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autologout.module in Automated Logout 6.4

Used to automagically log out a user after a preset time.


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 * @file
 * Used to automagically log out a user after a preset time.

 * Number of sessions to check for timeouts per cron run.
define('AUTOLOGOUT_CRON_NUM', 100);

 * Implements hook_perm().
function autologout_perm() {
  return array(
    'change own logout threshold',
    'administer autologout',

 * Implements hook_menu().
function autologout_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['admin/settings/autologout'] = array(
    'title' => 'Auto Logout',
    'description' => 'Administer Auto Logout settings.',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer autologout',
    'file' => '',
    'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
  $items['autologout_ahah_logout'] = array(
    'title' => 'JS Logout',
    'page callback' => 'autologout_ahah_logout',
    'access callback' => 'user_is_logged_in',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  $items['autologout_ahah_set_last'] = array(
    'title' => 'JS Logout AHAH Set Last',
    'page callback' => 'autologout_ahah_set_last',
    'access callback' => 'user_is_logged_in',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  $items['autologout_ajax_get_time_left'] = array(
    'title' => 'JS Logout AJAX Get Time Until Logout',
    'page callback' => 'autologout_ahah_get_remaining_time',
    'access callback' => 'user_is_logged_in',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  return $items;

 * Implements hook_block_info().
function autologout_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0, $edit = array()) {
  $function = "_autologout_block_{$op}";
  if (function_exists($function)) {
    return $function($delta, $edit);

 * Block lists.
function _autologout_block_list($delta, $edit) {
  $blocks = array();
  $blocks['info'] = array(
    'info' => t('Automated Logout info'),
  return $blocks;

 * Block view.
function _autologout_block_view($delta = '') {
  $block = array();
  if (_autologout_prevent()) {

    // Don't display the block if the user is not going
    // to be logged out on this page.
  $block['subject'] = t('Autologout warning block');
  if (_autologout_refresh_only()) {
    $block['content'] = t('Autologout does not apply on the current page, you will be kept logged in whilst this page remains open.');
  elseif (module_exists('jstimer') && module_exists('jst_timer')) {
    $block['content'] = drupal_get_form('autologout_create_block_form');
  else {
    $timeout = (int) variable_get('autologout_timeout', 1800);
    $block['content'] = t('You will be logged out in !time if this page is not refreshed before then.', array(
      '!time' => format_interval($timeout),
  return $block;

 * Drupal reset timer form on timer block.
function autologout_create_block_form(&$form_state) {
  $markup = autologout_create_timer();
  $form['autologout_reset'] = array(
    '#type' => 'button',
    '#value' => t('Reset Timeout'),
    '#weight' => 1,
    '#limit_validation_errors' => FALSE,
    '#executes_submit_callback' => FALSE,
    '#ahah' => array(
      'event' => 'click',
      'path' => 'autologout_ahah_set_last',
      'wrapper' => 'timer',
      'method' => 'replace',
  $form['timer'] = array(
    '#type' => 'markup',
    '#value' => $markup,
  return $form;

 * Get the timer HTML markup.
 * @return string
 *   HTML to insert a countdown timer.
function autologout_create_timer() {
  $time_remaining = _autologout_get_remaining_time();
  $timeformat = filter_xss_admin(variable_get('autologout_jstimer_format', '%hours%:%mins%:%secs%'));
  return theme('autologout_block', array(
    'time_remaining' => $time_remaining,
    'timeformat' => $timeformat,

 * Block configuration.
function _autologout_block_configure($delta = '') {
  $block = array();
  if (module_exists('jstimer')) {
    if (!module_exists('jst_timer')) {
      drupal_set_message(t('The "Widget: timer" module must also be enabled for the dynamic countdown to work in the automated logout block.'), 'error');
    if (variable_get('jstimer_js_load_option', 0) != 1) {
      drupal_set_message(t("The Javascript timer module's 'Javascript load options' setting should be set to 'Every page' for the dynamic countdown to work in the automated logout block."), 'error');
  return $block;

 * Implements hook_help().
function autologout_help($path, $arg) {
  $output = _autologout_get_user_timeout();
  if ($path == 'admin/help#autologout') {
    return '<p>' . t('This module allows you to force site users to be logged out after a given amount of time due to inactivity after first being presented with a confirmation dialog. Your current logout threshold is ' . $output . " seconds.") . '</p>';

