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constant AC_ISODATE in Availability Calendars 6.2

@file General helper methods for Availability Calendars, like database access and settings.

@author Dan Karran (geodaniel) <dan at karran dot net> @author Nicholas Alipaz (nicholas.alipaz) @author Erwin Derksen (

3 uses of AC_ISODATE
availability_calendars_get_node_states in ./
Returns the states for the calendar for the given node in the given month. The returned array will be completely filled, so no checking is necessary.
availability_calendars_update_node_states in ./
Update the states for the calendar for the given node in the given month.
theme_availability_calendars_month in ./
Themes the calendar for a given month.


./, line 11
General helper methods for Availability Calendars, like database access and settings.


define('AC_ISODATE', 'Y-m-d');