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7 calls to _backup_migrate_check_timeout() in Backup and Migrate 8.2

backup_migrate_backup_db_to_file_mysql in includes/
Get the sql dump file.
backup_migrate_destination_db_mysql::_backup_db_to_file in includes/
Backup the databases to a file.
backup_migrate_destination_db_mysql::_restore_db_from_file in includes/
Backup the databases to a file.
backup_migrate_perform_backup in ./backup_migrate.module
Perform a backup with the given settings.
backup_migrate_perform_restore in ./backup_migrate.module
Restore from a file in the given destination.
backup_migrate_restore_db_from_file_mysql in includes/
Restore the db from a valid backup file.
backup_migrate_shutdown in ./backup_migrate.module
Shutdown callback. Called when the script terminates even if the script timed out.