 * Implements hook_theme().
function autologout_theme() {
  return array(
    'autologout_render_table' => array(
      'render element' => 'element',
    'autologout_block' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'variables' => array(),

 * Themeing function for admin roles table.
function theme_autologout_render_table($variables) {
  $output = '';
  if ($variables) {
    $element = $variables['autologout_roles'];
  $header = array(
    t('Role Name'),
    t('Timeout (seconds)'),
  $rows = array();
  foreach (user_roles(TRUE) as $key => $role) {
    $rows[] = array(
      drupal_render($element['autologout_role_' . $key]),
      drupal_render($element['autologout_role_' . $key . '_timeout']),
  $table = theme_table($header, $rows, $attributes = array(), $caption = NULL);
  $output .= $table;
  return $output;

 * Returns HTML for the autologout block.
function theme_autologout_block($variables) {
  $time_remaining = $variables['time_remaining'];
  $timeformat = $variables['timeformat'];
  return "<div id='timer'><span class='jst_timer'>\n    <span class='interval' style='display: none;'>{$time_remaining}</span>\n    <span class='format_txt' style='display:none;'>{$timeformat}</span>\n    </span></div>";

 * Checks to see if timeout threshold is outside max/min values. Only done here
 * to centrilize and stop repeated code. Hard coded min, configurable max.
 * @param int $timeout
 *   The timeout value in seconds to validate
 * @param int $max_timeout
 *   (optional) A maximum timeout. If not set the current system
 *   default maximum is used.
function autologout_timeout_validate($timeout, $max_timeout = NULL) {
  $validate = FALSE;
  if (is_null($max_timeout)) {
    $max_timeout = variable_get('autologout_max_timeout', '172800');
  if (!is_numeric($timeout) || $timeout < 0 || $timeout > 0 && $timeout < 60 || $timeout > $max_timeout) {

    // Less then 60, greater than max_timeout and is numeric
    // 0 is allowed now as this means no timeout.
    $validate = FALSE;
  else {
    $validate = TRUE;
  return $validate;

 * Adds a field to user/edit to change that users logout.
function autologout_form_user_profile_form_alter(&$form, $form_state) {
  $user_timeout = _autologout_get_user_timeout();
  global $user;
  $current_uid = $user->uid;
  $userid = $form['#uid'];
  $access = FALSE;
  if (user_access('change own logout threshold') && $current_uid == $userid || user_access('auto administer autologout')) {
    $access = TRUE;
  if ($access) {
    $form['autologout_user_' . $userid] = array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => t('Your current logout threshold'),
      '#default_value' => variable_get('autologout_user_' . $userid, ""),
      '#size' => 8,
      '#description' => t('How many seconds to give a user to respond to the logout dialog before ending their session.'),
      '#element_validate' => array(
    $form['#submit'][] = 'autologout_user_profile_submit';

 * Form validation.
function _autologout_user_uid_timeout_validate($element, &$form_state) {
  $max_timeout = variable_get('max_timeout', 172800);
  $timeout = $element['#value'];
  if ($timeout != '' && ($timeout < 60 || $timeout > $max_timeout || !is_numeric($timeout))) {
    form_error($element, t('The timeout must be an integer greater than 60, and less then %max.', array(
      '%max' => $max_timeout,

 * Handle submission of timeout threshold in user/edit.
function autologout_user_profile_submit(&$form, &$form_state) {
  global $user;
  $current_uid = $user->uid;
  $userid = $form['#uid'];
  $access = FALSE;
  if (user_access('change own logout threshold') && $current_uid == $userid || user_access('auto administer autologout')) {
    $access = TRUE;
  if ($access) {
    $val = $form_state['values']['autologout_user_' . $userid];
    variable_set('autologout_user_' . $userid, $val);

 * Implements hook_init().
function autologout_init() {
  global $user;
  if (empty($user->uid)) {
    if (!empty($_GET['autologout_timeout']) && $_GET['autologout_timeout'] == 1 && empty($_POST)) {

  // Check if JS should be included on this request.
  if (_autologout_prevent()) {

  // Check if anything wants to be refresh only. This URL would
  // include the javascript but will keep the login alive whilst
  // that page is opened.
  $refresh_only = _autologout_refresh_only();
  $now = time();
  $timeout = _autologout_get_user_timeout();
  $timeout_padding = variable_get('autologout_padding', 10);
  $redirct_url = variable_get('autologout_redirect_url', 'user/login');
  $redirect_query = drupal_get_destination() . '&autologout_timeout=1';
  $no_dialog = variable_get('autologout_no_dialog', FALSE);
  $jquery_ui = module_exists('jquery_ui');
  if ($jquery_ui) {

