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10 string references to 'auto_login_url.settings' in Auto Login URL 8

AutoLoginUrlCreate::create in src/AutoLoginUrlCreate.php
Create an auto login hash on demand.
AutoLoginUrlGeneral::getSecret in src/AutoLoginUrlGeneral.php
Get secret key for ALU or create now.
AutoLoginUrlLogin::login in src/AutoLoginUrlLogin.php
Get destination URL for autologin hash.
AutoLoginUrlTest::testAluSettingsCheck in src/Tests/AutoLoginUrlTest.php
Test token generation with different settings.
auto_login_url_cron in ./auto_login_url.module
Implements hook_cron().
auto_login_url_update_8001 in ./auto_login_url.install
[2016-04-06] Add token length variable.
auto_login_url_update_8002 in ./auto_login_url.install
[2017-04-03] Reset secret.
ConfigForm::buildForm in src/Form/ConfigForm.php
Form constructor.
ConfigForm::getEditableConfigNames in src/Form/ConfigForm.php
Gets the configuration names that will be editable.
ConfigForm::submitForm in src/Form/ConfigForm.php
Form submission handler.