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6 calls to MySQLiSource::query() in Backup and Migrate 5.0.x

MySQLiSource::getRawTables in src/Core/Source/MySQLiSource.php
Get a list of tables in the db.
MySQLiSource::_dumpTableSqlToFile in src/Core/Source/MySQLiSource.php
Get the sql to insert the data for a given table.
MySQLiSource::_fetchAssoc in src/Core/Source/MySQLiSource.php
Return the first result of the query as an associated array.
MySQLiSource::_getTableCreateSql in src/Core/Source/MySQLiSource.php
Get the sql for the structure of the given table.
MySQLiSource::_lockTables in src/Core/Source/MySQLiSource.php
Lock the list of given tables in the database.
MySQLiSource::_unlockTables in src/Core/Source/MySQLiSource.php
Unlock all tables in the database.