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availability_calendar_booking_formlet.module in Availability Calendars 7.4

Availability Calendar booking formlet module. This submdule of the Availability Calendar module defines a field that shows a small booking form that interacts with a calendar field. The form only has an arraival and departure date field and a submit button that is supposed to post the values to a webform where the visitor can enter its personal details and other requested information.

@author Erwin Derksen (


  • allow to disable booking form on a per node basis and an instance setting to disallow this.
  • allow to override the url on a per node basis.
  • disable "Number of values" on field instance setting form.
  • check the setting interactive on calendar fields when this fields get added
  • can I reuse something from node reference or linkit module to select URL?
  • what more information to send in hidden fields? field name, delta, language
  • label and help text for departure date in full day mode is incorrect (last day of your stay, not departure date)


View source

 * @file
 * Availability Calendar booking formlet module. This submdule of the
 * Availability Calendar module defines a field that shows a small booking form
 * that interacts with a calendar field. The form only has an arraival and
 * departure date field and a submit button that is supposed to post the values
 * to a webform where the visitor can enter its personal details and other
 * requested information.
 * @author Erwin Derksen (
 * @todo:
 * - allow to disable booking form on a per node basis and an instance setting
 *   to disallow this.
 * - allow to override the url on a per node basis.
 * - disable "Number of values" on field instance setting form.
 * - check the setting interactive on calendar fields when this fields get added
 * - can I reuse something from node reference or linkit module to select URL?
 * - what more information to send in hidden fields? field name, delta, language
 * - label and help text for departure date in full day mode is incorrect (last
 *   day of your stay, not departure date)

 * Field Type API hooks

 * Implements hook_field_info().
 * @link
 * Provides the descriptions of the fields offered by this module.
function availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_info() {
  module_load_include('inc', 'availability_calendar', 'availability_calendar');
  $states = availability_calendar_get_states();
  if (!empty($states[4]) && $states[4]['css_class'] == 'cal-opt') {

    // State "Provisionally booked" exists, make this the default for the
    // "booked_state".
    $booked_state = 4;
  else {
    $booked_state = NULL;

  // Set default for "use get" to true if webform version 4 is used.
  $use_get = FALSE;
  if (module_exists('webform')) {
    $info = system_get_info('module', 'webform');
    $use_get = version_compare($info['version'], '7.x-4', '>=');
  return array(
    'availability_calendar_booking_formlet' => array(
      'label' => t('Availability Calendar Booking formlet'),
      'description' => t('Allows to show a booking formlet for entities with an availability calendar.'),
      'settings' => array(
        'define_per_language' => 0,
        'post_url' => array(
          LANGUAGE_NONE => '',
        'booked_state' => $booked_state,
        'use_get' => $use_get,
      'instance_settings' => array(),
      'default_widget' => 'availability_calendar_booking_formlet',
      'default_formatter' => 'availability_calendar_booking_formlet',

