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15 calls to backup_migrate_item::get_id() in Backup and Migrate 7.3

backup_migrate_destination::file_cache_get in includes/
Retrieve the file list.
backup_migrate_destination::file_cache_set in includes/
Cache the file list.
backup_migrate_destination::get_action_links in includes/
Get the action links for a destination.
backup_migrate_destination::get_file_links in includes/
Get the action links for a file on a given destination.
backup_migrate_destination_db::save_file in includes/
Save the info by importing it into the database.
backup_migrate_destination_db::_get_db_connection in includes/
Get the db connection for the specified db.
backup_migrate_item::delete in includes/
Delete the item from the database.
backup_migrate_item::edit_form in includes/
Get the edit form for the item.
backup_migrate_item::get_action_links in includes/
Get the action links for a destination.
backup_migrate_item::save in includes/
Save the item to the database.
backup_migrate_item::unique_id in includes/
Make sure this item has a unique id.
backup_migrate_location::get_action_links in includes/
Get the action links for a location.
backup_migrate_schedule::get_profile in includes/
Get the destination of the schedule.
backup_migrate_source_db::save_file in includes/
Save the info by importing it into the database.
backup_migrate_source_db::_get_db_connection in includes/
Get the db connection for the specified db.