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CHANGELOG.txt in Audit Files 5

30 October 2007
Back port of code from Drupal 6 version that makes report of files not on
server sortable. Also removes some redundant variables from the code.

28 October 2007
#186139 - bug fix - file_create_url incompatible with files not in the database
so auditfiles must output public urls instead. Not an issue as only admin users
can get to the audit reports.

27 October 2007
#183798 - makes exclusions user configurable - exclusions can be set for files,
paths or extensions

26 October 2007
#183730 - add an "edit" link for files not on the server.
#183725 - provide count of files found in each category when report is viewed.
#186139 - make links to files not in the database clickable

11 April 2007
More helpful if the Files not on server report lists sorted by filename, not
nid. Easier to use the report if you want to compare with an FTP listing etc

10 April 2007
First version for Drupal 5


View source
  1. 30 October 2007
  2. ---------------
  3. Back port of code from Drupal 6 version that makes report of files not on
  4. server sortable. Also removes some redundant variables from the code.
  5. 28 October 2007
  6. ---------------
  7. #186139 - bug fix - file_create_url incompatible with files not in the database
  8. so auditfiles must output public urls instead. Not an issue as only admin users
  9. can get to the audit reports.
  10. 27 October 2007
  11. ---------------
  12. #183798 - makes exclusions user configurable - exclusions can be set for files,
  13. paths or extensions
  14. 26 October 2007
  15. ---------------
  16. #183730 - add an "edit" link for files not on the server.
  17. #183725 - provide count of files found in each category when report is viewed.
  18. #186139 - make links to files not in the database clickable
  19. 11 April 2007
  20. -------------
  21. More helpful if the Files not on server report lists sorted by filename, not
  22. nid. Easier to use the report if you want to compare with an FTP listing etc
  23. 10 April 2007
  24. -------------
  25. First version for Drupal 5