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51 calls to backup_migrate_include() in Backup and Migrate 8.2

backup_migrate_backup_fail in ./backup_migrate.module
Clean up when a backup operation fails.
backup_migrate_backup_migrate_destinations in includes/
Implementation of hook_backup_migrate_destinations().
backup_migrate_backup_succeed in ./backup_migrate.module
Clean up when a backup operation suceeds.
backup_migrate_cron in ./backup_migrate.module
Implementation of hook_cron().
backup_migrate_crud_type_load in includes/
Get a generic object of the given type to be used for static-like functions.
backup_migrate_destination::file_cache_get in includes/
Retrieve the file list.
backup_migrate_destination_browser_download::save_file in includes/
File save destination callback.
backup_migrate_destination_browser_upload::load_file in includes/
File load destination callback.
backup_migrate_destination_db::save_file in includes/
Save the info by importing it into the database.
backup_migrate_destination_files::load_file in includes/
File load destination callback.
backup_migrate_destination_files::_list_files in includes/
File list destination callback.
backup_migrate_destination_ftp::load_file in includes/
Load from the ftp destination.
backup_migrate_destination_ftp::_list_files in includes/
List all the available files in the given destination with their destination specific id.
backup_migrate_destination_s3::load_file in includes/
Load from the s3 destination.
backup_migrate_destination_s3::_list_files in includes/
List all files from the s3 destination.
backup_migrate_drush_backup in includes/
Backup the default database.
backup_migrate_drush_destination_files in includes/
Get a list of files in a given destination
backup_migrate_drush_profiles in includes/
Get a list of available profiles.
backup_migrate_drush_restore in includes/
Restore to the default database.
backup_migrate_filter_backup_restore::backup_settings_default in includes/
Get the default backup settings for this filter.
backup_migrate_filter_backup_restore::backup_settings_form in includes/
Get the form for the backup settings for this filter.
backup_migrate_filter_backup_restore::_get_destination_types in includes/
Get a list of dummy destinations representing each of the available destination types.
backup_migrate_get_profiles in includes/
Get all the available backup profiles.
backup_migrate_menu in ./backup_migrate.module
Implementation of hook_menu().
backup_migrate_menu_callback in ./backup_migrate.module
A menu callback helper. Handles file includes and interactivity setting.
backup_migrate_perform_backup in ./backup_migrate.module
Perform a backup with the given settings.
backup_migrate_perform_restore in ./backup_migrate.module
Restore from a file in the given destination.
backup_migrate_profile::get_destination in includes/
Get the destination of the profile.
backup_migrate_profile::get_source in includes/
Get the source of the profile.
backup_migrate_restore_fail in ./backup_migrate.module
Clean up when a restore operation fails.
backup_migrate_restore_succeed in ./backup_migrate.module
Clean up when a restore operation suceeds.
backup_migrate_schedule::edit_form in includes/
Get the edit form.
backup_migrate_schedule::get_destination in includes/
Get the destination object of the schedule.
backup_migrate_schedule::get_profile in includes/
Get the destination of the schedule.
backup_migrate_schedule::remove_expired_backups in includes/
Remove older backups keeping only the number specified by the aministrator.
backup_migrate_schedules_run in includes/
Run the preconfigured schedules. Called on cron.
backup_migrate_ui_destination_download_file in includes/
Download a file to the browser.
backup_migrate_ui_manual_backup_advanced in ./backup_migrate.module
The menu callback for advanced manual backups.
backup_migrate_ui_manual_quick_backup_form in ./backup_migrate.module
The quick backup form.
backup_migrate_ui_manual_quick_backup_form_submit in ./backup_migrate.module
Submit the quick backup form.
backup_migrate_ui_manual_restore_form in ./backup_migrate.module
The restore/import upload form.
backup_migrate_ui_manual_restore_form_submit in ./backup_migrate.module
The restore submit. Do the restore. in includes/
Functions to handle the direct to database destination.
_backup_migrate_backup_with_defaults in ./backup_migrate.module
Backup the database with the default settings.
_backup_migrate_db_get_db_type in includes/
Get the appropriate db type for file inclusion and calling the right function.
_backup_migrate_drush_destinations in includes/
Get a list of available destinations with the given op.
_backup_migrate_filetypes in includes/
Return a list of backup filetypes.
_backup_migrate_get_source_form in includes/
Get the source options as a form element.
_backup_migrate_get_source_pulldown in includes/
Get pulldown to select existing source options.
_backup_migrate_profile_default_profile in includes/
Get the default profile.
_backup_migrate_ui_backup_settings_form in includes/
Get a form to configure the profile.