 * Implements hook_field_settings_form().
 * @link
function availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_settings_form($field, $instance, $has_data) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'availability_calendar', 'availability_calendar');
  $settings = $field['settings'];
  $form = array();
  $form['url_2_continue'] = array(
    '#type' => 'markup',
    '#markup' => '<fieldset class="form-wrapper"><legend><span class="fieldset-legend">' . t("URL to continue the booking") . '</span></legend><div class="fieldset-wrapper">',
    '#weight' => 10,
  $language_list = function_exists('locale_language_list') ? locale_language_list() : array();
  if (count($language_list) > 1) {
    $form['define_per_language'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Define the URL to continue the booking per language'),
      '#description' => t("Webforms are not language aware. Check this option if you want to continue the booking with a different URL (webform) per language."),
      '#default_value' => $settings['define_per_language'],
      '#required' => FALSE,
      '#weight' => 11,
  $form['post_url'] = array(
    '#type' => 'item',
    '#description' => t("These URLs typically point to a webform.") . ' ' . t("Do not start internal URLs with a '/'. You can use the system URL, it wil be replaced by its alias. See the help for more instructions about setting up the target page or webform."),
    '#suffix' => '</div></fieldset>',
    '#weight' => 12,
  $form['post_url'][LANGUAGE_NONE] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('All languages') . '/' . t('Language neutral'),
    '#default_value' => isset($settings['post_url'][LANGUAGE_NONE]) ? $settings['post_url'][LANGUAGE_NONE] : (is_array($settings['post_url']) ? reset($settings['post_url']) : ''),
    '#required' => FALSE,
    '#states' => array(
      // Use invisible as this field must also be visible when the the checkbox does not exist.
      'invisible' => array(
        ':input[name="field[settings][define_per_language]"]' => array(
          'checked' => TRUE,
  if (count($language_list) > 1) {
    foreach ($language_list as $language_code => $language_name) {
      $form['post_url'][$language_code] = array(
          '#type' => 'textfield',
          '#title' => $language_name,
          '#default_value' => isset($settings['post_url'][$language_code]) ? $settings['post_url'][$language_code] : $settings['post_url'][LANGUAGE_NONE],
          '#required' => FALSE,
          // Use visible as these fields may only be visible when the the checkbox does exist.
          '#states' => array(
            'visible' => array(
              ':input[name="field[settings][define_per_language]"]' => array(
                'checked' => TRUE,
  $form['booked_state'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#title' => t('Change state to'),
    '#description' => t('The state to change the calendar to after the user has selected the arrival and departure dates. Note that the state is only visually changed in the browser, not stored.'),
    '#default_value' => $settings['booked_state'],
    '#options' => availability_calendar_get_states('label'),
    '#required' => TRUE,
    '#weight' => 13,
  $form['use_get'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Use GET (instead of POST)'),
    '#description' => t('Webform 7.x-4.x does not support %post tokens anymore, so check this option if the URL above is pointing to a webform and you have installed a 7.x-4.x version.'),
    '#default_value' => $settings['use_get'],
    '#required' => FALSE,
    '#weight' => 14,
  return $form;

 * Implements hook_field_instance_settings_form().
 * @link
function availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_instance_settings_form($field, $instance) {
  return array();

 * Implements hook_field_is_empty().
 * @link
 * A booking formlet is always considered empty, it is a display only field.
function availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_is_empty($item, $field) {
  return TRUE;

 * Implements hook_field_validate().
 * @link
 * Verifies that the booking formlet is valid. The booking formlet is a display
 * only field and thus does not need to be validated.
function availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_validate($entity_type, $entity, $field, $instance, $langcode, $items, &$errors) {

 * Field Type API: Widget
 * The widget is the form element used to receive input from the user
 * when the field is being populated.

 * Implements hook_field_widget_info.
 * @link
 * For now, this module defines 1 widget. Other widgets may be defined in the
 * future or by other modules.
function availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_widget_info() {
  return array(
    'availability_calendar_booking_formlet' => array(
      'label' => t('- None -'),
      'description' => '',
      'field types' => array(
      'settings' => array(),
      'behaviors' => array(
        'multiple values' => FIELD_BEHAVIOR_CUSTOM,
        'default value' => FIELD_BEHAVIOR_NONE,

 * Implements hook_field_widget_settings_form
 * @link
function availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_widget_settings_form($field, $instance) {
  return array();

 * Implements hook_field_widget_form().
 * @link
function availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_widget_form(&$form, &$form_state, $field, $instance, $langcode, $items, $delta, $element) {
  $element['#access'] = FALSE;
  return $element;

 *  Field Type API: Formatter
 *  These are the api hooks that present formatted (themed) output to the user.

 * Implements hook_field_formatter_info().
 * @link
function availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_formatter_info() {
  return array(
    'availability_calendar_booking_formlet' => array(
      'label' => t('Show booking formlet'),
      'field types' => array(
      'settings' => array(
        'submit_only' => FALSE,
        'single_day_only' => FALSE,
        'display_duration' => '',
        'preset_begin_date_source' => 'none',
        'preset_begin_date_key' => '',
        'preset_end_date_source' => 'none',
        'preset_end_date_key' => '',

