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CHANGELOG2.x.txt in Availability Calendars 7.2

Availability Calendars

Availability Calendars 7.x-2.x-dev
- Added new setting allocation_type to upgrade.
- Issue [#1458118]: Remove LICENSE.txt from Git repository
- Improvements to update + update texts.
- Minor update to install.
- Major error: update switched order of columns on copying field data.
- Increased length of week notes.
- Wrapped week notes in a div to allow for better styling (hover behavior difficult on td).

Availability Calendars 7.x-2.4 2011-10-15
- Error: defaultstatus was not being converted (update 7202).

Availability Calendars 7.x-2.3 2011-09-13
- Added upgrade path to the fields based 7.x-3.x version.
- Issue [#1259880] by fietserwin: Warning when generating style sheet.
- By fietserwin: Corrected typos in permission names.
- By fietserwin: Placed the key outside the calendar div so it does not get wrapped in the viewport.
- Issue [#1211782] by fietserwin: errors with multilingual calendars. Partly solved: cache and delete
  are still open.
- By fietserwin: changed some comments and UI strings.
- Issue [#1193270] by fietserwin: Use css_class instead of class as this can't be ued in js in IE.

Availability Calendars 7.x-2.2 2011-06-19
- Issue [#1184474] by fietserwin: Strict warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in
  availability_calendars_get_settings() line 77
- By fietserwin: styling/rendering changes:
  These changes may/will nullify any styling added by yourself!
  * Class dayofweek is no longer used on the short day names (header). Use '.cal thead th' instead.
  * Week notes are now rendered in a <th> instead of <td>
  * Class calweeknote is no longer used on week notes. Use '.cal tbody th' instead.
  * Week notes now may contain some html, e.g. strong or em (filter_xss instead of check_plain).
  * Moved some settings from generated file to availability_calendars.base.css file.
  * Added support to visually emphasize selectable cells (pointer and show border on hover).
  * Changed rendering of day cells, using a <div> in the <td>'s for non split days, and changed
    the usage of the 2 <span>'s in the split day situation.
- By fietserwin: javascript changes/additions:
  * Viewport functionality that wraps the number of months to show in a viewport, only showing a
    given number of months. With buttons you can scroll through the months (limited by the number
    of months shown/rendered: no ajax to retrieve more months).
  * Days in a month can be tagged selectable: on hover the cursor changes to a pointer and a border
    becomes visible. Only clicks on these cells will issue the calendarclick event. Cells that can
    be made selectable: none, all, only available, or only non-available.
  * Base API completely revised: now allows to change and restore(!) the state for a range of days
    at once.
  * Usage example for the viewport included in the js code files, other examples will follow.
- By fietserwin: availability_calendars_get_settings() now includes nid and available states.

Availability Calendars 7.x-2.1 2011-05-26
- No issue by nicholas.alipaz: General code formatting and check on English language.
- Issue [#1096146] by fietserwin: Added a viewport feature to show the calendar.
- Issue [#470994] by fietserwin: Prerequisites:
  * javascript Calendar API split over multiple files (generic, edit specific, display/search
  * function availability_calendars_get_states() is now part of the API (and therefore in the
    .module file) and has a new parameter: filter on (non-)available states.
  * added a wrapper div around all months of a calendar including some styling for it.
  * added some more javascript API functions.
  * add and process is_available field to states.
- Issue [#937818] by fietserwin: Make edit (week notes and per day states) link optional and move
  to edit availability calendar tab. Hide textarea.
- By fietserwin (no issue): On node view, the settings were read from the node itself, whereas
  they should be read from the translation containing the calendar.
- By fietserwin (no issue): Not all styles that are present in the styling form were generated.
- Issue [#1143658] by fietserwin: Move enabling calendar for content types to admin settings form.
- By fietserwin: removed 'version' from info file, will add that.
- Issue [#1083800] by fietserwin: Notes per Day: partial change: make week notes optional.
- By fietserwin: Solved error in wrong regexp syntax in new range based calendar updating.
- Regression of issue [#747992]: Also clear the cache when updating the calendar the new way.
- By fietserwin: Changed behaviour after calendar saving: redirect to node view page.
- Issue [#1107680] by fietserwin: No Configuration on admin/config menu.
- Issue [#1107240] by fietserwin: Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in
- Issue [#1107230] by fietserwin: Optimize storage for variables of Availability Calendars.
- Issue [#937818] by fietserwin: Easier updating of calendars: book ranges at once.
- By fietserwin: Empty days at the end of the month were not rendered with a span in them, leading
  to tables with different heights.
- By fietserwin (no issue): Due to incorrect bracketing, sticky headers was not set to FALSE but
  passed as an attribute.
- Renamed functions to better express their intent and when or how they are called.
- Prepare for issue [#937818] by fietserwin: always render the span's in split day situation. Needs
  a regeneration of the CSS file. (Already did this now to rewrite an unelegant piece of code.)
- Issue [#1083198] by fietserwin: Optimize storage for tables of Availability Calendars.

