audiofield.module in AudioField 7
Same filename and directory in other branches
Audio Field module for displaying audio files as usable players.
audiofield.moduleView source
* @file
* Audio Field module for displaying audio files as usable players.
// Load all Field module hooks for Audio.
module_load_include('inc', 'audiofield', 'audio.field');
module_load_include('inc', 'audiofield', 'audiofield.players');
* Implements hook_menu().
function audiofield_menu() {
$items['admin/config/media/audiofield'] = array(
'title' => 'Audio Field',
'description' => 'Configure Audiofield.',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'access arguments' => array(
'administer site configuration',
'file' => '',
return $items;
* Implements hook_permission().
function audiofield_permission() {
return array(
'download own audio files' => array(
'title' => t('Download Own Audio Files'),
'description' => t('Let the users download their own audio files.'),
'download all audio files' => array(
'title' => t('Download All Audio Files'),
'description' => t('Let the users download any audio files.'),
* Accessible command line tool: ffprobe.
function audiofield_accessible_ffprobe($path = '') {
if (!$path) {
$audiofield_detail = variable_get('audiofield_detail');
if (isset($audiofield_detail['ffprobe_path'])) {
$path = $audiofield_detail['ffprobe_path'];
$arg = array(
' ',
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
$arg[3] = 'ffprobe.exe';
$command = implode('', $arg);
exec($command, $output, $result);
if ($result == 0 && count($output) == 1) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Accessible Drupal module and tool: getid3.
function audiofield_accessible_getid3() {
return module_exists('getid3') && getid3_load() && class_exists('getid3');
* Implements hook_theme().
function audiofield_theme() {
// We keep this info in the players file for easier reading.
return _audiofield_theme();
* FFProbe analyze.
function audiofield_ffprobe_analyze($audio_path) {
$audiofield_detail = variable_get('audiofield_detail');
if (empty($audiofield_detail['ffprobe_path'])) {
return FALSE;
$file_path = drupal_realpath($audio_path);
$command = $audiofield_detail['ffprobe_path'] . 'ffprobe -v quiet -print_format json -show_format -show_streams "' . $file_path . '"';
exec($command, $output, $result);
if ($result == 0) {
$array = json_decode(implode("\n", $output), TRUE);
if (isset($array['streams'])) {
// Find first audio stream.
foreach ($array['streams'] as $s) {
if (isset($s['codec_type']) && $s['codec_type'] == 'audio') {
$array['_audio'] = $s;
return $array;
return FALSE;
* Get getid3_analyze.
function audiofield_getid3_analyze($audio_path) {
if (audiofield_accessible_getid3()) {
if (!class_exists('getid3')) {
drupal_set_message(t('Missing class getid3! Check getid3 module installation.'), 'error', FALSE);
return FALSE;
else {
$file_path = drupal_realpath($audio_path);
$getID3 = getid3_instance();
if (!file_exists($file_path)) {
return array();
return $getID3
return FALSE;
* Get details formater.
function audiofield_details_formatter($audio_path, $audiofield_detail) {
$details = array(
'list' => array(),
// Display filename.
switch ($audiofield_detail['filename']) {
// Actual filename.
case 1:
$details['list']['filename'] = t('Filename: @filename', array(
'@filename' => drupal_basename($audio_path),
// File name (remove extension).
case 2:
$details['list']['filename'] = t('Filename: @filename', array(
'@filename' => pathinfo($audio_path, PATHINFO_FILENAME),
// Only extension.
case 3:
$details['list']['filename'] = t('Extension: @extension', array(
'@extension' => pathinfo($audio_path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION),
// File size.
if (!empty($audiofield_detail['filesize'])) {
$filesize = filesize(drupal_realpath($audio_path));
if ($audiofield_detail['filesize'] == '1') {
$filesize = format_size($filesize);
$details['list']['filesize'] = t('Filesize: @filesize', array(
'@filesize' => $filesize,
foreach ($audiofield_detail as $key => $val) {
if ($val && !in_array($key, array(
))) {
$file_info['getid3'] = audiofield_getid3_analyze($audio_path);
$file_info['ffprobe'] = audiofield_ffprobe_analyze($audio_path);
// Return existing details if we don't have a way to read tags.
