6 calls to ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::crypto_generichash() in Automatic Updates 7
- ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::crypto_kx_seed_keypair in vendor/
paragonie/ sodium_compat/ src/ Compat.php - ParagonIE_Sodium_Crypto::keyExchange in vendor/
paragonie/ sodium_compat/ src/ Crypto.php - Libsodium's crypto_kx().
- ParagonIE_Sodium_File::box_seal in vendor/
paragonie/ sodium_compat/ src/ File.php - Seal a file (rather than a string). Uses less memory than ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::crypto_box_seal(), but produces the same result.
- ParagonIE_Sodium_File::box_seal_open in vendor/
paragonie/ sodium_compat/ src/ File.php - Open a sealed file (rather than a string). Uses less memory than ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::crypto_box_seal_open(), but produces the same result.
- php72compat.php in vendor/
paragonie/ sodium_compat/ lib/ php72compat.php - sodium_compat.php in vendor/
paragonie/ sodium_compat/ lib/ sodium_compat.php