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UsersMockedTest.php in Auth0 Single Sign On 8.2


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namespace Auth0\Tests\API\Management;

use Auth0\SDK\API\Management;
use Auth0\SDK\Exception\CoreException;
use Auth0\SDK\Exception\EmptyOrInvalidParameterException;
use Auth0\SDK\Exception\InvalidPermissionsArrayException;
use Auth0\Tests\Traits\ErrorHelpers;
use Auth0\SDK\API\Helpers\InformationHeaders;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;

 * Class UsersMockedTest.
 * @package Auth0\Tests\API\Management
class UsersMockedTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
  use ErrorHelpers;

   * Expected telemetry value.
   * @var string
  protected static $expectedTelemetry;

   * Default request headers.
   * @var array
  protected static $headers = [
    'content-type' => 'json',

   * Runs before test suite starts.
  public static function setUpBeforeClass() {
    $infoHeadersData = new InformationHeaders();
    self::$expectedTelemetry = $infoHeadersData
  public function testThatMethodAndPropertyReturnSameClass() {
    $api = new Management(uniqid(), uniqid());
      ->assertInstanceOf(Management\Users::class, $api->users);
      ->assertInstanceOf(Management\Users::class, $api
    $api->users = null;
      ->assertInstanceOf(Management\Users::class, $api

   * Test a get user call.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatGetUserRequestIsFormattedProperly() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      ->assertEquals('GET', $api
      ->assertEquals('https://api.test.local/api/v2/users/__test_user_id__', $api
    $headers = $api
      ->assertEquals('Bearer __api_token__', $headers['Authorization'][0]);
      ->assertEquals(self::$expectedTelemetry, $headers['Auth0-Client'][0]);

   * Test an update user call.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatUpdateUserRequestIsFormattedProperly() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      ->update('__test_user_id__', [
      'given_name' => '__test_given_name__',
      'user_metadata' => [
        '__test_meta_key__' => '__test_meta_value__',
      ->assertEquals('PATCH', $api
      ->assertEquals('https://api.test.local/api/v2/users/__test_user_id__', $api
    $headers = $api
      ->assertEquals('Bearer __api_token__', $headers['Authorization'][0]);
      ->assertEquals(self::$expectedTelemetry, $headers['Auth0-Client'][0]);
      ->assertEquals('application/json', $headers['Content-Type'][0]);
    $body = $api
      ->assertArrayHasKey('given_name', $body);
      ->assertEquals('__test_given_name__', $body['given_name']);
      ->assertArrayHasKey('user_metadata', $body);
      ->assertArrayHasKey('__test_meta_key__', $body['user_metadata']);
      ->assertEquals('__test_meta_value__', $body['user_metadata']['__test_meta_key__']);
  public function testThatExceptionIsThrownWhenConnectionIsMissing() {
    $api = new Management(uniqid(), uniqid());
    try {
      $exception_message = '';
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
      $exception_message = $e
      ->assertContains('Missing required "connection" field', $exception_message);
  public function testThatExceptionIsThrownWhenSmsConnectionHasNoPhoneNumber() {
    $api = new Management(uniqid(), uniqid());
    try {
        'connection' => 'sms',
      $exception_message = '';
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
      $exception_message = $e
      ->assertContains('Missing required "phone_number" field for sms connection', $exception_message);
  public function testThatExceptionIsThrownWhenConnectionHasNoEmailAddress() {
    $api = new Management(uniqid(), uniqid());
    try {
        'connection' => 'email',
      $exception_message = '';
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
      $exception_message = $e
      ->assertContains('Missing required "email" field', $exception_message);
  public function testThatExceptionIsThrownWhenDbConnectionHasNoPassword() {
    $api = new Management(uniqid(), uniqid());
    try {
        'connection' => 'auth0',
        'email' => uniqid(),
      $exception_message = '';
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
      $exception_message = $e
      ->assertContains('Missing required "password" field for "auth0" connection', $exception_message);

   * Test a create user call.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatCreateUserRequestIsFormattedProperly() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      'connection' => '__test_connection__',
      'email' => '__test_email__',
      'password' => '__test_password__',
      ->assertEquals('POST', $api
      ->assertEquals('https://api.test.local/api/v2/users', $api
    $headers = $api
      ->assertEquals('Bearer __api_token__', $headers['Authorization'][0]);
      ->assertEquals(self::$expectedTelemetry, $headers['Auth0-Client'][0]);
      ->assertEquals('application/json', $headers['Content-Type'][0]);
    $body = $api
      ->assertArrayHasKey('connection', $body);
      ->assertEquals('__test_connection__', $body['connection']);
      ->assertArrayHasKey('email', $body);
      ->assertEquals('__test_email__', $body['email']);
      ->assertArrayHasKey('password', $body);
      ->assertEquals('__test_password__', $body['password']);