Availability Calendars 7.x-2.0 2011-03-19
- Issue [#1027930] by fietserwin: Port availability calendars to D7.
  Some remarks abouth changes that may surprise you at first sight:
  * I used the list at to see what had to be changed
  * drupal_set_title:
  * Implements hook_... in comments:
  * No explicit calls to schema hooks in (un)install:

Availability Calendars 6.x-2.0 2011-03-19
- Issue [#1093408] by fietserwin: Winter/summer time offsets cause incorrect month labels. Not a
  problem in D7, timezones are used correctly, but changed there as well to keep code in sync.
- Issue [#660502] by fietserwin: Custom colors using administration interface.
  This change removed the code that was probably causing #1076786
- By nicholas.alipaz: General code cleanup and removal of whitespace.
- By fietserwin: commented out the code that probably causes #1076786.
- Issue [#764406] by fietserwin: Allow admin to hide the calendar settings on the node edit page.
- By fietserwin: Changed notes savings to no longer save empty notes.
- By fietserwin: Added node delete handling (notes, day states and settings).
- By fietserwin: Made availability calendar fieldset on node edit form collapsible and collapsed
  by default.
- By fietserwin: Removed translation of @date: incorrect use of t().
- By fietserwin: Removed unused function availability_calendars_menu_callback. As a consequence,
  availability_calendars_get_settings does no longer have to support scope = nodetype.
- Issue [#1060214] by fietserwin: Prepare for D7 port:
  * Resolved warnings given by coder module.
  * Replaced use of arg in function availability_calendars_node_edit_form
  * Renamed function availability_calendar_getsettings to availability_calendars_get_settings.
  * Renamed function availability_calendars_save to availability_calendars_save_node_settings.
  * Moved availability_calendars_key to theme_availability_calendars_key: will from now on thus
    also be accessed as a theme function
  * Drupal stores what comes in, and encodes/filters on output: do not store check_plain'ed user
    input on form submit (nid, year, month, notes) in availability_calendars_node_edit_form_submit,
    instead added check_plain in theme_availability_calendars_month instead.
  * Removed (most) E_NOTICE warnings.
  * Extracted database access to separate functions.
  * Split code over multiple files (module, admin, node, page and inc). This reduces load on
    requests that do not use the calendar functionality.
- Issue #306461 by fietserwin: Added custom configurable availability states.
- Branched from 6.x-1.6 (kind of, not if you look at the git history, yes functionally seen).

Availability Calendars 6.x-1.x 2011-03-19
- Issue [#1009216] by fietserwin: Date translation problem.
- Issue [#1048010] by fietserwin: Changed cache clearing on save (that caused the settings to not

Availability Calendars 6.x-1.5 2011-01-23
Changes for version 6.x-1.5 and older were not logged in this file.

Current and past maintainers for Availability Calendars
- geodaniel (
- nicholas.alipaz (
- fietserwin (


