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8 uses of AUTOBAN_SINGLE_IP in Automatic IP ban (Autoban) 7

autoban_insert_banned_table in ./autoban.module
Insert IP to table for banned IP.
autoban_is_banned in ./autoban.module
Check IP for ban.
autoban_make_ip_style in ./autoban.module
Make IP style for insert.
autoban_test in ./
Menu callback. Test autoban rule page.
autoban_vbo_action_info in autoban_vbo/autoban_vbo.module
@file Defines the VBO integration module. This adds ban actions to VBO.
autoban_vbo_comment_ban_single_action in autoban_vbo/autoban_vbo.module
_autoban_ip_type_verification in ./autoban.module
IP type verification.
_autoban_watchdog_event_extras_event_rows in autoban_watchdog_event_extras/autoban_watchdog_event_extras.module
Implements hook_watchdog_event_extras_alter().