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public function WavesurferAudioPlayer::renderPlayer in AudioField 8

Renders the player.


\Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemListInterface $items: The uploaded item list.

string $langcode: The language code.

array $settings: An array of additional render settings.

Return value

array Returns the rendered array.

Overrides AudioFieldPluginBase::renderPlayer


src/Plugin/AudioPlayer/WavesurferAudioPlayer.php, line 68


Implements the Wavesurfer Audio Player plugin.




public function renderPlayer(FieldItemListInterface $items, $langcode, array $settings) {

  // Check to make sure we're installed.
  if (!$this
    ->checkInstalled()) {

    // Show the error.

    // Simply return the default rendering so the files are still displayed.
    return $this
      ->renderDefaultPlayer($items, $settings);

  // Create arrays to pass to the twig template.
  $template_files = [];

  // Get a unique render Id.
  $settings['unique_id'] = $this

  // Start building settings to pass to the javascript wavesurfer builder.
  $player_settings = [
    // Wavesurfer expects this as a 0 - 1 range.
    'volume' => $settings['audio_player_initial_volume'] / 10,
    'playertype' => $settings['audio_player_wavesurfer_combine_files'] ? 'playlist' : 'default',
    'files' => [],
    'audioRate' => $settings['audio_player_wavesurfer_audiorate'],
    'autoCenter' => $settings['audio_player_wavesurfer_autocenter'],
    'barGap' => $settings['audio_player_wavesurfer_bargap'],
    'barHeight' => $settings['audio_player_wavesurfer_barheight'],
    'barWidth' => $settings['audio_player_wavesurfer_barwidth'],
    'cursorColor' => $settings['audio_player_wavesurfer_cursorcolor'],
    'cursorWidth' => $settings['audio_player_wavesurfer_cursorwidth'],
    'forceDecode' => $settings['audio_player_wavesurfer_forcedecode'],
    'normalize' => $settings['audio_player_wavesurfer_normalize'],
    'progressColor' => $settings['audio_player_wavesurfer_progresscolor'],
    'responsive' => $settings['audio_player_wavesurfer_responsive'],
    'waveColor' => $settings['audio_player_wavesurfer_wavecolor'],
    'autoplayNextTrack' => $settings['audio_player_wavesurfer_playnexttrack'],
    'autoplay' => $settings['audio_player_autoplay'],
    'unique_id' => $settings['unique_id'],

  // Format files for output.
  $template_files = $this
  foreach ($template_files as &$renderInfo) {

    // Generate settings for this file.
    $fileSettings = [
      'id' => $renderInfo->id,
      'path' => $renderInfo->url

    // Check for Peak files.
    if ($settings['audio_player_wavesurfer_use_peakfile'] && $this
      ->getClassType($renderInfo->item) == 'FileItem') {

      // Load the associated file.
      $file = File::load($renderInfo->item

      // Get the file URL.
      $deliveryUrl = $file

      // Get the file information so we can determin extension.
      $deliveryFileInfo = pathinfo(file_create_url($deliveryUrl));

      // Generate the URL for finding the peak file.
      $peakData = [
        'url' => dirname($deliveryUrl) . '/' . $deliveryFileInfo['filename'] . '.json',
        'arguments' => '--pixels-per-second 20 --bits 8',

      // Allow other modules to alter path data.
        ->alter('audiofield_wavesurfer_peak', $peakData);

      // Get the real path.
      $peakPath = $this->fileSystem

      // If the file is missing and Audiowaveform is installed.
      if (!file_exists($peakPath) && audiofield_check_audiowaveform_installed()) {
        $deliveryPath = escapeshellarg($this->fileSystem
        $peakPath = escapeshellarg($peakPath);
        $peakArguments = $peakData['arguments'];

        // Generate the data file.
        shell_exec("audiowaveform -i {$deliveryPath} -o {$peakPath} {$peakArguments}");

        // If the file didn't generate, log/report the error.
        if (!file_exists($peakData['url'])) {
          $message_data = [
            '@status_report' => Link::createFromRoute('status report', 'system.status')
            ->warning('Warning: Unable to generate Waveform peak file. Please check your installation of audiowaveform. More information available in the @status_report.', $message_data);
            ->t('Warning: Unable to generate Waveform peak file. Please check your installation of audiowaveform. More information available in the @status_report.', $message_data));

      // If the file exists, add it to the jQuery and template settings.
      if (file_exists($peakData['url'])) {
        $renderInfo->peakpath = $fileSettings['peakpath'] = file_create_url($peakData['url']);

    // Add this file to the render settings.
    $player_settings['files'][] = $fileSettings;
  return [
    'audioplayer' => [
      '#theme' => 'audioplayer',
      '#plugin_id' => 'wavesurfer',
      '#plugin_theme' => $player_settings['playertype'],
      '#settings' => $settings,
      '#files' => $template_files,
    'downloads' => $this
      ->createDownloadList($items, $settings),
    '#attached' => [
      'library' => [
        // Attach the wavesurfer library.
        'audiofield/audiofield.' . $this
      'drupalSettings' => [
        'audiofieldwavesurfer' => [
          $settings['unique_id'] => $player_settings,