 * Helper function to prevent duplication of these strings.
function availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_formatter_settings_form_get_options() {
  return array(
    '' => t('Do not display the duration'),
    'nights' => t('Display duration as number of nights'),
    'days' => t('Display duration as number of days'),
    'nights_and_days' => t('Display duration as number of nights / number + 1 days'),

 * Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_form().
 * @link
function availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_formatter_settings_form($field, $instance, $view_mode, $form, &$form_state) {
  $display = $instance['display'][$view_mode];
  $settings = $display['settings'];
  $name_prefix = 'fields[' . $field['field_name'] . '][settings_edit_form][settings]';
  $element = array();
  $element['submit_only'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Only show the "Book now" button'),
    '#default_value' => $settings['submit_only'],
    '#description' => t('This will hide the date fields and their reset buttons, effectively disabling any interaction between the calendar, the user and this booking formlet. You should only check this option if the dates will be filled as per the settings below and you do not want the user to change the values anymore.'),
  $element['single_day_only'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Only allow single day bookings'),
    '#default_value' => $settings['single_day_only'],
    '#description' => t('This will hide the departure date field, turning the form into a single day booking formlet. You should check this option if you only accept single day bookings and want to optimize the UI for that.'),
  $element['display_duration'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#title' => t('Display number of days'),
    '#default_value' => $settings['display_duration'],
    '#options' => availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_formatter_settings_form_get_options(),
    '#required' => FALSE,
  $element['description'] = array(
    '#type' => 'item',
    '#description' => t('Below you can specify default values for the begin and end date. These can come from dynamic sources like $_GET or $_POST and may contain angle brackets ("[" and "]") to access an array value. Note that these values will only be set if an accompanying calendar is indeed "available". This option will typically be used in combination with a "view" that filters on availability.'),
  $element['preset_begin_date_source'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#title' => t('Source for the begin date'),
    '#default_value' => $settings['preset_begin_date_source'],
    '#options' => array(
      'none' => t('None'),
      'today' => t('Today'),
      'get' => t('GET value'),
      'post' => t('POST value'),
    '#required' => FALSE,
  $name_begin = $name_prefix . '[preset_begin_date_source]';
  $element['preset_begin_date_key'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Key for the begin date value'),
    '#default_value' => $settings['preset_begin_date_key'],
    '#required' => $settings['preset_begin_date_source'] === 'get' || $settings['preset_begin_date_source'] === 'post',
    '#size' => 36,
    '#states' => array(
      'visible' => array(
        ":input[name='{$name_begin}']" => array(
            'value' => 'get',
            'value' => 'post',
      'required' => array(
        ":input[name='{$name_begin}']" => array(
            'value' => 'get',
            'value' => 'post',
  $element['preset_end_date_source'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#title' => t('Source for the end date'),
    '#default_value' => isset($settings['preset_end_date_source']) ? $settings['preset_end_date_source'] : 'none',
    '#options' => array(
      'none' => t('None'),
      'today' => t('Today'),
      'fixed_duration' => t('Fixed duration'),
      'get' => t('GET value as end date'),
      'post' => t('POST value as end date'),
      'get1' => t('GET value as departure date'),
      'post1' => t('POST value as departure date'),
      'get_duration' => t('GET value as duration'),
      'post_duration' => t('POST value as duration'),
    '#states' => array(
      'invisible' => array(
        ":input[name='{$name_begin}']" => array(
          'value' => 'none',
  $name_end = $name_prefix . '[preset_end_date_source]';
  $element['preset_end_date_key'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Key for the end date value or number of days'),
    '#default_value' => isset($settings['preset_end_date_key']) ? $settings['preset_end_date_key'] : '',
    '#required' => $settings['preset_end_date_source'] !== 'none' && $settings['preset_end_date_source'] !== 'today',
    '#size' => 36,
    '#states' => array(
      'invisible' => array(
          ":input[name='{$name_begin}']" => array(
            'value' => 'none',
          ":input[name='{$name_end}']" => array(
              'value' => 'none',
              'value' => 'today',
      'optional' => array(
        ":input[name='{$name_end}']" => array(
            'value' => 'none',
            'value' => 'today',
  $element['#attached']['css'] = array(
    drupal_get_path('module', 'availability_calendar_booking_formlet') . '/availability_calendar_booking_formlet.admin.css',
  return $element;

 * Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_summary().
 * @link
function availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_formatter_settings_summary($field, $instance, $view_mode) {
  $display = $instance['display'][$view_mode];
  $settings = $display['settings'];
  $summary = array();

  // Summary info about showing whole form or submit button only.
  $summary[] = $settings['submit_only'] ? t('Only show the submit button') : t('Show the complete booking formlet');

  // Summary info about the source of the begin date.
  switch ($settings['preset_begin_date_source']) {
    case 'today':
      $source = t('today');
    case 'get':
    case 'post':
      $key = availability_calendar_booking_formlet_format_key($settings['preset_begin_date_key']);
      $source = '$_' . strtoupper($settings['preset_begin_date_source']) . $key;
    case 'none':
      $source = t('blank');
  $summary[] = t('Default begin date: @value', array(
    '@value' => $source,

  // Summary info about the source of the end date.
  switch ($settings['preset_end_date_source']) {
    case 'get':
    case 'post':
      $key = availability_calendar_booking_formlet_format_key($settings['preset_end_date_key']);
      $source = '$_' . strtoupper($settings['preset_end_date_source']) . $key;
      $line = t('Default end date: @value', array(
        '@value' => $source,
    case 'get1':
    case 'post1':
      $key = availability_calendar_booking_formlet_format_key($settings['preset_end_date_key']);
      $source = substr($settings['preset_end_date_source'], 0, strpos($settings['preset_end_date_source'], '1'));
      $source = '$_' . strtoupper($source) . $key;
      $line = t('Default departure date: @value', array(
        '@value' => $source,
    case 'get_duration':
    case 'post_duration':
      $key = availability_calendar_booking_formlet_format_key($settings['preset_end_date_key']);
      $global = $settings['preset_end_date_source'] === 'get_duration' ? 'GET' : 'POST';
      $source = '$_' . $global . $key;
      $line = t('Default end date: begin + @value days', array(
        '@value' => $source,
    case 'fixed_duration':
      $source = $settings['preset_end_date_key'];
      $line = t('Default end date: begin + @value days', array(
        '@value' => $source,
    case 'none':
      $source = t('blank');
      $line = t('Default end date: @value', array(
        '@value' => $source,
  $summary[] = $line;
  $options = availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_formatter_settings_form_get_options();
  $summary[] = $options[!empty($settings['display_duration']) ? $settings['display_duration'] : ''];
  return implode('<br/>', $summary);

 * Helper function for the formatter summary to display what preset value will
 * be used.
 * @param string $key
 *   The key, something like 'key1' or key1[subkey1][subkey2].
 * @return string
 *   The key but with the first part also enclosed in angle brackets, thus
 *   something like [key1] or [key1][subkey1][subkey2].
function availability_calendar_booking_formlet_format_key($key) {
  $key = check_plain($key);

  // Put angle brackets around (first part of) the key.
  $pos = strpos($key, '[');
  if ($pos === FALSE) {
    $key = "[{$key}]";
  else {
    $key = '[' . substr($key, 0, $pos) . ']' . substr($key, $pos);
  return $key;

 * Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
 * @link
function availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_formatter_view($entity_type, $entity, $field, $instance, $langcode, &$items, $display) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'availability_calendar', 'availability_calendar');
  $settings = $display['settings'] + $instance['settings'] + $field['settings'];

  // Get values for the begin and end date based on the field settings and
  // the context.
  $from = availability_calendar_booking_formlet_extract_date($settings, 'preset_begin_date');
  $to = $from !== NULL ? availability_calendar_booking_formlet_extract_date($settings, 'preset_end_date', $from) : NULL;

  // We need this function here only when from is set.
  if ($from !== NULL && !function_exists('availability_calendar_is_available')) {
    module_load_include('inc', 'availability_calendar', 'availability_calendar');