View source
  1. Availability Calendars
  2. ----------------------
  3. Availability Calendars 7.x-2.x-dev
  4. -----------------------------------------
  5. - Added new setting allocation_type to upgrade.
  6. - Issue [#1458118]: Remove LICENSE.txt from Git repository
  7. - Improvements to update + update texts.
  8. - Minor update to install.
  9. - Major error: update switched order of columns on copying field data.
  10. - Increased length of week notes.
  11. - Wrapped week notes in a div to allow for better styling (hover behavior difficult on td).
  12. Availability Calendars 7.x-2.4 2011-10-15
  13. -----------------------------------------
  14. - Error: defaultstatus was not being converted (update 7202).
  15. Availability Calendars 7.x-2.3 2011-09-13
  16. -----------------------------------------
  17. - Added upgrade path to the fields based 7.x-3.x version.
  18. - Issue [#1259880] by fietserwin: Warning when generating style sheet.
  19. - By fietserwin: Corrected typos in permission names.
  20. - By fietserwin: Placed the key outside the calendar div so it does not get wrapped in the viewport.
  21. - Issue [#1211782] by fietserwin: errors with multilingual calendars. Partly solved: cache and delete
  22. are still open.
  23. - By fietserwin: changed some comments and UI strings.
  24. - Issue [#1193270] by fietserwin: Use css_class instead of class as this can't be ued in js in IE.
  25. Availability Calendars 7.x-2.2 2011-06-19
  26. -----------------------------------------
  27. - Issue [#1184474] by fietserwin: Strict warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in
  28. availability_calendars_get_settings() line 77
  29. - By fietserwin: styling/rendering changes:
  30. These changes may/will nullify any styling added by yourself!
  31. * Class dayofweek is no longer used on the short day names (header). Use '.cal thead th' instead.
  32. * Week notes are now rendered in a instead of
  33. * Class calweeknote is no longer used on week notes. Use '.cal tbody th' instead.
  34. * Week notes now may contain some html, e.g. strong or em (filter_xss instead of check_plain).
  35. * Moved some settings from generated file to availability_calendars.base.css file.
  36. * Added support to visually emphasize selectable cells (pointer and show border on hover).
  37. * Changed rendering of day cells, using a
    in the 's for non split days, and changed
  38. the usage of the 2 's in the split day situation.
  39. - By fietserwin: javascript changes/additions:
  40. * Viewport functionality that wraps the number of months to show in a viewport, only showing a
  41. given number of months. With buttons you can scroll through the months (limited by the number
  42. of months shown/rendered: no ajax to retrieve more months).
  43. * Days in a month can be tagged selectable: on hover the cursor changes to a pointer and a border
  44. becomes visible. Only clicks on these cells will issue the calendarclick event. Cells that can
  45. be made selectable: none, all, only available, or only non-available.
  46. * Base API completely revised: now allows to change and restore(!) the state for a range of days
  47. at once.
  48. * Usage example for the viewport included in the js code files, other examples will follow.
  49. - By fietserwin: availability_calendars_get_settings() now includes nid and available states.
  50. Availability Calendars 7.x-2.1 2011-05-26
  51. -----------------------------------------
  52. - No issue by nicholas.alipaz: General code formatting and check on English language.
  53. - Issue [#1096146] by fietserwin: Added a viewport feature to show the calendar.
  54. - Issue [#470994] by fietserwin: Prerequisites:
  55. * javascript Calendar API split over multiple files (generic, edit specific, display/search
  56. specfic).
  57. * function availability_calendars_get_states() is now part of the API (and therefore in the
  58. .module file) and has a new parameter: filter on (non-)available states.
  59. * added a wrapper div around all months of a calendar including some styling for it.
  60. * added some more javascript API functions.
  61. * add and process is_available field to states.
  62. - Issue [#937818] by fietserwin: Make edit (week notes and per day states) link optional and move
  63. to edit availability calendar tab. Hide textarea.
  64. - By fietserwin (no issue): On node view, the settings were read from the node itself, whereas
  65. they should be read from the translation containing the calendar.
  66. - By fietserwin (no issue): Not all styles that are present in the styling form were generated.
  67. - Issue [#1143658] by fietserwin: Move enabling calendar for content types to admin settings form.
  68. - By fietserwin: removed 'version' from info file, will add that.
  69. - Issue [#1083800] by fietserwin: Notes per Day: partial change: make week notes optional.
