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AutoEntityLabelManagerInterface.php in Automatic Entity Label 8


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namespace Drupal\auto_entitylabel;

 * Provides an interface for AutoEntityLabelManager.
interface AutoEntityLabelManagerInterface {

   * Sets the automatically generated entity label.
   * @return string
   *   The applied label. The entity is updated with this label.
  public function setLabel();

   * Determines if the entity bundle has auto entity label enabled.
   * @return bool
   *   True if the entity bundle has an automatic label.
  public function hasAutoLabel();

   * Determines if the entity bundle has an optional automatic label.
   * Optional means that if the label is empty, it will be automatically
   * generated.
   * @return bool
   *   True if the entity bundle has an optional automatic label.
  public function hasOptionalAutoLabel();

   * Returns whether the automatic label has to be set.
   * @return bool
   *   Returns true if the label should be automatically generated.
  public function autoLabelNeeded();



Namesort descending Description
AutoEntityLabelManagerInterface Provides an interface for AutoEntityLabelManager.