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12 calls to backup_migrate_filters_invoke_all() in Backup and Migrate 8.2

backup_migrate_backup_fail in ./backup_migrate.module
Clean up when a backup operation fails.
backup_migrate_backup_migrate_destinations in includes/
Implementation of hook_backup_migrate_destinations().
backup_migrate_backup_succeed in ./backup_migrate.module
Clean up when a backup operation suceeds.
backup_migrate_db_backup in includes/
Build the database dump file. Takes a list of tables to exclude and some formatting options.
backup_migrate_db_restore in includes/
Restore from a previously backed up files. File must be a decompressed SQL file.
backup_migrate_destination_db::backup_to_file in includes/
Backup from this source.
backup_migrate_destination_db::restore_from_file in includes/
Restore to this source.
backup_migrate_filters_file_types in includes/
Get the file types for all of the filters.
backup_migrate_filters_settings_default in includes/
Get the default settings for the filters.
backup_migrate_filters_settings_form in includes/
Get the backup settings for all of the filters.
backup_migrate_restore_fail in ./backup_migrate.module
Clean up when a restore operation fails.
backup_migrate_restore_succeed in ./backup_migrate.module
Clean up when a restore operation suceeds.