You are here in Availability Calendars 7.4

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 * Availability Calendar code to edit the calendar using a month based widget.
module_load_include('inc', 'availability_calendar', 'availability_calendar');

 * Defines the form elements to edit this field.
 * Called by our implementation of hook_field_widget_form(). Parameters are as
 * passed to hook_field_widget_form(). Return is what hook_field_widget_form()
 * should return.
 * @param array $form
 * @param array $form_state
 * @param array $field
 * @param array $instance
 * @param string $langcode
 * @param array $items
 * @param integer $delta
 * @param array $element
 * @return array
 *   Form elements to edit this field on an entity edit form.
function availability_calendar_field_widget_month_form(&$form, &$form_state, $field, $instance, $langcode, $items, $delta, $element) {
  static $new_cid_count = 0;
  $item = isset($items[$delta]) ? $items[$delta] : NULL;
  $cid = !empty($item['cid']) ? $item['cid'] : 'new' . ++$new_cid_count;
  $cvid = availability_calendar_get_cvid();
  $name = !empty($item['name']) ? $item['name'] : '';
  $settings = $instance['widget']['settings'] + $instance['settings'] + $field['settings'];

  // Make sure this file gets loaded on submit
  $form_state['build_info']['files'][] = array(
    'type' => 'inc',
    'module' => 'availability_calendar',
    'name' => 'availability_calendar.widget',
  $element = array_merge($element, array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#element_validate' => array(
    '#attached' => availability_calendar_field_widget_month_attach_js_css($cvid),
  $element['enabled'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    // Don't show the checkbox if the user may not disable the calendar.
    '#access' => $settings['allow_disable'],
    '#title' => t('Enable the availability calendar'),
    '#description' => t("Uncheck the checkbox if you don't want a calendar at all for this @entity", array(
      '@entity' => $element['#entity_type'],
    '#default_value' => isset($item['enabled']) ? $item['enabled'] : 1,
    '#attributes' => array(
      'class' => array(
  $element['calendar_details_div'] = array(
    '#type' => 'markup',
    '#markup' => '<div class="availability-details">',
  $element['name'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    // Don't show this textbox if the user may not give the calendar a name.
    '#access' => $settings['add_name'],
    '#title' => t('Name'),
    '#default_value' => isset($item['name']) ? $item['name'] : '',
  $element['description'] = array(
    '#type' => 'item',
    '#title' => t('Availability'),
    '#description' => t('<p>To update the calendar: select the new state and the date range to apply it to. Repeat if needed. When finished, click on <em>@button</em>. You can select a date range by clicking on either:</p>
     <li>The begin and end date of the period you want to change.</li>
     <li>A week number to select that whole week at once.</li>
     <li>The name of the month to select that whole month at once.</li>
     <li>The name of a day of the week to select all those days of the week in that month.</li>
     </ul>', array(
      '@button' => t('Save'),
  $allowed_states = availability_calendar_get_states(array_filter($settings['allowed_states']), 'label');
  $default_state = array_key_exists($settings['default_state'], $allowed_states) ? $settings['default_state'] : key($allowed_states);
  $element['availability_states'] = array(
    '#type' => 'radios',
    '#title' => t('Select new state'),
    '#default_value' => $default_state,
    '#options' => $allowed_states,
    '#attributes' => array(
      'class' => array(
  $element['availability_calendar'] = array(
    '#type' => 'markup',
    '#theme' => $instance['widget']['type'],
    '#markup' => '',
    '#cid' => $cid,
    '#cvid' => $cvid,
    '#name' => $name,
    '#settings' => $settings,
  $element['calendar_details_enddiv'] = array(
    '#type' => 'markup',
    '#markup' => '</div>',
  $element['availability_changes'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#title' => t('Changes in availability'),
    '#default_value' => '',
    '#attributes' => array(
      'class' => array(

  // Add element cid. It does not have to be sent to the client, but is used on
  // submit. Store 0 for new calendars.
  $element['cid'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#access' => FALSE,
    '#default_value' => (int) $cid,

  // Add the unique cid, used to match changes, fields, and elements in the
  // processing phase.
  $element['cid_unique'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#access' => FALSE,
    '#default_value' => $cid,
  return $element;

 * Attaches the necessary javascript files and settings as well as the
 * necessary css files. It does not add the base javascript, that will be added
 * by the theme function that renders the calendar view.
 * @param int $cvid
 *   Id of the calendar view this editor is attached to.
 * @return array
function availability_calendar_field_widget_month_attach_js_css($cvid) {
  $result = array(
    'js' => array(
      drupal_get_path('module', 'availability_calendar') . '/availability_calendar.edit.js',
        'data' => array(
          'availabilityCalendar' => array(
            'editors' => array(
              $cvid => array(
                'cvid' => $cvid,
        'type' => 'setting',
    'css' => array(
      drupal_get_path('module', 'availability_calendar') . '/availability_calendar.edit.css',
  return $result;

