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automatic-updates-post-update.tpl.php in Automatic Updates 7

Template for the public service announcements email notification.

Available variables:

  • $success: The update success status.
  • $project: The project name.
  • $from_version: The current project version.
  • $to_version: The desired next project version.


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 * @file
 * Template for the public service announcements email notification.
 * Available variables:
 * - $success: The update success status.
 * - $project: The project name.
 * - $from_version: The current project version.
 * - $to_version: The desired next project version.
 * @ingroup themeable

if ($success) {

  print t('The project "@project" was updated from "@from_version" to "@to_version" with success.', [
    '@project' => $project,
    '@from_version' => $from_version,
    '@to_version' => $to_version,

else {

  print t('The project "@project" was updated from "@from_version" to "@to_version" with failures.', [
    '@project' => $project,
    '@from_version' => $from_version,
    '@to_version' => $to_version,


$status_report = url('admin/reports/status', [
  'absolute' => TRUE,

print t('See the <a href="!status_report">site status report page</a> and any logs for more information.', [
  '!status_report' => $status_report,