if (!$file_info) {
return $details;
switch ($key) {
case 'filename':
// Add the filename from the tags if we couldn't load it directly.
if (empty($details['list']['filename'])) {
$details['list']['filename'] = t('Filename: @filename', array(
'@filename' => $file_info['getid3']['filename'],
case 'filesize':
// Add the filesize from the tags if we couldn't load it directly.
if (empty($details['list']['filesize'])) {
$details['list']['filesize'] = t('Filesize: $filesize', array(
'@filesize' => $val == '1' ? format_size($file_info['getid3']['filesize']) : $file_info['getid3']['filesize'],
case 'codec':
$codec = '';
$codec_long = '';
if (!empty($file_info['ffprobe']['_audio']['codec_name'])) {
$codec = $file_info['ffprobe']['_audio']['codec_name'];
$codec_long = $file_info['ffprobe']['_audio']['codec_long_name'];
elseif (!empty($file_info['getid3']['audio']['codec'])) {
$codec = $file_info['getid3']['audio']['codec'] . ' (' . (isset($file_info['getid3']['audio']['encoder_settings']) ? $file_info['getid3']['audio']['encoder_settings'] : @$file_info['getid3']['audio']['dataformat']) . ')';
$codec_long = $codec;
$details['list'][] = t('Codec: @codec', array(
'@codec' => $val == '2' ? $codec_long : $codec,
case 'length':
$length_timeformat = '';
$length_sec = '';
if (!empty($file_info['ffprobe']['format']['duration'])) {
$length_timeformat = gmdate('H:i:s', $file_info['ffprobe']['format']['duration']);
if (substr($length_timeformat, 0, 3) == '00:') {
$length_timeformat = substr($length_timeformat, 3);
$length_sec = $file_info['ffprobe']['format']['duration'];
elseif (!empty($file_info['getid3']['playtime_seconds'])) {
$length_timeformat = $file_info['getid3']['playtime_string'];
$length_sec = $file_info['getid3']['playtime_seconds'];
$details['list'][] = t('Length: @length', array(
'@length' => $val == '2' ? round($length_sec, 3) . ' ' . t('seconds') : $length_timeformat,
case 'channelmode':
$channelmode = '';
if (!empty($file_info['ffprobe']['_audio']['channel_layout'])) {
$channelmode = $file_info['ffprobe']['_audio']['channel_layout'];
elseif (!empty($file_info['getid3']['audio']['channelmode'])) {
$channelmode = $file_info['getid3']['audio']['channelmode'];
$details['list'][] = t('Channel mode: @channelmode', array(
'@channelmode' => $channelmode,
case 'samplerate':
$samplerate = '';
if (!empty($file_info['ffprobe']['_audio']['sample_rate'])) {
$samplerate = $file_info['ffprobe']['_audio']['sample_rate'];
elseif (!empty($file_info['getid3']['audio']['sample_rate'])) {
$samplerate = $file_info['getid3']['audio']['sample_rate'];
$details['list'][] = t('Sample rate: @samplerate Hz', array(
'@samplerate' => $samplerate,
case 'bitrate':
$bitrate = '';
if (!empty($file_info['ffprobe']['_audio']['bit_rate'])) {
$bitrate = $file_info['ffprobe']['_audio']['bit_rate'];
elseif (!empty($file_info['getid3']['bitrate'])) {
$bitrate = $file_info['getid3']['bitrate'];
$details['list'][] = t('Bitrate: @bitrate', array(
'@bitrate' => (substr($val, 0, 1) == 'k' ? substr($bitrate, 0, -3) : $bitrate) . ' ' . $val,
case 'tags_id3':
$tags = array();
if ($val == 'id3') {
if (isset($file_info['getid3']['id3v2']['comments'])) {
$id3_encoding = $file_info['getid3']['id3v2']['encoding'];
$id3 = $file_info['getid3']['id3v2']['comments'];
elseif (isset($file_info['getid3']['id3v1']['comments'])) {
$id3_encoding = $file_info['getid3']['id3v1']['encoding'];
$id3 = $file_info['getid3']['id3v1']['comments'];
if (!empty($id3)) {
foreach ($id3 as $key => $val) {
if (is_array($val)) {
if (in_array($id3_encoding, array(
))) {
$id3[$key] = utf8_encode(implode('', $val));
else {
$id3[$key] = implode('', $val);
$tags[] = '<code class="audiofield_id3">' . json_encode($id3) . '</code>';
else {
$get_tags = explode('-', $val);
foreach ($get_tags as $tag) {
if (isset($file_info['getid3']['id3v2']['comments'][$tag])) {
