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protected function availability_calendar_handler_filter_availability::value_form_date_field in Availability Calendars 7.5

Returns a date form field definition for the given operand


string[] $operators: The names of the possible operators for this operand in the given context: at, from_to, from_to1, from_duration

string $operand: The name of the operand: from, to, to1, duration

string $dependency_source: The name of the dependency source

Return value

array A form field definition.

1 call to availability_calendar_handler_filter_availability::value_form_date_field()
availability_calendar_handler_filter_availability::value_form in views/
Add validation and date popup(s) to the value form.


views/, line 188


Views handler to filter on availability.


protected function value_form_date_field($operators, $operand, $dependency_source) {
  $operator = in_array($this->operator, $operators) ? $this->operator : reset($operators);
  $variable_name = "availability_calendar_views_op_{$operator}_{$operand}";
  $element = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => availability_calendar_get_customizable_text($variable_name),
    '#size' => 12,
    '#default_value' => $this->value[$operand],
  if (module_exists('date_popup')) {
  else {
    $date_example = new DateTime();
    if ($operand === 'to') {
    else {
      if ($operand === 'to1') {
    $date_example = availability_calendar_format_entry_date($date_example);
    $element['#description'] = t('E.g., @date', array(
      '@date' => $date_example,
  if ($dependency_source !== NULL) {
    $element['#dependency'] = array(
      $dependency_source => $operators,
  return $element;