   * Test a basic getAll users call.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatGetAllUsersRequestIsFormattedProperly() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      ->assertEquals('GET', $api
      ->assertEquals('https://api.test.local/api/v2/users', $api
    $headers = $api
      ->assertEquals('Bearer __api_token__', $headers['Authorization'][0]);
      ->assertEquals(self::$expectedTelemetry, $headers['Auth0-Client'][0]);

   * Test a getAll users call with params.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatGetAllUsersAdditionalParamsAreSent() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      '__test_parameter__' => '__test_value__',
    $query = $api
      ->assertEquals('__test_parameter__=__test_value__', $query);

   * Test a getAll users call does not overwrite fields.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatGetAllUsersFieldsParamDoesNotOverwrite() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      'fields' => 'field1,field2',
    ], 'field3');
    $query = $api
      ->assertEquals('fields=field1,field2', $query);

   * Test that the fields values are sent correctly.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatGetAllUsersFieldsAreFormattedCorrectly() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      'fields' => 'field1,field2',
    $query = $api
      ->assertEquals('fields=field1,field2', $query);
      'fields' => [
    $query = $api
      ->assertEquals('fields=field1,field2', $query);

   * Test that the include_fields value is included.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatGetAllUsersIncludeFieldsIsFormattedProperly() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      ->getAll([], [
    ], true);
    $query = $api
      ->assertContains('fields=field3,field4', $query);
      ->assertContains('include_fields=true', $query);

   * Test that the include_fields value passed in the extra params is not overwritten by the function param.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatGetAllUsersIncludeFieldsIsNotOverwritten() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      'include_fields' => false,
    ], [
    ], true);
    $query = $api
      ->assertContains('fields=field3', $query);
      ->assertContains('include_fields=false', $query);

   * Test that the include_fields value is converted to boolean.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatGetAllUsersIncludeFieldsIsConvertedToBool() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      ->getAll([], [
    ], uniqid());
    $query = $api
      ->assertContains('fields=field3', $query);
      ->assertContains('include_fields=true', $query);

   * Test that the page value is kept as an absolute integer.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatGetAllUsersWithPageIsFormattedProperly() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      ->getAll([], [], null, 10);
    $query = $api
      ->assertContains('page=10', $query);
      ->getAll([], [], null, -10);
    $query = $api
      ->assertContains('page=10', $query);

   * Test that the page value passed in extra params is not overwritten by the function param.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatGetAllUsersDoesNotOverwritePageValue() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      'page' => 11,
    ], [], null, 22);
    $query = $api
      ->assertContains('page=11', $query);

   * Test that the per_page value is kept as an absolute integer.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatGetAllUsersWithPerPageIsFormattedProperly() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      ->getAll([], [], null, null, 10);
    $query = $api
      ->assertContains('per_page=10', $query);
      ->getAll([], [], null, null, -10);
    $query = $api
      ->assertContains('per_page=10', $query);

   * Test the the per_page value passed in the extra params is not overwritten by the function param.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatGetAllUsersDoesNotOverwritePerPageValue() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      'per_page' => 8,
    ], [], null, null, 9);
    $query = $api
      ->assertContains('per_page=8', $query);

   * Test a delete user call.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatDeleteUserRequestIsFormattedProperly() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      ->assertEquals('DELETE', $api
      ->assertEquals('https://api.test.local/api/v2/users/__test_user_id__', $api
    $headers = $api
      ->assertEquals('Bearer __api_token__', $headers['Authorization'][0]);
      ->assertEquals(self::$expectedTelemetry, $headers['Auth0-Client'][0]);

   * Test a link account call.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatLinkAccountRequestIsFormattedProperly() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      ->linkAccount('__test_user_id__', [
      'provider' => '__test_provider__',
      'connection_id' => '__test_connection_id__',
      'user_id' => '__test_secondary_user_id__',
      ->assertEquals('POST', $api
      ->assertEquals('https://api.test.local/api/v2/users/__test_user_id__/identities', $api
    $headers = $api
      ->assertEquals('Bearer __api_token__', $headers['Authorization'][0]);
      ->assertEquals(self::$expectedTelemetry, $headers['Auth0-Client'][0]);
      ->assertEquals('application/json', $headers['Content-Type'][0]);
    $body = $api
      ->assertArrayHasKey('provider', $body);
      ->assertEquals('__test_provider__', $body['provider']);
      ->assertArrayHasKey('connection_id', $body);
      ->assertEquals('__test_connection_id__', $body['connection_id']);
      ->assertArrayHasKey('user_id', $body);
      ->assertEquals('__test_secondary_user_id__', $body['user_id']);