    // If the installed jquery_ui module is less than 1.5, the jquery_ui_get_path function isn't available. In that
    // case, check the module directory for backwards compatibility. Specifically, check in
    // JQUERY_UI_MODULE_PATH/jquery.ui/themes/default/.
    $css_folder = version_compare(jquery_ui_get_version(), '1.7', '>=') ? 'base' : 'default';
    $jquery_ui_lib_path_begin = '';
    $jquery_ui_lib_path_end = '/themes/' . $css_folder . '/ui.all.css';
    $jquery_ui_module_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'jquery_ui');
    if (function_exists("jquery_ui_get_path")) {
      $jquery_ui_lib_path_begin = jquery_ui_get_path();
    elseif (file_exists($jquery_ui_module_path . '/jquery.ui' . $jquery_ui_lib_path_end)) {
      $jquery_ui_lib_path_begin = $jquery_ui_module_path . '/jquery.ui';
    $jquery_ui_css_full_path = $jquery_ui_lib_path_begin . $jquery_ui_lib_path_end;
    if (file_exists($jquery_ui_css_full_path)) {
    else {
      $jquery_ui = FALSE;
      watchdog('user', 'The jquery ui css file was not found.');

  // Get all settings JS will need for dialog.
  $msg = t('@msg', array(
    '@msg' => variable_get('autologout_message', 'Your session is about to expire. Do you want to reset it?'),
  $settings = array(
    'timeout' => $refresh_only ? $timeout * 500 : $timeout * 1000,
    'timeout_padding' => $timeout_padding * 1000,
    'message' => t('@msg', array(
      '@msg' => $msg,
    'redirect_url' => url($redirct_url, array(
      'query' => $redirect_query,
    'title' => t('@name Alert', array(
      '@name' => variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'),
    'jquery_ui' => $jquery_ui,
    'refresh_only' => $refresh_only,
    'no_dialog' => $no_dialog,

  // If this is an AJAX request, then the logout redirect url should still be
  // referring to the page that generated this request.
  if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest') {
    $relative_url = str_replace($GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
    $settings['redirect_url'] = url($redirct_url, array(
      'query' => 'destination=' . urlencode($relative_url) . '&autologout_timeout=1',

  // Need to add ajax.
    'autologout' => $settings,
  ), 'setting');
  drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'autologout') . "/autologout.js");

  // We need a backup plan if JS is disabled.
  if (!$refresh_only && isset($_SESSION['autologout_last'])) {

    // If time since last access is > than the timeout + padding, log them out.
    if ($now - $_SESSION['autologout_last'] >= $timeout + (int) $timeout_padding) {
    else {
      $_SESSION['autologout_last'] = $now;
  else {
    $_SESSION['autologout_last'] = $now;

 * Implements hook_autologout_prevent().
function autologout_autologout_prevent() {
  global $user;

  // Don't include autologout JS checks on ajax callbacks.
  $paths = array(
  if (in_array(arg(0), $paths)) {
    return TRUE;

  // If user is anonymous or has no timeout set.
  if (empty($user->uid) || !_autologout_get_user_timeout()) {
    return TRUE;

  // If the user has checked remember_me via the remember_me module.
  if (!empty($user->remember_me)) {
    return TRUE;

 * Implements hook_autologout_refresh_only().
function autologout_autologout_refresh_only() {

  // Check to see if an open admin page will keep login alive.
  if (!variable_get('autologout_enforce_admin', FALSE)) {
    return arg(0) == 'admin' || variable_get('node_admin_theme', '0') && arg(0) == 'node' && (arg(1) == 'add' || arg(2) == 'edit');

 * Implements hook_cron().
function autologout_cron() {
  $timeout = variable_get('autologout_timeout', 1800);
  $timeout_padding = variable_get('autologout_padding', 10);

  // Get sessions, oldest first and exclude any anonymous or newer
  // than the timeout.
  $sess_query = "SELECT sid, uid, timestamp\n    FROM {sessions}\n    WHERE uid > 0 AND (%d - timestamp) >= %d\n    ORDER BY sid";
  $sessions = db_query_range($sess_query, time(), $timeout + $timeout_padding, 0, AUTOLOGOUT_CRON_NUM);
  while ($session = db_fetch_object($sessions)) {

