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README.txt in Audit Files 6.3

Audit files for Drupal 6.x

Audit files is a module that is designed to help keep your upload files in
check. It can run two reports, which are accessed from Administer > Logs >
Audit files not in database / Audit files not on server

Audit files not on the server
This report lists files that are named in the {files} table in the database
but that do not exist on the server. These missing files may mean that
nodes do not display as expected, for example, images may not display or
downloads may not be available.

From this report you can view or edit the related node to try and discover
what is wrong and fix it by editing the node.

Audit files not in the database
This report lists files that are on the server but are not referred to by
the {files} table. These may be orphan files whose parent node has been
deleted, or they may be the result of a module not tidying up after itself.
You can sort the table by node number or by filename as you prefer.

From this report you can mark files for deletion. There is intentionally no
"select all" checkbox because you probably don't want to accidentally get rid
of everything in one hit!

Be careful with the delete feature - the deletion is permanent - be sure the
file is no longer needed before erasing it!

If you're not sure what the file is then you can click on the filename to
open the file in your browser.

There may be some files, folders or extensions that are reported by the audit
that you do not want to be included. You can set exclusions at Administer >
Site configuration > Audit files. By default the audit excludes .htaccess files
and the contents of the color directory.


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  1. Audit files for Drupal 6.x
  2. ==========================
  3. Audit files is a module that is designed to help keep your upload files in
  4. check. It can run two reports, which are accessed from Administer > Logs >
  5. Audit files not in database / Audit files not on server
  6. Audit files not on the server
  7. -----------------------------
  8. This report lists files that are named in the {files} table in the database
  9. but that do not exist on the server. These missing files may mean that
  10. nodes do not display as expected, for example, images may not display or
  11. downloads may not be available.
  12. From this report you can view or edit the related node to try and discover
  13. what is wrong and fix it by editing the node.
  14. Audit files not in the database
  15. -------------------------------
  16. This report lists files that are on the server but are not referred to by
  17. the {files} table. These may be orphan files whose parent node has been
  18. deleted, or they may be the result of a module not tidying up after itself.
  19. You can sort the table by node number or by filename as you prefer.
  20. From this report you can mark files for deletion. There is intentionally no
  21. "select all" checkbox because you probably don't want to accidentally get rid
  22. of everything in one hit!
  23. Be careful with the delete feature - the deletion is permanent - be sure the
  24. file is no longer needed before erasing it!
  25. If you're not sure what the file is then you can click on the filename to
  26. open the file in your browser.
  27. Configuration
  28. -------------
  29. There may be some files, folders or extensions that are reported by the audit
  30. that you do not want to be included. You can set exclusions at Administer >
  31. Site configuration > Audit files. By default the audit excludes .htaccess files
  32. and the contents of the color directory.