  // Find all calendars in this entity that are enabled. If there is no enabled
  // calendar, we do not show the booking form.
  // We also look for the first calendar that is "available" during the from-to
  // period (or just on the from date if no to date is set). This calendar will
  // be used as default selection, together with the from and to date.
  $cids = array();
  $calendar = NULL;
  $calendar_settings = NULL;
  $field_instance_info = field_info_instances($entity_type, $instance['bundle']);
  foreach ($field_instance_info as $field_name => $field_instance) {
    $field_info = field_info_field_by_id($field_instance['field_id']);
    if ($field_info['type'] === 'availability_calendar') {
      $calendar_field_items = field_get_items($entity_type, $entity, $field_name, $langcode);
      if ($calendar_field_items !== FALSE) {
        foreach ($calendar_field_items as $calendar_field_item) {
          if (isset($calendar_field_item['enabled']) && $calendar_field_item['enabled']) {

            // An enabled calendar: add it to the list of calendars we serve.
            $cids[] = $calendar_field_item['cid'];

            // If it is the 1st calendar that is available in a preset period
            // ($from and $to) we select it as default.
            if ($from !== NULL && $calendar === NULL) {
              if (availability_calendar_is_available($calendar_field_item['cid'], $from, $to !== NULL ? $to : $from, $field_info['settings']['default_state'])) {
                $calendar = $calendar_field_item;
                $calendar_settings = $field_info['settings'];
  $element = array();
  if (count($cids) > 0) {

    // $items will be empty because this is a display only field: fake 1 item.
    $delta = 0;
    $items[$delta] = array();

    // If we didn't find an available calendar we have to set the from and to
    // dates to null.
    if ($calendar === NULL) {
      $from = NULL;
      $to = NULL;
    $element[$delta] = drupal_get_form('availability_calendar_booking_formlet_form', $entity_type, $entity, $settings, $cids, $calendar, $calendar_settings, $from, $to);
  return $element;

 * Callback for drupal_get_form() to create the booking formlet view.
 * drupal_get_form() is called by hook_field_formatter_view (in our
 * case: availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_formatter_view).
 * @param string $form_id
 * @param array $form_state
 * @return array
function availability_calendar_booking_formlet_form($form_id, $form_state) {
  static $formlet_count = 0;
  $entity_type = $form_state['build_info']['args'][0];
  $entity = $form_state['build_info']['args'][1];
  $entity_id = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);
  $entity_id = $entity_id[0];
  $entity_label = entity_label($entity_type, $entity);
  $settings = $form_state['build_info']['args'][2];
  $cids = $form_state['build_info']['args'][3];
  $calendar = $form_state['build_info']['args'][4];
  $calendar_settings = $form_state['build_info']['args'][5];

  /** @var DateTime */
  $from = $form_state['build_info']['args'][6];

  /** @var DateTime */
  $to = $form_state['build_info']['args'][7];

  /** @var Integer */
  $duration = 0;
  if ($from instanceof DateTime && $to instanceof DateTime) {

    //PHP5.3: use getTimestamp() and/or diff().
    $timestamp_from = (int) $from
    $timestamp_to = (int) $to