    // Create a fake account class.
    $account = new stdClass();
    $account->roles = array();
    $roles_query = "SELECT rid FROM {users_roles} ur WHERE ur.uid = %d";
    $roles = db_query($roles_query, $session->uid);
    while ($role = db_fetch_object($roles)) {

      // _autologout_logout_role() doesn't care about the name of the role so
      // save a join by using the rid twice here.
      $account->roles[$role->rid] = $role->rid;

    // Does the session user have a role that should be
    // auto-logged out?
    // Note: we can't use the session text field because it would mean
    // switching sessions (tweaky) and even then it may not work due to
    // Suhosin encrypting the data.
    if (!_autologout_logout_role($account)) {

    // If the session should be auto-logged out, destroy the session.
    $session_time = time() - $session->timestamp;
    if ($session_time >= $timeout + $timeout_padding) {
      db_query("DELETE FROM {sessions} WHERE sid = '%s'", $session->sid);
      $account->name = db_result(db_query("SELECT name FROM {users} WHERE uid = %d", $session->uid));
      if (variable_get('autologout_use_watchdog', FALSE)) {
        watchdog('user', 'Session automatically closed for %name by autologout (cron).', array(
          '%name' => $account->name,

 * Implements hook_footer().
 * Add a form element to every page which is used to detect if the page was
 * loaded from browser cache. This happens when the browser's back button is
 * pressed for example. The JS will set the value of the hidden input element
 * to 1 after initial load. If this is 1 on subsequent loads, the page was
 * loaded from cache and an autologout timeout refresh needs to be triggered.
function autologout_footer($main = 0) {
  if (!_autologout_prevent()) {
    return '<form id="autologout-cache-check"><input type="hidden" id="autologout-cache-check-bit" value="0" /></form>';

 * AJAX callback that returns the time remaining for this user is logged out.
function autologout_ahah_get_remaining_time() {
  $time_remaining_ms = _autologout_get_remaining_time() * 1000;

  // Reset the timer.
  $markup = autologout_create_timer();
  return drupal_json(array(
    'status' => TRUE,
    'data' => $markup,
    'time' => $time_remaining_ms,

 * Ajax callback to reset the last access session variable.
function autologout_ahah_set_last() {
  $_SESSION['autologout_last'] = time();

  // Reset the timer.
  $markup = autologout_create_timer();
  return drupal_json(array(
    'status' => TRUE,
    'data' => $markup,

 * AJAX callback that performs the actual logout and redirects the user.
function autologout_ahah_logout() {

 * Get the time remaining before logout.
 * @return int
 *   Number of seconds remaining.
function _autologout_get_remaining_time() {
  $timeout = _autologout_get_user_timeout();
  $time_passed = isset($_SESSION['autologout_last']) ? time() - $_SESSION['autologout_last'] : 0;
  return $timeout - $time_passed;

 * Go through every role to get timeout value, default is the global timeout.
 * @return array
 *   Keyed by role rid with the timeout in seconds as a value.
 *   Values of 0 means do not timeout.
 *   Missing roles do not have a timeout set and should use
 *   the default.
function _autologout_get_role_timeout() {
  $default_timeout = variable_get('autologout_timeout', 1800);
  $roles = user_roles(TRUE);
  $role_timeout = array();

  // Go through roles, get timeouts for each and return as array.
  foreach ($roles as $rid => $role) {
    if (variable_get('autologout_role_' . $rid, FALSE)) {
      $timeout_role = variable_get('autologout_role_' . $rid . '_timeout', $default_timeout);
      $role_timeout[$rid] = $timeout_role;
  return $role_timeout;

 * Get a user's timeout in seconds.
 * @param int $uid
 *   (Optional) Provide a user's uid to get the timeout for.
 *   Default is the logged in user.
 * @return int
 *   The number of seconds the user can be idle for before being
 *   logged out. A value of 0 means no timeout.
function _autologout_get_user_timeout($uid = NULL) {
  if (is_null($uid)) {

    // If $uid is not provided, use the logged in user.
    global $user;
  else {
    $user = user_load($uid);
  if ($user->uid == 0) {

    // Anonymous doesn't get logged out.
    return 0;
  if (is_numeric($user_timeout = variable_get('autologout_user_' . $user->uid, FALSE))) {

    // User timeout takes precedence.
    return $user_timeout;