   * Test an unlink account call.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatUnlinkAccountRequestIsFormattedProperly() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      ->unlinkAccount('__test_user_id__', '__test_provider__', '__test_identity_id__');
      ->assertEquals('DELETE', $api
      ->assertEquals('https://api.test.local/api/v2/users/__test_user_id__/identities/__test_provider__/__test_identity_id__', $api
    $headers = $api
      ->assertEquals('Bearer __api_token__', $headers['Authorization'][0]);
      ->assertEquals(self::$expectedTelemetry, $headers['Auth0-Client'][0]);

   * Test a delete multifactor provider call.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatDeleteMfProviderIsFormattedProperly() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      ->deleteMultifactorProvider('__test_user_id__', 'duo');
      ->assertEquals('DELETE', $api
      ->assertEquals('https://api.test.local/api/v2/users/__test_user_id__/multifactor/duo', $api
    $headers = $api
      ->assertEquals('Bearer __api_token__', $headers['Authorization'][0]);
      ->assertEquals(self::$expectedTelemetry, $headers['Auth0-Client'][0]);

   * Test that a get roles call throws an exception if the user ID is missing.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatGetRolesThrowsExceptionIfUserIdIsMissing() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi();
    try {
      $caught_message = '';
    } catch (EmptyOrInvalidParameterException $e) {
      $caught_message = $e
      ->assertContains('Empty or invalid user_id', $caught_message);

   * Test that a get roles call is formatted properly.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatGetRolesRequestIsFormattedProperly() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      ->getRoles('__test_user_id__', [
      'per_page' => 5,
      'page' => 1,
      'include_totals' => 1,
      ->assertEquals('GET', $api
      ->assertStringStartsWith('https://api.test.local/api/v2/users/__test_user_id__/roles?', $api
    $query = $api
      ->assertContains('per_page=5', $query);
      ->assertContains('page=1', $query);
      ->assertContains('include_totals=true', $query);
    $headers = $api
      ->assertEquals('Bearer __api_token__', $headers['Authorization'][0]);
      ->assertEquals(self::$expectedTelemetry, $headers['Auth0-Client'][0]);

   * Test that a remove roles call throws an exception if the user ID is missing.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatRemoveRolesThrowsExceptionIfUserIdIsMissing() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi();
    try {
        ->removeRoles('', []);
      $caught_message = '';
    } catch (EmptyOrInvalidParameterException $e) {
      $caught_message = $e
      ->assertContains('Empty or invalid user_id', $caught_message);

   * Test that a remove roles call throws an exception if roles are missing.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatRemoveRolesThrowsExceptionIfRolesAreMissing() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi();
    try {
        ->removeRoles('__test_user_id__', []);
      $caught_message = '';
    } catch (EmptyOrInvalidParameterException $e) {
      $caught_message = $e
      ->assertContains('Empty or invalid roles', $caught_message);

   * Test that a remove roles call is formatted properly.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatRemoveRolesRequestIsFormattedProperly() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      ->removeRoles('__test_user_id__', [
      ->assertEquals('DELETE', $api
      ->assertEquals('https://api.test.local/api/v2/users/__test_user_id__/roles', $api
    $headers = $api
      ->assertEquals('Bearer __api_token__', $headers['Authorization'][0]);
      ->assertEquals(self::$expectedTelemetry, $headers['Auth0-Client'][0]);
      ->assertEquals('application/json', $headers['Content-Type'][0]);
    $body = $api
      ->assertArrayHasKey('roles', $body);
      ->assertCount(1, $body['roles']);
      ->assertEquals('__test_role_id__', $body['roles'][0]);

   * Test that an add roles call throws an exception if the user ID is missing.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatAddRolesThrowsExceptionIfUserIdIsMissing() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi();
    try {
        ->addRoles('', []);
      $caught_message = '';
    } catch (EmptyOrInvalidParameterException $e) {
      $caught_message = $e
      ->assertContains('Empty or invalid user_id', $caught_message);

   * Test that an add roles call throws an exception if roles are missing.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatAddRolesThrowsExceptionIfRolesAreMissing() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi();
    try {
        ->addRoles('__test_user_id__', []);
      $caught_message = '';
    } catch (EmptyOrInvalidParameterException $e) {
      $caught_message = $e
      ->assertContains('Empty or invalid roles', $caught_message);