$tags[$tag] = implode(';', $file_info['getid3']['id3v2']['comments'][$tag]);
elseif (isset($file_info['getid3']['id3v1'][$tag])) {
$tags[$tag] = $file_info['getid3']['id3v1'][$tag];
$details['list']['tags'] = t('ID3 tags: !tags', array(
'!tags' => implode(' - ', $tags),
case 'tags_id3_picture':
if (isset($file_info['getid3']['id3v2']['APIC'][0]['data'])) {
if ($val != 'original') {
$img_size = explode('x', $val);
$details['img']['attributes'] = array(
'width' => $img_size[0],
'height' => $img_size[1],
$src = 'data:' . $file_info['getid3']['id3v2']['APIC'][0]['image_mime'] . ';charset=utf-8;base64,' . base64_encode($file_info['getid3']['id3v2']['APIC'][0]['data']);
$details['img']['attributes']['src'] = $src;
$details['list'][] = $key . ': not support';
return $details;
* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function audiofield_form_field_ui_field_edit_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
$instance = $form['#instance'];
if ($instance['widget']['type'] == 'audiofield_widget' && $form['instance']['settings']['file_extensions']['#default_value'] == 'txt') {
$form['instance']['settings']['file_extensions']['#default_value'] = 'mp3';
* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
* Modify the add new field form to change the default formatter.
function audiofield_form_field_ui_field_settings_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
$form['#submit'][] = 'audiofield_form_content_field_overview_submit';
* Submit handler to set a new field's formatter to "audiofield_embedded".
function audiofield_form_content_field_overview_submit(&$form, &$form_state) {
$entity_type = 'node';
$field_name = $form_state['values']['field']['field_name'];
$bundle = $form_state['complete form']['#bundle'];
$instance = field_read_instance($entity_type, $field_name, $bundle);
if ($instance['widget']['module'] == 'audiofield') {
foreach ($instance['display'] as $display_type => $display_settings) {
if ($instance['display'][$display_type]['type'] == 'file_default') {
$instance['display'][$display_type]['type'] = 'audiofield_embedded';
* Implements hook_field_conditional_state_settings_alter().
* Add support for Field Conditional States.
function audiofield_field_conditional_state_settings_alter(&$settings) {
$settings['audiofield_widget'] = array(
'form_elements' => array(
0 => array(
'field_data' => array(
'reprocess_from_root' => TRUE,
'field_states' => array(
'trigger_states' => array(
'trigger_value_widget' => '_field_conditional_state_default_trigger_value_widget',
'trigger_value_submit' => '_field_conditional_state_default_trigger_value_submit',
* Implements hook_filefield_sources_widgets().
* This returns a list of widgets that are compatible with FileField Sources.
function audiofield_filefield_sources_widgets() {
return array(
Name![]() |
Description |
audiofield_accessible_ffprobe | Accessible command line tool: ffprobe. |
audiofield_accessible_getid3 | Accessible Drupal module and tool: getid3. |
audiofield_details_formatter | Get details formater. |
audiofield_ffprobe_analyze | FFProbe analyze. |
audiofield_field_conditional_state_settings_alter | Implements hook_field_conditional_state_settings_alter(). |
audiofield_filefield_sources_widgets | Implements hook_filefield_sources_widgets(). |
audiofield_form_content_field_overview_submit | Submit handler to set a new field's formatter to "audiofield_embedded". |
audiofield_form_field_ui_field_edit_form_alter | Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). |
audiofield_form_field_ui_field_settings_form_alter | Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). |
audiofield_getid3_analyze | Get getid3_analyze. |
audiofield_menu | Implements hook_menu(). |
audiofield_permission | Implements hook_permission(). |
audiofield_theme | Implements hook_theme(). |