You are here in Authenticated User Page Caching (Authcache) 7.2

Stub classes for testing.


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 * @file
 * Stub classes for testing.

 * Simple invocation recorder class.
class AuthcacheP13nTestStubObserver {
  protected $invocations;
  protected $returns;
  protected $objects;
  protected $classes;

   * Construct new stub observer instance.
  public function __construct() {
    $this->classes = array();
    $this->objects = array();
    $this->invocations = array();
    $this->returns = array();

   * Setup invocation verifier and return-value for a method.
   * @return AuthcacheP13nTestStubVerifyer
   *   New invocation verifier instance.
  public function method($object, $method, $return = NULL) {
    $name = $this
      ->boundMethodName($object, $method);
    $this->returns[$name] = $return;
    $this->invocations[$name] = array();
    return new AuthcacheP13nTestStubVerifyer($name, $this);

   * Record one method invocation.
  public function record($object, $method, $arguments) {
    $name = $this
      ->boundMethodName($object, $method);

    // Record invocation.
    $this->invocations[$name][] = $arguments;
    $result = isset($this->returns[$name]) ? $this->returns[$name] : NULL;
    if (is_object($result) && $result instanceof Exception) {
      throw $result;

    // Return result.
    return $result;

   * Return recorded invocations.
  public function invocations($name) {
    return $this->invocations[$name];

   * Compute the name for a bound method.
  public function boundMethodName($object, $method) {
    $id = spl_object_hash($object);
    if (isset($this->objects[$id])) {
      $instance_name = $this->objects[$id]['name'];
    else {
      $class_name = get_class($object);
      if (!isset($this->classes[$class_name])) {
        $this->classes[$class_name] = 0;
      $instance_counter = $this->classes[$class_name]++;
      $instance_name = $class_name . '_' . $instance_counter;
      $this->objects[$id] = array(
        'instance' => $object,
        'name' => $instance_name,
    return $instance_name . '::' . $method;


 * Simple invocation verifier class.
class AuthcacheP13nTestStubVerifyer {
  protected $name;
  protected $observer;
  protected $checks;

   * Construct new invocation verifier instance.
   * Do not use directly, invocation verifier objects are returned by
   * AuthcacheP13nTestStubObserver::method().
  public function __construct($name, $observer) {
    $this->name = $name;
    $this->observer = $observer;
    $this->checks = array();

   * Add an expectation.
  public function expect($checkfunc, $message = NULL) {
    $this->checks[] = $checkfunc;
    return $this;

   * Test whether the the expectations are fullfilled.
  public function verify(&$message) {
    $invocations = $this->observer
    $checks = $this->checks;
    if (empty($checks)) {
      $checks = array(
    foreach ($checks as $checkfunc) {
      if (!$checkfunc($invocations, $this->name, $message)) {
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

   * Invocation verifier ensuring that a method was never invoked.
  public static function never() {
    return static::times(0);

   * Invocation verifier testing whether a method was invoked exacly once.
  public static function once() {
    return static::times(1);

   * Invocation verifier testing the number of times a method was invoked.
  public static function times($expected) {

    // Necessary until #1272900 lands
    // @ignore style_function_spacing
    return function ($invocations, $name, &$message) use ($expected) {
      $actual = count($invocations);
      $message = format_plural($expected, '@name: Expecting one invocation, got @actual.', '@name: Expecting @expected invocations, got @actual.', array(
        '@name' => $name,
        '@expected' => $expected,
        '@actual' => $actual,
      return $expected === $actual;

   * Invocation verifier matching the arguments of a given invocation.
  public static function args($args = array(), $invoc = 0) {

    // Necessary until #1272900 lands
    // @ignore style_function_spacing
    return function ($invocations, $name, &$message) use ($args, $invoc) {
      $message = t('@name: On invocation number @invoc, expecting arguments @this and got @that.', array(
        '@name' => $name,
        '@invoc' => $invoc,
        '@this' => var_export($args, TRUE),
        '@that' => var_export($invocations[$invoc], TRUE),
      return $invocations[$invoc] === $args;


 * Stub class for core services.
class AuthcacheP13nTestCoreServiceStub implements AuthcacheP13nCoreServiceInterface {
  protected $observer;

   * Construct new stub class.
  public function __construct($observer) {
    $this->observer = $observer;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function drupalAddHttpHeader($name, $value, $append = FALSE) {
    return $this->observer
      ->record($this, __FUNCTION__, func_get_args());

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function drupalBootstrap($phase = NULL, $new_phase = TRUE) {
    return $this->observer
      ->record($this, __FUNCTION__, func_get_args());


