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AutoLoginUrlConvertTextClass.php in Auto Login URL 2.x

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  1. 8 src/AutoLoginUrlConvertTextClass.php


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namespace Drupal\auto_login_url;

 * Class AutoLoginUrlConvertTextClass.
 * @package Drupal\auto_login_url
class AutoLoginUrlConvertTextClass {

   * Constructor.
   * @param int $uid
   *   User ID.
  public function __construct($uid) {
    $this->uid = $uid;

   * Replace each link in the text.
   * @param array $matches
   *   Matches array.
   * @return string
   *   Converted URL.
  public function replace(array $matches) {

    // Make a new search to check that the link is not image.
    // I know, not very clean.
    $pattern = '/(\\.jpg|\\.gif|\\.png)/';
    preg_match($pattern, $matches[0], $new_matches);
    if (count($new_matches) > 0) {
      return $matches[0];
    else {
      return \Drupal::service('auto_login_url.create')
        ->create($this->uid, $matches[0], TRUE);



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AutoLoginUrlConvertTextClass Class AutoLoginUrlConvertTextClass.