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public function JPlayerAudioPlayer::renderPlayer in AudioField 8

Renders the player.


\Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemListInterface $items: The uploaded item list.

string $langcode: The language code.

array $settings: An array of additional render settings.

Return value

array Returns the rendered array.

Overrides AudioFieldPluginBase::renderPlayer


src/Plugin/AudioPlayer/JPlayerAudioPlayer.php, line 28


Implements the jPlayer Audio Player plugin.




public function renderPlayer(FieldItemListInterface $items, $langcode, array $settings) {

  // Check to make sure we're installed.
  if (!$this
    ->checkInstalled()) {

    // Show the error.

    // Simply return the default rendering so the files are still displayed.
    return $this
      ->renderDefaultPlayer($items, $settings);

  // Create arrays to pass to the twig template.
  $template_settings = $settings;
  $template_theme = str_replace('audiofield.jplayer.theme_', '', $settings['audio_player_jplayer_theme']);

  // JPlayer circle has to render differently - no playlist support, etc.
  $player_settings = [];
  if ($settings['audio_player_jplayer_theme'] == 'audiofield.jplayer.theme_jplayer_circle') {

    // @todo circle player broken for some reason.
    // Only require the default library.
    $library = 'audiofield/audiofield.' . $this

    // Start building settings to pass to the javascript jplayer builder.
    $player_settings = [
      'playertype' => 'circle',
      // JPlayer expects this as a 0 - 1 value.
      'volume' => $settings['audio_player_initial_volume'] / 10,
      'files' => [],

    // Format files for output.
    $template_files = $this
    foreach ($template_files as $renderInfo) {

      // Add entry to player settings for this file.
      $player_settings['files'][] = [
        'file' => $renderInfo->url
        'description' => $renderInfo->description,
        'filetype' => $renderInfo->filetype,
        'fid' => $renderInfo->id,
        'autoplay' => $settings['audio_player_autoplay'],
        'lazyload' => $settings['audio_player_lazyload'],
  else {

    // Need to determine quantity of valid items.
    $template_settings['item_count'] = 0;
    foreach ($items as $item) {
      if ($this
        ->validateEntityAgainstPlayer($item)) {

    // If there is only a single file, we render as a standard player.
    if ($template_settings['item_count'] == 1) {

      // Only require the default library.
      $library = 'audiofield/audiofield.' . $this

      // Set the template theme name.
      $template_theme = 'default_single';

      // Format files for output.
      $template_files = $this
        ->getItemRenderList($items, 1);
      foreach ($template_files as $renderInfo) {

        // Start building settings to pass to the javascript jplayer builder.
        $player_settings = [
          'playertype' => 'default',
          'file' => $renderInfo->url
          'description' => $renderInfo->description,
          'unique_id' => $renderInfo->id,
          'filetype' => $renderInfo->filetype,
          // JPlayer expects this as a 0 - 1 value.
          'volume' => $settings['audio_player_initial_volume'] / 10,
          'autoplay' => $settings['audio_player_autoplay'],
          'lazyload' => $settings['audio_player_lazyload'],

        // Store the unique id for the template.
        $template_settings['id'] = $renderInfo->id;
    else {

      // Requires the playlist library.
      $library = 'audiofield/audiofield.' . $this
        ->getPluginLibraryName() . '.playlist';

      // Set the template theme name.
      $template_theme = 'default_multiple';

      // Start building settings to pass to the javascript jplayer builder.
      $player_settings = [
        'playertype' => 'playlist',
        // JPlayer expects this as a 0 - 1 value.
        'volume' => $settings['audio_player_initial_volume'] / 10,
        'files' => [],
        'filetypes' => [],
        'autoplay' => $settings['audio_player_autoplay'],
        'lazyload' => $settings['audio_player_lazyload'],

      // Format files for output.
      $template_files = $this
      foreach ($template_files as $renderInfo) {

        // Add entry to player settings for this file.
        $player_settings['files'][] = [
          'file' => $renderInfo->url
          'description' => $renderInfo->description,
          'filetype' => $renderInfo->filetype,
        $player_settings['filetypes'][] = $renderInfo->filetype;

        // Used to generate unique container.
        $player_settings['unique_id'] = $template_settings['id'] = $renderInfo->id;

      // Use only unique values in the filetypes.
      $player_settings['filetypes'] = array_unique($player_settings['filetypes']);
  return [
    'audioplayer' => [
      '#theme' => 'audioplayer',
      '#plugin_id' => 'jplayer',
      '#plugin_theme' => $template_theme,
      '#settings' => $template_settings,
      '#files' => $template_files,
    'downloads' => $this
      ->createDownloadList($items, $settings),
    '#attached' => [
      'library' => [
        // Attach the jPlayer library.
        // Attach the jPlayer theme.
        'audiofield/' . $settings['audio_player_jplayer_theme'],
      'drupalSettings' => [
        'audiofieldjplayer' => [
            ->getUniqueRenderId() => $player_settings,