 * Stub class for request validator.
class AuthcacheP13nTestRequestValidatorStub implements AuthcacheP13nRequestValidatorInterface {
  protected $observer;

   * Construct new stub class.
  public function __construct($observer) {
    $this->observer = $observer;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function validate($params) {
    return $this->observer
      ->record($this, __FUNCTION__, func_get_args());


 * Stub class for content builder.
class AuthcacheP13nTestContentBuilderStub implements AuthcacheP13nContentBuilderInterface {
  protected $observer;

   * Construct new stub class.
  public function __construct($observer) {
    $this->observer = $observer;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function build($input, $context) {
    return $this->observer
      ->record($this, __FUNCTION__, func_get_args());


 * Stub class for content encoder.
class AuthcacheP13nTestContentEncoderStub implements AuthcacheP13nContentEncoderInterface {
  protected $observer;

   * Construct new stub class.
  public function __construct($observer) {
    $this->observer = $observer;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function contentType() {
    return $this->observer
      ->record($this, __FUNCTION__, func_get_args());

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function encode($result) {
    return $this->observer
      ->record($this, __FUNCTION__, func_get_args());


 * Stub context provider.
class AuthcacheP13nTestContextProviderStub implements AuthcacheP13nContextProviderInterface {
  protected $observer;

   * Construct new stub class.
  public function __construct($observer) {
    $this->observer = $observer;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function get($params) {
    return $this->observer
      ->record($this, __FUNCTION__, func_get_args());


 * Stub class for content builder.
class AuthcacheP13nTestFilterStub implements AuthcacheP13nFilterInterface {
  protected $observer;

   * Construct new stub class.
  public function __construct($observer) {
    $this->observer = $observer;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function filter($event, $input) {
    return $this->observer
      ->record($this, __FUNCTION__, func_get_args());


 * Stub fragment.
class AuthcacheP13nTestFragmentStub implements AuthcacheP13nFragmentInterface {
  protected $observer;

   * Construct new stub class.
  public function __construct($observer) {
    $this->observer = $observer;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function render($key, $subject, $context) {
    return $this->observer
      ->record($this, __FUNCTION__, func_get_args());


 * Stub fragment validator.
class AuthcacheP13nTestFragmentValidatorStub implements AuthcacheP13nFragmentValidatorInterface {
  protected $observer;

   * Construct new stub class.
  public function __construct($observer) {
    $this->observer = $observer;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function validate($keys) {
    return $this->observer
      ->record($this, __FUNCTION__, func_get_args());


 * Stub fragment loader.
class AuthcacheP13nTestFragmentLoaderStub implements AuthcacheP13nFragmentLoaderInterface {
  protected $observer;

   * Construct new stub class.
  public function __construct($observer) {
    $this->observer = $observer;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function load($keys, $context) {
    return $this->observer
      ->record($this, __FUNCTION__, func_get_args());


 * Stub fragment access checker.
class AuthcacheP13nTestFragmentAccessStub implements AuthcacheP13nFragmentAccessInterface {
  protected $observer;

   * Construct new stub class.
  public function __construct($observer) {
    $this->observer = $observer;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function check($account, $key, $subject, $context) {
    return $this->observer
      ->record($this, __FUNCTION__, func_get_args());


 * Stub fragment.
class AuthcacheP13nTestEchoFragment implements AuthcacheP13nFragmentInterface {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function render($key, $subject, $context) {
    return serialize(array(
      'key' => $key,
      'subject' => $subject,


 * Stub class for fragment request validator.
class AuthcacheP13nTestEchoFragmentValidator implements AuthcacheP13nFragmentValidatorInterface {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function validate($keys) {
    $valid = !isset($keys['invalid']);
    if (!$valid) {
      throw new AuthcacheP13nRequestInvalidInput();
    return $keys;


 * Stub class for fragment request loader.
class AuthcacheP13nTestEchoFragmentLoader implements AuthcacheP13nFragmentLoaderInterface {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function load($keys, $context) {
    if (isset($keys['load'])) {
      $keys['load'] = 'loaded';
    if (isset($keys['load missing'])) {
      throw new AuthcacheP13nRequestNotFound();
    return $keys;


 * Stub class for fragment access checker
class AuthcacheP13nTestEchoFragmentAccess implements AuthcacheP13nFragmentAccessInterface {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function check($account, $key, $subject, $context) {
    return $key !== 'account' || $subject == $account;


 * Stub partial.
class AuthcacheP13nTestEchoPartial implements AuthcacheP13nFragmentInterface {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function render($key, $subject, $context) {
    return array(
      'key' => $key,
      'subject' => $subject,