  70. - By fietserwin: Solved error in wrong regexp syntax in new range based calendar updating.
  71. - Regression of issue [#747992]: Also clear the cache when updating the calendar the new way.
  72. - By fietserwin: Changed behaviour after calendar saving: redirect to node view page.
  73. - Issue [#1107680] by fietserwin: No Configuration on admin/config menu.
  74. - Issue [#1107240] by fietserwin: Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in
  75. availability_calendars_node_edit_form_alter().
  76. - Issue [#1107230] by fietserwin: Optimize storage for variables of Availability Calendars.
  77. - Issue [#937818] by fietserwin: Easier updating of calendars: book ranges at once.
  78. - By fietserwin: Empty days at the end of the month were not rendered with a span in them, leading
  79. to tables with different heights.
  80. - By fietserwin (no issue): Due to incorrect bracketing, sticky headers was not set to FALSE but
  81. passed as an attribute.
  82. - Renamed functions to better express their intent and when or how they are called.
  83. - Prepare for issue [#937818] by fietserwin: always render the span's in split day situation. Needs
  84. a regeneration of the CSS file. (Already did this now to rewrite an unelegant piece of code.)
  85. - Issue [#1083198] by fietserwin: Optimize storage for tables of Availability Calendars.
  86. Availability Calendars 7.x-2.0 2011-03-19
  87. -----------------------------------------
  88. - Issue [#1027930] by fietserwin: Port availability calendars to D7.
  89. Some remarks abouth changes that may surprise you at first sight:
  90. * I used the list at to see what had to be changed
  91. * drupal_set_title:
  92. * Implements hook_... in comments:
  93. * No explicit calls to schema hooks in (un)install:
  94. Availability Calendars 6.x-2.0 2011-03-19
  95. -----------------------------------------
  96. - Issue [#1093408] by fietserwin: Winter/summer time offsets cause incorrect month labels. Not a
  97. problem in D7, timezones are used correctly, but changed there as well to keep code in sync.
  98. - Issue [#660502] by fietserwin: Custom colors using administration interface.
  99. This change removed the code that was probably causing #1076786
  100. - By nicholas.alipaz: General code cleanup and removal of whitespace.
  101. - By fietserwin: commented out the code that probably causes #1076786.
  102. - Issue [#764406] by fietserwin: Allow admin to hide the calendar settings on the node edit page.
  103. - By fietserwin: Changed notes savings to no longer save empty notes.
  104. - By fietserwin: Added node delete handling (notes, day states and settings).
  105. - By fietserwin: Made availability calendar fieldset on node edit form collapsible and collapsed
  106. by default.
  107. - By fietserwin: Removed translation of @date: incorrect use of t().
  108. - By fietserwin: Removed unused function availability_calendars_menu_callback. As a consequence,
  109. availability_calendars_get_settings does no longer have to support scope = nodetype.
  110. - Issue [#1060214] by fietserwin: Prepare for D7 port:
  111. * Resolved warnings given by coder module.
  112. * Replaced use of arg in function availability_calendars_node_edit_form
  113. * Renamed function availability_calendar_getsettings to availability_calendars_get_settings.
  114. * Renamed function availability_calendars_save to availability_calendars_save_node_settings.
  115. * Moved availability_calendars_key to theme_availability_calendars_key: will from now on thus
  116. also be accessed as a theme function
  117. * Drupal stores what comes in, and encodes/filters on output: do not store check_plain'ed user
  118. input on form submit (nid, year, month, notes) in availability_calendars_node_edit_form_submit,
  119. instead added check_plain in theme_availability_calendars_month instead.
  120. * Removed (most) E_NOTICE warnings.
  121. * Extracted database access to separate functions.
  122. * Split code over multiple files (module, admin, node, page and inc). This reduces load on
  123. requests that do not use the calendar functionality.
  124. - Issue #306461 by fietserwin: Added custom configurable availability states.
  125. - Branched from 6.x-1.6 (kind of, not if you look at the git history, yes functionally seen).
  126. Availability Calendars 6.x-1.x 2011-03-19
  127. -----------------------------------------
  128. - Issue [#1009216] by fietserwin: Date translation problem.
  129. - Issue [#1048010] by fietserwin: Changed cache clearing on save (that caused the settings to not
  130. persist).
  131. Availability Calendars 6.x-1.5 2011-01-23
  132. -----------------------------------------
  133. Changes for version 6.x-1.5 and older were not logged in this file.
  134. Current and past maintainers for Availability Calendars
  135. -------------------------------------------------------
  136. - geodaniel (
  137. - nicholas.alipaz (
  138. - fietserwin (