   * Test that an add roles call is formatted properly.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatAddRolesRequestIsFormattedProperly() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      ->addRoles('__test_user_id__', [
      ->assertEquals('POST', $api
      ->assertEquals('https://api.test.local/api/v2/users/__test_user_id__/roles', $api
    $headers = $api
      ->assertEquals('Bearer __api_token__', $headers['Authorization'][0]);
      ->assertEquals('application/json', $headers['Content-Type'][0]);
      ->assertEquals(self::$expectedTelemetry, $headers['Auth0-Client'][0]);
    $body = $api
      ->assertArrayHasKey('roles', $body);
      ->assertCount(1, $body['roles']);
      ->assertEquals('__test_role_id__', $body['roles'][0]);

   * Test that a get enrollments call throws an exception if the user ID is missing.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatGetEnrollmentsThrowsExceptionIfUserIdIsMissing() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi();
    try {
      $caught_message = '';
    } catch (EmptyOrInvalidParameterException $e) {
      $caught_message = $e
      ->assertContains('Empty or invalid user_id', $caught_message);

   * Test that a get enrollments call is formatted properly.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatGetEnrollmentsRequestIsFormattedProperly() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      ->assertEquals('GET', $api
      ->assertEquals('https://api.test.local/api/v2/users/__test_user_id__/enrollments', $api
    $headers = $api
      ->assertEquals('Bearer __api_token__', $headers['Authorization'][0]);
      ->assertEquals(self::$expectedTelemetry, $headers['Auth0-Client'][0]);

   * Test that a remove permissions call throws an exception if the user ID is missing.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatGetPermissionsThrowsExceptionIfUserIdIsMissing() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi();
    try {
      $caught_message = '';
    } catch (EmptyOrInvalidParameterException $e) {
      $caught_message = $e
      ->assertContains('Empty or invalid user_id', $caught_message);

   * Test that a get permissions call is formatted properly.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatGetPermissionsRequestIsFormattedProperly() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      ->getPermissions('__test_user_id__', [
      'per_page' => 3,
      'page' => 2,
      'include_totals' => 0,
      ->assertEquals('GET', $api
      ->assertStringStartsWith('https://api.test.local/api/v2/users/__test_user_id__/permissions?', $api
    $query = $api
      ->assertContains('per_page=3', $query);
      ->assertContains('page=2', $query);
      ->assertContains('include_totals=false', $query);
    $headers = $api
      ->assertEquals('Bearer __api_token__', $headers['Authorization'][0]);
      ->assertEquals(self::$expectedTelemetry, $headers['Auth0-Client'][0]);

   * Test that a remove permissions call throws an exception if the user ID is missing.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatRemovePermissionsThrowsExceptionIfUserIdIsMissing() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi();
    try {
        ->removePermissions('', []);
      $caught_message = '';
    } catch (EmptyOrInvalidParameterException $e) {
      $caught_message = $e
      ->assertContains('Empty or invalid user_id', $caught_message);

   * Test that a remove permissions call throws an exception if permissions are missing.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatRemovePermissionsThrowsExceptionIfPermissionsAreMissing() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi();
    try {
        ->removePermissions('__test_user_id__', []);
      $caught_exception = false;
    } catch (InvalidPermissionsArrayException $e) {
      $caught_exception = true;

   * Test that a remove permissions call is formatted properly.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatRemovePermissionsRequestIsFormattedProperly() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      ->removePermissions('__test_user_id__', [
        'permission_name' => 'test:permission',
        'resource_server_identifier' => '__test_api_id__',
      ->assertEquals('DELETE', $api
      ->assertEquals('https://api.test.local/api/v2/users/__test_user_id__/permissions', $api
    $headers = $api
      ->assertEquals('Bearer __api_token__', $headers['Authorization'][0]);
      ->assertEquals(self::$expectedTelemetry, $headers['Auth0-Client'][0]);
      ->assertEquals('application/json', $headers['Content-Type'][0]);
    $body = $api
      ->assertArrayHasKey('permissions', $body);
      ->assertCount(1, $body['permissions']);
      ->assertArrayHasKey('permission_name', $body['permissions'][0]);
      ->assertEquals('test:permission', $body['permissions'][0]['permission_name']);
      ->assertArrayHasKey('resource_server_identifier', $body['permissions'][0]);
      ->assertEquals('__test_api_id__', $body['permissions'][0]['resource_server_identifier']);

   * Test that an add permissions call throws an exception if the user ID is missing.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatAddPermissionsThrowsExceptionIfUserIdIsMissing() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi();
    try {
        ->addPermissions('', []);
      $caught_message = '';
    } catch (EmptyOrInvalidParameterException $e) {
      $caught_message = $e
      ->assertContains('Empty or invalid user_id', $caught_message);

