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protected static function FileOwnership::ownerIsScriptUser in Automatic Updates 7

Check if file is owned by the same user as which is running the script.

Helps identify scenarios when the check is run by web user and the files are owned by a non-web user.


string $file_path: The file path to check.

Return value

array An array of translatable strings if there are file ownership issues.

1 call to FileOwnership::ownerIsScriptUser()
FileOwnership::run in ReadinessCheckers/FileOwnership.php
Run check.


ReadinessCheckers/FileOwnership.php, line 28


File ownership checker.


protected static function ownerIsScriptUser($file_path) {
  $messages = [];
  if (function_exists('posix_getuid')) {
    $file_owner_uid = fileowner($file_path);
    $script_uid = posix_getuid();
    if ($file_owner_uid !== $script_uid) {
      $messages[] = t('Files are owned by uid "@owner" but PHP is running as uid "@actual". The file owner and PHP user should be the same during an update.', [
        '@owner' => $file_owner_uid,
        '@file' => $file_path,
        '@actual' => $script_uid,
  return $messages;