    // To is inclusive, so add 1 day to the difference.
    $duration = (int) round(($timestamp_to - $timestamp_from) / (60 * 60 * 24)) + 1;
  $form = array();
  $form['#id'] = "availability-calendar-booking-formlet-form-{$formlet_count}";
  $form['cid'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#value' => $calendar !== NULL ? $calendar['cid'] : '',
  $form['calendar_label'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#value' => $calendar !== NULL ? $calendar['name'] : '',
  $form['entity_type'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#value' => $entity_type,
  $form['entity_id'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#value' => $entity_id,
  $form['entity_label'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#value' => $entity_label,
  $form['from_iso'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#value' => !empty($from) ? $from
      ->format(AC_ISODATE) : '',
  $form['to_iso'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#value' => !empty($to) ? $to
      ->format(AC_ISODATE) : '',
  $form['duration'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#value' => $duration,
  if ($settings['submit_only']) {
    $form['from_display'] = array(
      '#type' => 'hidden',
      '#value' => $from instanceof DateTime ? availability_calendar_format_display_date($from) : '',
    $form['to_display'] = array(
      '#type' => 'hidden',
      '#value' => $to instanceof DateTime ? availability_calendar_format_display_date($to) : '',
  else {
    $form['from_display'] = array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => t('Arrival date'),
      '#default_value' => $from instanceof DateTime ? availability_calendar_format_display_date($from) : '',
      '#required' => TRUE,
      '#disabled' => TRUE,
      '#attributes' => array(
        'readonly' => 'readonly',
      '#prefix' => '<div class="acbf-date">',
      '#suffix' => '<input class="acbf-reset-from form-reset" type="reset" value="' . t('Clear selected arrival date') . '" /></div>',
    if ($settings['single_day_only']) {
      $form['to_display'] = array(
        '#type' => 'hidden',
        '#value' => $to instanceof DateTime ? availability_calendar_format_display_date($to) : '',
      $form['from_display']['#title'] = t('Date');
      $form['from_display']['#suffix'] = '<input class="acbf-reset-from form-reset" type="reset" value="' . t('Clear selected date') . '" /></div>';
    else {
      $form['to_display'] = array(
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#title' => t('Departure date'),
        '#default_value' => $to instanceof DateTime ? availability_calendar_format_display_date($to) : '',
        '#required' => TRUE,
        '#disabled' => TRUE,
        '#attributes' => array(
          'readonly' => 'readonly',
        '#prefix' => '<div class="acbf-date">',
        '#suffix' => '<input class="acbf-reset-both form-reset" type="reset" value="' . t('Clear selected dates') . '" /></div>',

      // Display the duration if the settings indicate so.
      if (!empty($settings['display_duration'])) {
        $duration_display = '';
        switch ($settings['display_duration']) {
          case 'days':
            $duration_display = format_plural($duration, '1 day', '@count days');
          case 'nights':
            $duration_display = format_plural($duration, '1 night', '@count nights');
          case 'nights_and_days':
            $duration_display = format_plural($duration, '1 night', '@count nights');
            $duration_display .= ' / ';
            $duration_display .= format_plural($duration + 1, '1 day', '@count days');
        $form['duration_display'] = array(
          '#type' => 'textfield',
          '#title' => t('Duration'),
          '#default_value' => $duration_display,
          '#required' => TRUE,
          '#disabled' => TRUE,
          '#attributes' => array(
            'readonly' => 'readonly',
          '#prefix' => '<div class="acbf-date">',
          '#suffix' => '</div>',

  // Add form submit button.
  $form['actions'] = array(
    '#type' => 'actions',
    'submit' => array(
      '#type' => 'submit',
      '#value' => t('Book this resource ...'),
      '#disabled' => TRUE,
  global $language;
  $post_url = '';
  if ($settings['define_per_language'] && isset($settings['post_url'][$language->language])) {
    $post_url = $settings['post_url'][$language->language];
  else {
    if (isset($settings['post_url'][LANGUAGE_NONE])) {
      $post_url = $settings['post_url'][LANGUAGE_NONE];
    else {
      if (is_array($settings['post_url'])) {
        $post_url = reset($settings['post_url']);
  if (is_array($post_url)) {
    $post_url = reset($post_url);
  $form['#action'] = url($post_url);
  $form['#method'] = !empty($settings['use_get']) ? 'GET' : 'POST';

  // Add js and css.
  // If only the book now button is shown, the calendar might not be shown.
  // Make sure there is a javascript instance that represents the selected
  // calendar (and that can be queried by our javascript).
  if ($calendar !== NULL) {
    availability_calendar_add_calendar_js($calendar['cid'], $calendar_settings['allocation_type']);
  availability_calendar_booking_formlet_add_js($form['#id'], $cids, $settings);
  $form['#attached']['css'] = array(
    drupal_get_path('module', 'availability_calendar_booking_formlet') . '/availability_calendar_booking_formlet.css',
  return $form;