   * Test that an add permissions call throws an exception if permissions are missing.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatAddPermissionsThrowsExceptionIfPermissionsAreMissing() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi();
    try {
        ->addPermissions('__test_user_id__', []);
      $caught_exception = false;
    } catch (InvalidPermissionsArrayException $e) {
      $caught_exception = true;

   * Test that an add permissions call is formatted properly.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatAddPermissionsRequestIsFormattedProperly() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      ->addPermissions('__test_user_id__', [
        'permission_name' => 'test:permission',
        'resource_server_identifier' => '__test_api_id__',
      ->assertEquals('POST', $api
      ->assertEquals('https://api.test.local/api/v2/users/__test_user_id__/permissions', $api
    $headers = $api
      ->assertEquals('Bearer __api_token__', $headers['Authorization'][0]);
      ->assertEquals('application/json', $headers['Content-Type'][0]);
      ->assertEquals(self::$expectedTelemetry, $headers['Auth0-Client'][0]);
    $body = $api
      ->assertArrayHasKey('permissions', $body);
      ->assertCount(1, $body['permissions']);
      ->assertArrayHasKey('permission_name', $body['permissions'][0]);
      ->assertEquals('test:permission', $body['permissions'][0]['permission_name']);
      ->assertArrayHasKey('resource_server_identifier', $body['permissions'][0]);
      ->assertEquals('__test_api_id__', $body['permissions'][0]['resource_server_identifier']);

   * Test that a get logs call throws an exception if the user ID is missing.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatGetLogsThrowsExceptionIfUserIdIsMissing() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi();
    try {
      $caught_message = '';
    } catch (EmptyOrInvalidParameterException $e) {
      $caught_message = $e
      ->assertContains('Empty or invalid user_id', $caught_message);

   * Test that a get logs call is formatted properly.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatGetLogsRequestIsFormattedProperly() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      ->getLogs('__test_user_id__', [
      'per_page' => 3,
      'page' => 2,
      'include_totals' => 0,
      'fields' => 'date,type,ip',
      ->assertEquals('GET', $api
      ->assertStringStartsWith('https://api.test.local/api/v2/users/__test_user_id__/logs?', $api
    $query = $api
      ->assertContains('per_page=3', $query);
      ->assertContains('page=2', $query);
      ->assertContains('include_totals=false', $query);
      ->assertContains('fields=date,type,ip', $query);
    $headers = $api
      ->assertEquals('Bearer __api_token__', $headers['Authorization'][0]);
      ->assertEquals(self::$expectedTelemetry, $headers['Auth0-Client'][0]);

   * Test that a generate recovery code call throws an exception if the user ID is missing.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatGenerateRecoveryCodeThrowsExceptionIfUserIdIsMissing() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi();
    try {
      $caught_message = '';
    } catch (EmptyOrInvalidParameterException $e) {
      $caught_message = $e
      ->assertContains('Empty or invalid user_id', $caught_message);

   * Test that an generate recovery code call is formatted properly.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatGenerateRecoveryCodeRequestIsFormattedProperly() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      ->assertEquals('POST', $api
      ->assertEquals('https://api.test.local/api/v2/users/__test_user_id__/recovery-code-regeneration', $api
    $headers = $api
      ->assertEquals('Bearer __api_token__', $headers['Authorization'][0]);
      ->assertEquals(self::$expectedTelemetry, $headers['Auth0-Client'][0]);
      ->assertEquals('application/json', $headers['Content-Type'][0]);

   * Test that an invalidate browsers call throws an exception if the user ID is missing.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatInvalidateBrowsersThrowsExceptionIfUserIdIsMissing() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi();
    try {
      $caught_message = '';
    } catch (EmptyOrInvalidParameterException $e) {
      $caught_message = $e
      ->assertContains('Empty or invalid user_id', $caught_message);

   * Test that an invalidate browsers call is formatted properly.
   * @return void
   * @throws \Exception Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatInvalidateBrowsersRequestIsFormattedProperly() {
    $api = new MockManagementApi([
      new Response(200, self::$headers),
      ->assertEquals('POST', $api
      ->assertEquals('https://api.test.local/api/v2/users/__test_user_id__/multifactor/actions/invalidate-remember-browser', $api
    $headers = $api
      ->assertEquals('Bearer __api_token__', $headers['Authorization'][0]);
      ->assertEquals(self::$expectedTelemetry, $headers['Auth0-Client'][0]);
      ->assertEquals('application/json', $headers['Content-Type'][0]);



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UsersMockedTest Class UsersMockedTest.