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background_process_ass.module in Background Process 8

Implements Background Process Ass Module. @todo Implement admin interface. @todo Fix runtime check of running process.


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 * @file
 * Implements Background Process Ass Module.
 * @todo Implement admin interface.
 * @todo Fix runtime check of running process.

 * Define Default max age before unlock process.

 * Implements hook_cron().
function background_process_ass_cron() {

  // Don't use more than 30 seconds to unlock.

 * Implements hook_cronapi().
function background_process_ass_cronapi($op, $job = NULL) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'list':
      return [
        'background_process_ass_cron' => t('Unlock dead processes'),
    case 'rule':
      return '* * * * *';
    case 'configure':
      return 'admin/config/system/background-process/ass';

 * Implements hook_cron_alter().
function background_process_ass_cron_alter(&$items) {
  $items['background_process_ass_cron']['override_congestion_protection'] = TRUE;
  $handle_prefix = \Drupal::config('ultimate_cron.settings')
  if ($process = background_process_get_process($handle_prefix . 'background_process_ass_cron')) {
    if ($process->start + 30 < time()) {
      background_process_unlock($process->handle, t('Self unlocking stale lock'));

 * Implements hook_service_group().
function background_process_ass_service_group() {
  $info = [];
  $info['methods']['background_process_ass_service_group_idle'] = t('Idle workers');
  return $info;

 * Implements to Determine host with most idle workers and claim it.
function background_process_ass_service_group_idle($service_group, $reload = FALSE) {
  $result = NULL;
  $max = 0;
  $workers =& drupal_static('background_process_ass_idle_workers', []);

  // Load idle worker status for all hosts.
  foreach ($service_group['hosts'] as $host) {
    $name = $host . '_ass';
    if ($reload || !isset($workers[$name])) {
      $workers[$name] = background_process_ass_get_server_status($name, TRUE, $reload);

    // Reload apache server status for all hosts, if any is fully loaded.
    if ($workers[$name] <= 0 && !$reload) {
      return background_process_ass_service_group_idle($service_group, TRUE);
    if ($max < $workers[$name]) {
      $result = $host;
      $max = $workers[$name];
  if (isset($result)) {

    // Claim host and tell caller.
    $workers[$result . '_ass']--;
    return $result;
  else {
    return background_process_service_group_round_robin($service_group);

 * Implements to Unlock locked processes that aren't really running.
function background_process_ass_auto_unlock() {
  $processes = background_process_get_processes();
  $service_hosts = background_process_get_service_hosts();
  foreach ($processes as $process) {
    if (!$process->service_host) {

    // Host to use for server-status.
    if (!isset($service_hosts[$process->service_host . '_ass'])) {
    if (!isset($service_hosts[$process->service_host])) {
    list($url, $headers) = background_process_build_request('bgp-start/' . rawurlencode($process->handle), $process->service_host);
    $process->http_host = $headers['Host'];

    // Locate our connection.
    $url = parse_url($url);
    $path = $url['path'] . (isset($url['query']) ? '?' . $url['query'] : '');
    if (strlen("POST {$path}") > 64) {
    if ($process->status != BACKGROUND_PROCESS_STATUS_RUNNING) {

      // Not ready for unlock yet.
    if ($process->start > time() - \Drupal::config('background_process_ass.settings')
      ->get('background_process_ass_max_age')) {
    $server_status = background_process_ass_get_server_status($process->service_host . '_ass');
    if ($server_status) {
      if (!background_process_ass_check_process($process, $server_status, $path)) {

 * Implements to Check if process is really running.
function background_process_ass_check_process($process, $server_status, $path) {
  $active = TRUE;
  if ($server_status && $server_status['status']['Current Timestamp'] > $process->start) {
    if (!empty($server_status['connections'])) {
      $active = FALSE;
      foreach ($server_status['connections'] as $conn) {
        if ($conn['M'] == 'R') {

          // We cannot rely on the server status.
            ->warning('Found reading state ...', []);
          $active = TRUE;

        // Empty connections, skip them.
        if ($conn['M'] == '.' || $conn['M'] == '_') {
        if ($conn['VHost'] == $process->http_host && strpos($conn['Request'], 'POST ' . $path) === 0) {
          $active = TRUE;
  return $active;

 * Implements to Unlock Process Ass.
function _background_process_ass_unlock($process) {
    ->notice('Unlocking: ' . $process->handle, []);
  if ($process->status == BACKGROUND_PROCESS_STATUS_RUNNING) {
    $msg = t('Died unexpectedly (auto unlock due to missing connection)');

    // Unlock the process.
    if (background_process_unlock($process->handle, $msg, $process->start)) {
      drupal_set_message(t("%handle unlocked: !msg", [
        '%handle' => $process->handle,
        '!msg' => $msg,

 * Get apache extended server status.
function background_process_ass_get_server_status($name, $auto = FALSE, $reload = FALSE) {