 * Returns a date based on the settings and global context.
 * @param array $settings
 * @param string $date
 *   Either 'preset_begin_date' or 'preset_end_date'
 * @param null|DateTime $offset
 *   null or a date to use as offset if the source indicates a duration rather
 *   than a date on its own.
 * @return null|DateTime
function availability_calendar_booking_formlet_extract_date($settings, $date, $offset = NULL) {
  $source = $settings["{$date}_source"];
  $global = substr($source, 0, strlen('get')) === 'get' ? $_GET : $_POST;
  $key = $settings["{$date}_key"];
  $result = NULL;
  switch ($source) {
    case 'today':
      $result = new DateTime();
    case 'fixed_duration':
      if ($offset instanceof DateTime) {
        $result = clone $offset;
        $duration = (int) $key;

        // Adjust duration as to date is inclusive.
          ->modify("+{$duration} days");
    case 'get':
    case 'post':
    case 'get1':
    case 'post1':
      $date = availability_calendar_booking_formlet_get_nested_array_value($global, $key);
      if (is_string($date)) {
        $date = availability_calendar_parse_entry_date($date);
        if ($date instanceof DateTime) {
          $result = $date;

          // get1 and post1 are not inclusive: modify by 1 day.
          if (substr($source, -strlen('1')) === '1') {
              ->modify('-1 day');
    case 'get_duration':
    case 'post_duration':
      if ($offset instanceof DateTime) {
        $duration = availability_calendar_booking_formlet_get_nested_array_value($global, $key);
        if (is_int($duration) || ctype_digit($duration)) {
          $result = clone $offset;
          $duration = (int) $duration;

          // Adjust duration as to date is inclusive.
            ->modify("+{$duration} days");
    case 'none':

  // Set time to noon to avoid timezone conversion rounding errors later.
  if ($result instanceof DateTime) {
      ->setTime(12, 0, 0);
  return $result;

 * Extracts a possibly multi-level key from an array.
 * @param array $array
 *   The array to extract the value from.
 * @param string $key
 *   The key, something like 'key1' or key1[subkey1][subkey2].
 * @return null|mixed
 *   Null when the key does not exist, the value of the array entry otherwise.
function availability_calendar_booking_formlet_get_nested_array_value($array, $key) {
  $keys = explode('[', str_replace(']', '', $key));
  return drupal_array_get_nested_value($array, $keys);

 * Adds the javascript for the booking formlet to the page.
 * @param string $form_id
 * @param array $cids
 * @param array $settings
function availability_calendar_booking_formlet_add_js($form_id, $cids, $settings) {

  // Ensure that the base client side API loads as well including, optionally,
  // the date formatting functionality of date picker.
  drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'availability_calendar_booking_formlet') . '/availability_calendar_booking_formlet.js', array(
    'type' => 'file',
    'availabilityCalendar' => array(
      'bookingFormlets' => array(
        $form_id => array(
          'formId' => "#{$form_id}",
          'cids' => $cids,
          'bookedState' => $settings['booked_state'],
          'singleDay' => (bool) $settings['single_day_only'],
          'displayDuration' => $settings['display_duration'],
  ), array(
    'type' => 'setting',


Namesort descending Description
availability_calendar_booking_formlet_add_js Adds the javascript for the booking formlet to the page.
availability_calendar_booking_formlet_extract_date Returns a date based on the settings and global context.
availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_formatter_info Implements hook_field_formatter_info(). @link
availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_formatter_settings_form Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_form(). @link
availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_formatter_settings_form_get_options Helper function to prevent duplication of these strings.
availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_formatter_settings_summary Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_summary(). @link
availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_formatter_view Implements hook_field_formatter_view(). @link
availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_info Implements hook_field_info(). @link
availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_instance_settings_form Implements hook_field_instance_settings_form(). @link
availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_is_empty Implements hook_field_is_empty(). @link
availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_settings_form Implements hook_field_settings_form(). @link
availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_validate Implements hook_field_validate(). @link
availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_widget_form Implements hook_field_widget_form(). @link
availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_widget_info Implements hook_field_widget_info. @link
availability_calendar_booking_formlet_field_widget_settings_form Implements hook_field_widget_settings_form @link
availability_calendar_booking_formlet_form Callback for drupal_get_form() to create the booking formlet view.
availability_calendar_booking_formlet_format_key Helper function for the formatter summary to display what preset value will be used.
availability_calendar_booking_formlet_get_nested_array_value Extracts a possibly multi-level key from an array.