protected function fileHasTimestamp($file) {
  require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../includes/';

  // Get the default filename, this is used later.
  $default_filename = _backup_migrate_default_filename();
  $ext = implode('.', $file->ext);
  $pattern = "/{$default_filename}-(\\d\\d\\d\\d)-(\\d\\d)-(\\d\\d)T(\\d\\d)-(\\d\\d)-(\\d\\d).{$ext}/";
  return preg_match($pattern, $file->file_info['filename']);