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protected function ContentEntityAutosaveFormTestBase::doTestAutosaveAfterFormValidationFail in Autosave Form 8

Tests the autosave message not being shown on reload after validation fail.

1 call to ContentEntityAutosaveFormTestBase::doTestAutosaveAfterFormValidationFail()
ContentEntityAutosaveFormTestBase::testAutosaveForms in tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/ContentEntity/ContentEntityAutosaveFormTestBase.php
Tests autosave.


tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/ContentEntity/ContentEntityAutosaveFormTestBase.php, line 222


Base test class for testing autosave support for entity forms.




protected function doTestAutosaveAfterFormValidationFail() {

  // Create a test entity and ensure that the required field is not filled in
  // order to trigger a validation error on entity form submission.
  $entity = $this

  // Disable the HTML5 validation as it prevents the form submission when a
  // required field is empty, which however we want to do on purpose to test
  // how autosave_form behaves when a form is returned with validation errors,
  // but for that it has to be submitted first.
    ->set('disable_html5_validation', TRUE);
  $entity_form_edit_url = $entity

  // Assure that the initial autosave submission for gathering initial input
  // has run.

  // Make the first change to trigger an autosave state creation, but do not
  // fill the required field.

  // Ensure a validation fail will occur.

  // Ensure an autosave state is saved.
  $before_submission_autosave_entries = $this
    ->assertTrue($before_submission_autosave_entries > 0);

  // Submit the form.

  // Do not prevent the HTML5 validation anymore.
    ->logHtmlOutput(__FUNCTION__ . ' after validation fail.');

  // Ensure the validation fail message is shown.
  $error_messages = $this
    ->find('css', '.messages--error');

  // Ensure that the autosave resume/discard message is not shown.
    ->assertAutosaveResumeDiscardMessageIsShown(FALSE, $this

  // Ensure that autosave submissions are running.

  // Ensure no further autosave states are being created without changes.
    ->assertEquals($before_submission_autosave_entries, $this