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README.txt in Auth0 Single Sign On 7.2

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  1. 8 README.txt

Single Sign On for Enterprises + Social Login + User/Passwords. For all your Drupal instances.
Powered by Auth0.

Before you start, **make sure the admin user has a valid email that you own**, read the Technical Notes for more information.

1. On the modules configuration page, select `install new module` and upload the latest release of this plugin
   as a `.tar.gz` file

2. Enable it on the module page

3. Configure it using your auth0 account.

1. Clone the repo to your modules directory:
    $ git clone $DRUPAL_ROOT/sites/all/modules/auth0-drupal

2. Install composer dependencies:
    $ cd auth0-drupal
    $ curl -sS | php
    $ php composer.phar install

3. Enable it on the module page

4. Configure it using your auth0 account.

1. Go to your auth0 dashboard
2. Create a new PHP application.
3. On App Callbacks URLs add a url like this `http://<yoursite>/auth0/callback`
4. Open "API Access" tab.
5. Keep notice of your domain, client id and client secret (note whether the client secret is base64 encoded or not).  RECOMMENDED: Go to your client's advanced settings and select RS256 and OIDC Conformant under the Oauth tab.  Please note that this requires you set Redirect login for SSO as well.
6. If redirecting for SSO, make sure you add `http://<yoursite>` to the allowed logouts in your account settings in Auth0.

You can go to the module configuration by this url http://<yoursite>/admin/config/people/auth0 or using the menu under the people configuration tab. You need to at least configure the domain, client id and client secret on the basic tab, using the information of the auth0 dashboard.

The advance tab contains:
* Form title:
The title to be printed on top of the login widget

* Allow user signup:
This only matters if you have database users enabled, and you want that users can sign up using the
login widget

* Widget CDN:
Changing this url you can use the latest version of the widget without updating this plugin

* Requires verified email:
Some of the authentication providers have email, other doesnt (example twitter). When they do, that email can be verified or not. Meaning, we know that the user really owns that email account.
If you check this box, users will be required to have a verified email in order to login.

* Login widget css:
This is the basic css used to fit the login widget to the drupal default theme, but if you have a custom theme, you may want to change this as well


**IMPORTANT**: By using this plugin you are delegating the site authentication to Auth0. That means that you won't be using the drupal database to authenticate users anymore and the default login box won't show anymore. However, we can still associate your existing users by merging them by email. This section explains how.

When you install this plugin you have at least one existing user in the database (the admin user). If the site is already being used, you probably have more than just the admin. We want you to keep those users, of course.

Auth0 allows multiple authentication providers. You can have social providers like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc., you can have a database of users/passwords (just like drupal but hosted in Auth0) or you can use an Enterprise directory like Active Directory, LDAP, Office365, SAML and others. All those authentication providers might give you an email and a flag indicating whether the email was verified or not. We use that email (only if its verified) to associate a previous **existing** user with the one coming from Auth0.

If the email was not verified and there is an account with that email in drupal, the user will be presented with a message saying that the email was not verified and a link to "Re-send the verification email".


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  2. -------
  3. Single Sign On for Enterprises + Social Login + User/Passwords. For all your Drupal instances.
  4. Powered by Auth0.
  6. ------------
  7. Before you start, **make sure the admin user has a valid email that you own**, read the Technical Notes for more information.
  8. 1. On the modules configuration page, select `install new module` and upload the latest release of this plugin
  9. as a `.tar.gz` file
  10. 2. Enable it on the module page
  11. 3. Configure it using your auth0 account.
  13. ------------------------
  14. 1. Clone the repo to your modules directory:
  15. $ git clone $DRUPAL_ROOT/sites/all/modules/auth0-drupal
  16. 2. Install composer dependencies:
  17. $ cd auth0-drupal
  18. $ curl -sS | php
  19. $ php composer.phar install
  20. 3. Enable it on the module page
  21. 4. Configure it using your auth0 account.
  23. -------------------
  24. 1. Go to your auth0 dashboard
  25. 2. Create a new PHP application.
  26. 3. On App Callbacks URLs add a url like this `http:///auth0/callback`
  27. 4. Open "API Access" tab.
  28. 5. Keep notice of your domain, client id and client secret (note whether the client secret is base64 encoded or not). RECOMMENDED: Go to your client's advanced settings and select RS256 and OIDC Conformant under the Oauth tab. Please note that this requires you set Redirect login for SSO as well.
  29. 6. If redirecting for SSO, make sure you add `http://` to the allowed logouts in your account settings in Auth0.
  31. --------------------
  32. You can go to the module configuration by this url http:///admin/config/people/auth0 or using the menu under the people configuration tab. You need to at least configure the domain, client id and client secret on the basic tab, using the information of the auth0 dashboard.
  33. The advance tab contains:
  34. * Form title:
  35. The title to be printed on top of the login widget
  36. * Allow user signup:
  37. This only matters if you have database users enabled, and you want that users can sign up using the
  38. login widget
  39. * Widget CDN:
  40. Changing this url you can use the latest version of the widget without updating this plugin
  41. * Requires verified email:
  42. Some of the authentication providers have email, other doesnt (example twitter). When they do, that email can be verified or not. Meaning, we know that the user really owns that email account.
  43. If you check this box, users will be required to have a verified email in order to login.
  44. * Login widget css:
  45. This is the basic css used to fit the login widget to the drupal default theme, but if you have a custom theme, you may want to change this as well
  47. ---------------
  48. **IMPORTANT**: By using this plugin you are delegating the site authentication to Auth0. That means that you won't be using the drupal database to authenticate users anymore and the default login box won't show anymore. However, we can still associate your existing users by merging them by email. This section explains how.
  49. When you install this plugin you have at least one existing user in the database (the admin user). If the site is already being used, you probably have more than just the admin. We want you to keep those users, of course.
  50. Auth0 allows multiple authentication providers. You can have social providers like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc., you can have a database of users/passwords (just like drupal but hosted in Auth0) or you can use an Enterprise directory like Active Directory, LDAP, Office365, SAML and others. All those authentication providers might give you an email and a flag indicating whether the email was verified or not. We use that email (only if its verified) to associate a previous **existing** user with the one coming from Auth0.
  51. If the email was not verified and there is an account with that email in drupal, the user will be presented with a message saying that the email was not verified and a link to "Re-send the verification email".