  // Get role timeouts for user.
  if (variable_get('autologout_role_logout', FALSE)) {
    $user_roles = $user->roles;
    $output = array();
    $timeouts = _autologout_get_role_timeout();
    foreach ($user_roles as $rid => $role) {
      if (isset($timeouts[$rid])) {
        $output[$rid] = $timeouts[$rid];

    // Assign the lowest timeout value to be session timeout value.
    if (!empty($output)) {

      // If one of the user's roles has a unique timeout, use this.
      return min($output);

  // If no user or role override exists, return the default timeout.
  return variable_get('autologout_timeout', 1800);

 * Helper to perform the actual logout.
function _autologout_logout() {
  global $user;
  if (variable_get('autologout_use_watchdog', FALSE)) {
    watchdog('user', 'Session automatically closed for %name by autologout.', array(
      '%name' => $user->name,

  // Determine if we are looking at Pressflow.
  $null = NULL;
  $_SESSION['autologout'] = TRUE;
  user_module_invoke('logout', $null, $user);
  if (!defined('CACHE_EXTERNAL')) {

    // Not Pressflow!
  else {

    // Pressflow!

  // Load the anonymous user.
  $user = drupal_anonymous_user();

 * Helper to determine if a given user should be autologged out.
function _autologout_logout_role($user) {
  if (variable_get('autologout_role_logout', FALSE)) {
    foreach ($user->roles as $key => $role) {
      if (variable_get('autologout_role_' . $key, FALSE)) {
        return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Display the inactivity message if required.
function _autologout_inactivity_message() {
  $message = variable_get('autologout_inactivity_message', 'You have been logged out due to inactivity.');
  if (!empty($message)) {

 * Determine if autologout should be prevented.
 * @return bool
 *   TRUE if there is a reason not to autologout
 *   the current user on the current page.
function _autologout_prevent() {
  foreach (module_invoke_all('autologout_prevent') as $prevent) {
    if (!empty($prevent)) {
      return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Determine if connection should be refreshed.
 * @return bool
 *   TRUE if something about the current context
 *   should keep the connection open. FALSE and
 *   the standard countdown to autologout applies.
function _autologout_refresh_only() {
  foreach (module_invoke_all('autologout_refresh_only') as $module_refresh_only) {
    if (!empty($module_refresh_only)) {
      return TRUE;
  return FALSE;


Namesort descending Description
autologout_ahah_get_remaining_time AJAX callback that returns the time remaining for this user is logged out.
autologout_ahah_logout AJAX callback that performs the actual logout and redirects the user.
autologout_ahah_set_last Ajax callback to reset the last access session variable.
autologout_autologout_prevent Implements hook_autologout_prevent().
autologout_autologout_refresh_only Implements hook_autologout_refresh_only().
autologout_block Implements hook_block_info().
autologout_create_block_form Drupal reset timer form on timer block.
autologout_create_timer Get the timer HTML markup.
autologout_cron Implements hook_cron().
autologout_footer Implements hook_footer().
autologout_form_user_profile_form_alter Adds a field to user/edit to change that users logout.
autologout_help Implements hook_help().
autologout_init Implements hook_init().
autologout_menu Implements hook_menu().
autologout_perm Implements hook_perm().
autologout_theme Implements hook_theme().
autologout_timeout_validate Checks to see if timeout threshold is outside max/min values. Only done here to centrilize and stop repeated code. Hard coded min, configurable max.
autologout_user_profile_submit Handle submission of timeout threshold in user/edit.
theme_autologout_block Returns HTML for the autologout block.
theme_autologout_render_table Themeing function for admin roles table.
_autologout_block_configure Block configuration.
_autologout_block_list Block lists.
_autologout_block_view Block view.
_autologout_get_remaining_time Get the time remaining before logout.
_autologout_get_role_timeout Go through every role to get timeout value, default is the global timeout.
_autologout_get_user_timeout Get a user's timeout in seconds.
_autologout_inactivity_message Display the inactivity message if required.
_autologout_logout Helper to perform the actual logout.
_autologout_logout_role Helper to determine if a given user should be autologged out.
_autologout_prevent Determine if autologout should be prevented.
_autologout_refresh_only Determine if connection should be refreshed.
_autologout_user_uid_timeout_validate Form validation.


Namesort descending Description
AUTOLOGOUT_CRON_NUM Number of sessions to check for timeouts per cron run.