10 calls to _autologout_get_user_timeout() in Automated Logout 7.4
- AutoLogoutByRoleTestCase::testAutoLogoutTimeoutByRoleWhenAuthenticatedRoleHasATimeoutAuthenticatedIsLargerThanRole in tests/
autologout.test - Check the role timeout prescendence works when multiple roles have timeouts.
- AutoLogoutByRoleTestCase::testAutoLogoutTimeoutByRoleWhenAuthenticatedRoleHasATimeoutAuthenticatedIsSmallerThanRole in tests/
autologout.test - Check the role timeout prescendence works when multiple roles have timeouts.
- AutoLogoutByRoleTestCase::testAutoLogoutTimeoutByRoleWhenRoleTimeoutIsGreaterThanStandard in tests/
autologout.test - Check the role timeout has precedence over the basic timeout.
- AutoLogoutByRoleTestCase::testAutologoutTimeoutByRoleWhenRoleTimeoutIsLessThanStandard in tests/
autologout.test - Check the role timeout has precedence over the basic timeout.
- AutologoutTestCase::assertAutotimeout in tests/
autologout.test - Assert the timeout for a particular user.
- autologout_autologout_prevent in ./
autologout.module - Implements hook_autologout_prevent().
- autologout_help in ./
autologout.module - Implements hook_help().
- autologout_init in ./
autologout.module - Implements hook_init().
- autologout_user_login in ./
autologout.module - Implements hook_user_login().
- _autologout_get_remaining_time in ./
autologout.module - Get the time remaining before logout.