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9 calls to BackgroundProcess::loadByHandle() in Background Process 7.2

BackgroundBatchContext::getProcess in background_batch/background_batch.module
background_batch_overview_page in background_batch/
Overview of current and recent batch jobs.
background_process_get_process in ./background_process.module
Get background process
background_process_load in ./background_process.module
Load a background process
background_process_update_status in ./background_process.module
Update background process status
_background_batch_initiate in background_batch/
Start a batch job in the background
_background_batch_page_do_js in background_batch/
Do one pass of execution and inform back the browser about progression (used for JavaScript-mode only).
_background_batch_page_do_nojs in background_batch/
Output a batch processing page without JavaScript support.
_background_batch_page_progress_js in background_batch/
Batch processing page with JavaScript support.