 * Callback to validate the calendar changes.
 * @link
function availability_calendar_field_widget_month_form_validate($element, &$form_state) {

  // Do not update on preview, only on a real submit.
  // Drupal might have added additional characters to the #id to make it unique,
  // so only check on the start of the #id.
  $op = isset($form_state['clicked_button']) ? $form_state['clicked_button']['#id'] : '';
  if (substr($op, 0, strlen('edit-submit')) === 'edit-submit' && $element['enabled']['#value'] == '1') {
    $changes = array();
    $is_valid = TRUE;
    $lines = explode("\n", $element['availability_changes']['#value']);

    // Remove the last incomplete line.
    foreach ($lines as $line) {
      if (!empty($line)) {
        $change = availability_calendar_field_widget_month_form_validate_line($line, $element);
        if ($change !== FALSE) {
          $changes[] = $change;
        else {
          $is_valid = FALSE;
          form_error($element, t('The requested calendar changes contain an invalid request.'));

    // If the field changes validated, store them for processing in the submit
    // phase. In the submit phase our hook_field_attach_submit implementation
    // will process the changes. As that hook operates on the entity, we need
    // to be able to match these changes with the entity, field, language, and
    // delta. We do so using the value of the cid_unique field.
    if ($is_valid) {
      $form_state['availability_calendar_updates'][] = array(

 * Validates a single command line.
 * @param string $line
 *   Command line: "state: <sid> from: yyyy-mm-dd to: yyyy-mm-dd".
 * @param array $element
 * @return boolean|array
 *   An array with key 'from', 'to' and 'state' representing the parsed and
 *   validated command line or FALSE on validation errors.
function availability_calendar_field_widget_month_form_validate_line($line, $element) {

  // Basic syntax checking.
  $parts = explode(' ', trim($line));
  if (count($parts) !== 6 || $parts[0] !== 'state:' || $parts[2] !== 'from:' || preg_match('/^[1-2][0-9]{3}-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]$/', $parts[3]) !== 1 || $parts[4] !== 'to:' || preg_match('/^[1-2][0-9]{3}-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]$/', $parts[5]) !== 1) {
    return FALSE;

  // Check state: allowed state.
  $state = $parts[1];
  if (!array_key_exists($state, $element['availability_states']['#options'])) {
    return FALSE;

  // Check dates: valid dates, in between ranges of the calendar and from <= to.
  $year = date('Y');
  $month = date('m');
  if (!checkdate(substr($parts[3], 5, 2), substr($parts[3], 8, 2), substr($parts[3], 0, 4)) || $parts[3] < date(AC_ISODATE, mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year))) {
    return FALSE;
  $months = $element['availability_calendar']['#settings']['show_number_of_months'];
  if (!checkdate(substr($parts[5], 5, 2), substr($parts[5], 8, 2), substr($parts[5], 0, 4)) || $parts[5] > date(AC_ISODATE, mktime(0, 0, 0, $month + $months + 1, 0, $year))) {
    return FALSE;
  $from = new DateTime($parts[3]);
  $to = new DateTime($parts[5]);
  if ($from > $to) {
    return FALSE;
  return array(
    'state' => $state,
    'from' => $from,
    'to' => $to,

 * Called by implementation of hook_field_attach_submit.
 * @link
function availability_calendar_field_attach_submit_inc($entity_type, $entity, $form, &$form_state) {
  if (!empty($form_state['availability_calendar_updates'])) {
    foreach ($form_state['availability_calendar_updates'] as $update_info) {

      // A form can contain multiple entities with multiple calendar fields:
      // match the changes with specific fields using the cid_unique value.
      list($field_name, $language_code, $delta, $cid_unique, $changes) = $update_info;
      if (isset($entity->{$field_name}[$language_code][$delta]['cid_unique']) && $entity->{$field_name}[$language_code][$delta]['cid_unique'] === $cid_unique) {

        // If cid is not yet set (i.e. it is a new calendar), cid will get its
        // value from availability_calendar_update_multiple_availability().
        $cid = availability_calendar_update_multiple_availability((int) $cid_unique, $changes);
        if ($cid != $entity->{$field_name}[$language_code][$delta]['cid']) {

          // New calendar: update the field
          $entity->{$field_name}[$language_code][$delta]['cid'] = $cid;


Namesort descending Description
availability_calendar_field_attach_submit_inc Called by implementation of hook_field_attach_submit. @link
availability_calendar_field_widget_month_attach_js_css Attaches the necessary javascript files and settings as well as the necessary css files. It does not add the base javascript, that will be added by the theme function that renders the calendar view.
availability_calendar_field_widget_month_form Defines the form elements to edit this field.
availability_calendar_field_widget_month_form_validate Callback to validate the calendar changes. @link
availability_calendar_field_widget_month_form_validate_line Validates a single command line.