 * Stub class for setting renderer
class AuthcacheP13nTestEchoSetting implements AuthcacheP13nSettingInterface {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function get($params, $context) {
    return array(
      'params' => $params,


 * Stub class for setting request validator.
class AuthcacheP13nTestEchoSettingValidator implements AuthcacheP13nSettingValidatorInterface {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function validate($params) {
    $valid = !isset($params['valid']) || $params['valid'];
    if (!$valid) {
      throw new AuthcacheP13nRequestInvalidInput();
    return array(
      'validated' => TRUE,
    ) + $params;


 * Stub class for setting access checker
class AuthcacheP13nTestEchoSettingAccess implements AuthcacheP13nSettingAccessInterface {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function check($account, $params, $context) {
    return !isset($params['account']) || $params['account'] == $account;


 * Stub router.
class AuthcacheP13nTestRequestRouterStub implements AuthcacheP13nRequestRouterInterface {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getRoutes() {
    return array(

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getHandler($route_id) {
    switch ($route_id) {
      case 'test/good':
        return new AuthcacheP13nTestRequestHandlerStub();
      case 'test/bad':
        return new AuthcacheP13nTestRequestHandlerBadStub();
        return FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function generateURL($route_id, $arg = NULL) {
    if ($route_id === 'test/bad') {
      return FALSE;
    else {
      return array(
        'path' => '',
        'options' => array(
          'query' => array(
            'r' => $route_id,
            'a' => $arg ?: '',

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function rebuild() {


 * Stub request handler.
class AuthcacheP13nTestRequestHandlerStub implements AuthcacheP13nRequestHandlerInterface {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function handle($params) {
    print serialize($params);


 * Stub request handler.
class AuthcacheP13nTestRequestHandlerBadStub implements AuthcacheP13nRequestHandlerInterface {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function handle($params) {
    print 'this line is expected to be discarded';
    switch ($params['error']) {
      case 'not_found':
        throw new AuthcacheP13nRequestNotFound();
      case 'invalid_input':
        throw new AuthcacheP13nRequestInvalidInput();
      case 'access_denied':
        throw new AuthcacheP13nRequestAccessDenied();
      case 'server_error':
        throw new AuthcacheP13nRequestException();
      case 'redirect':
        throw new Exception();


 * Stub URL generator.
class AuthcacheP13nTestRequestUrlGeneratorStub implements AuthcacheP13nRequestUrlGeneratorInterface {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function url($route_id, $arg = NULL) {
    if ($route_id === 'test/bad') {
      return FALSE;
    else {
      return array(
        'path' => '',
        'options' => array(
          'query' => array(
            'r' => $route_id,
            'a' => $arg ?: '',



Namesort descending Description
AuthcacheP13nTestContentBuilderStub Stub class for content builder.
AuthcacheP13nTestContentEncoderStub Stub class for content encoder.
AuthcacheP13nTestContextProviderStub Stub context provider.
AuthcacheP13nTestCoreServiceStub Stub class for core services.
AuthcacheP13nTestEchoFragment Stub fragment.
AuthcacheP13nTestEchoFragmentAccess Stub class for fragment access checker
AuthcacheP13nTestEchoFragmentLoader Stub class for fragment request loader.
AuthcacheP13nTestEchoFragmentValidator Stub class for fragment request validator.
AuthcacheP13nTestEchoPartial Stub partial.
AuthcacheP13nTestEchoSetting Stub class for setting renderer
AuthcacheP13nTestEchoSettingAccess Stub class for setting access checker
AuthcacheP13nTestEchoSettingValidator Stub class for setting request validator.
AuthcacheP13nTestFilterStub Stub class for content builder.
AuthcacheP13nTestFragmentAccessStub Stub fragment access checker.
AuthcacheP13nTestFragmentLoaderStub Stub fragment loader.
AuthcacheP13nTestFragmentStub Stub fragment.
AuthcacheP13nTestFragmentValidatorStub Stub fragment validator.
AuthcacheP13nTestRequestHandlerBadStub Stub request handler.
AuthcacheP13nTestRequestHandlerStub Stub request handler.
AuthcacheP13nTestRequestRouterStub Stub router.
AuthcacheP13nTestRequestUrlGeneratorStub Stub URL generator.
AuthcacheP13nTestRequestValidatorStub Stub class for request validator.
AuthcacheP13nTestStubObserver Simple invocation recorder class.
AuthcacheP13nTestStubVerifyer Simple invocation verifier class.