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authcache_field.module in Authenticated User Page Caching (Authcache) 7.2

Authcache support for fields.


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 * @file
 * Authcache support for fields.

 * Implements hook_authcache_p13n_assembly().
function authcache_field_authcache_p13n_assembly() {
  $assemblies = array();
  foreach (field_info_instances() as $entity_type => $bundles) {
    foreach ($bundles as $bundle_name => $fields) {
      foreach ($fields as $field_name => $instance) {
        if (!empty($instance['settings']['authcache']['status'])) {
          $config = $instance['settings']['authcache'];
          $assembly_id = "field/{$entity_type}/{$field_name}";
          $assemblies[$assembly_id] = array(
            'fragment' => array(
              '#partial' => 'field',
              '#class' => 'AuthcacheFieldFragment',
              '#arguments' => array(
            'bootstrap phase' => DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL,
            'cache maxage' => authcache_p13n_config_cache_maxage($config),
            'cache granularity' => authcache_p13n_config_cache_granularity($config),
            'admin entry object' => array(
              '#class' => 'AuthcacheFieldAdminEntry',
              '#arguments' => array(
                '@admin entry',
  return $assemblies;

 * Implements hook_authcache_p13n_admin_groups().
function authcache_field_authcache_p13n_admin_groups() {
  if (module_exists('field_ui')) {
    return array(
      t('Fields') => t('To add a field to the list of personalized fields, visit the <em>manage fields</em> tab of any fieldable entity bundle (e.g. Content type, User, Commerce product) and click on the "edit" link next to the field in question.'),

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function authcache_field_form_field_ui_field_edit_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  $instance = $form['#instance'];
  $form['instance']['settings']['authcache'] = array(
    '#type' => 'authcache_p13n_config',
    '#default_value' => isset($instance['settings']['authcache']) ? $instance['settings']['authcache'] : NULL,
    '#weight' => 99,
  $form['#submit'][] = 'authcache_field_config_submit';

 * Field UI config submit handler.
function authcache_field_config_submit($form, &$form_state) {

 * Implements hook_field_attach_view_alter().
function authcache_field_field_attach_view_alter(&$output, $context) {
  if (authcache_p13n_is_authcache_p13n_request()) {
  $entity_type = $context['entity_type'];
  $entity = $context['entity'];
  list($entity_id, $fixme_revision_support, $bundle_name) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);
  $view_mode = $context['view_mode'];
  foreach (element_children($output) as $field_name) {
    $instance = field_info_instance($entity_type, $field_name, $bundle_name);
    if (!empty($instance['settings']['authcache']['status'])) {
      if ($view_mode === '_custom') {

        // Invoked from within field_view_field with a _custom display. Cannot
        // handle this atm.
        authcache_cancel(t('FIXME: authcache_field - what should we do with custom view_modes?'));
      else {

        // The language key is only set when the alter hook was invoked from
        // within field_attach_view and never when invoked from within
        // field_view_field.
        $language = $context['language'];
        $config = $instance['settings']['authcache'];
        $config += authcache_p13n_config_defaults();
        $assembly_id = "field/{$entity_type}/{$field_name}";
        $param = array(
        authcache_p13n_attach($output[$field_name], array(
          '#theme' => 'authcache_p13n_partial',
          '#assembly' => $assembly_id,
          '#partial' => 'field',
          '#param' => implode(':', $param),
          '#clients' => $config['clients'],
          '#fallback' => $config['fallback'],