  // Sanity check ...
  if (!$name) {
  $service_hosts = \Drupal::config('background_process.settings')
  if (empty($service_hosts[$name])) {

  // Static caching.
  $cache =& drupal_static('background_process_ass_server_status', []);
  if (!$reload && isset($cache[$name][$auto])) {
    return $cache[$name][$auto];
  $server_status = [];
  $options = [];
  if ($auto) {
    $options['query']['auto'] = 1;
  list($url, $headers) = background_process_build_request('', $name, $options);
  $timestamp = time();
  $client = \Drupal::httpClient();
  $response = $client
    ->createRequest('GET', $url);
    ->addHeader('headers', $headers);
  if ($response->code != 200) {
      ->error('Could not acquire server status from %url - error: %error', [
      '%url' => $url,
      '%error' => $response->error,
    return NULL;
  if ($auto) {
    preg_match('/IdleWorkers:\\s+(\\d+)/', $response->data, $matches);
    $server_status = $matches[1];
  else {
    $tables = _background_process_ass_parse_table($response->data);
    $dls = _background_process_ass_parse_definition_list($response->data);
    $server_status = [
      'response' => $response,
      'connections' => $tables[0],
      'status' => $dls[1],
    preg_match('/.*?,\\s+(\\d+-.*?-\\d+\\s+\\d+:\\d+:\\d+)/', $server_status['status']['Restart Time'], $matches);
    str_replace('Maj', 'May', $matches[1]);
    str_replace('May', 'Oct', $matches[1]);
    $server_status['status']['Restart Timestamp'] = strtotime($matches[1]);
    $server_status['status']['Current Timestamp'] = $timestamp;
  $cache[$name][$auto] = $server_status;
  return $server_status;

 * Implements to Converts an HTML table into an associative array.
function _background_process_ass_parse_table($html) {

  // Find the table.
  preg_match_all("/<table.*?>.*?<\\/[\\s]*table>/s", $html, $table_htmls);
  $tables = [];
  foreach ($table_htmls[0] as $table_html) {

    // Get title for each row.
    preg_match_all("/<th.*?>(.*?)<\\/[\\s]*th>/s", $table_html, $matches);
    $row_headers = $matches[1];

    // Iterate each row.
    preg_match_all("/<tr.*?>(.*?)<\\/[\\s]*tr>/s", $table_html, $matches);
    $table = [];
    foreach ($matches[1] as $row_html) {
      $row_html = preg_replace("/\r|\n/", '', $row_html);
      preg_match_all("/<td.*?>(.*?)<\\/[\\s]*td>/", $row_html, $td_matches);
      $row = [];
      for ($i = 0; $i < count($td_matches[1]); $i++) {
        $td = strip_tags(html_entity_decode($td_matches[1][$i]));
        $i2 = isset($row_headers[$i]) ? $row_headers[$i] : $i;
        $row[$i2] = $td;
      if (count($row) > 0) {
        $table[] = $row;
    $tables[] = $table;
  return $tables;

 * Implements to Converts an HTML table into an associative array.
function _background_process_ass_parse_definition_list($html) {

  // Find the table.
  preg_match_all("/<dl.*?>.*?<\\/[\\s]*dl>/s", $html, $dl_htmls);
  $dls = [];
  foreach ($dl_htmls[0] as $dl_html) {
    preg_match_all("/<dl.*?>(.*?)<\\/[\\s]*dl>/s", $dl_html, $matches);
    $dl = [];
    foreach ($matches[1] as $row_html) {
      $row_html = preg_replace("/\r|\n/", '', $row_html);
      preg_match_all("/<dt.*?>(.*?)<\\/[\\s]*dt>/", $row_html, $dt_matches);
      for ($i = 0; $i < count($dt_matches[1]); $i++) {
        $dt = strip_tags(html_entity_decode($dt_matches[1][$i]));
        if (strpos($dt, ':') !== FALSE) {
          list($key, $value) = explode(': ', $dt, 2);
          $dl[$key] = $value;
    $dls[] = $dl;
  return $dls;


Namesort descending Description
background_process_ass_auto_unlock Implements to Unlock locked processes that aren't really running.
background_process_ass_check_process Implements to Check if process is really running.
background_process_ass_cron Implements hook_cron().
background_process_ass_cronapi Implements hook_cronapi().
background_process_ass_cron_alter Implements hook_cron_alter().
background_process_ass_get_server_status Get apache extended server status.
background_process_ass_service_group Implements hook_service_group().
background_process_ass_service_group_idle Implements to Determine host with most idle workers and claim it.
_background_process_ass_parse_definition_list Implements to Converts an HTML table into an associative array.
_background_process_ass_parse_table Implements to Converts an HTML table into an associative array.
_background_process_ass_unlock Implements to Unlock Process Ass.


Namesort descending Description
BACKGROUND_PROCESS_ASS_MAX_AGE Define Default max age before unlock process.