You are here in AT Tools 8.3

Lists available colors and color schemes for the AT Starterkit. By default the color scheme relies almost entirely on color shift, where the user changes the base color and all other unspecified colors shift relative to the new base.


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 * @file
 * Lists available colors and color schemes for the AT Starterkit. By default
 * the color scheme relies almost entirely on color shift, where the user
 * changes the base color and all other unspecified colors shift relative to
 * the new base.
use Drupal\at_core\Ext\ExtGet;
$theme_name = \Drupal::service('theme.manager')
$file_path = drupal_get_path('theme', $theme_name) . '/styles/uikit/components/partials/_variables.scss';
$sass_variables = (new ExtGet())
$info = [
  // Available colors and color labels used in theme.
  'fields' => [
    'base' => t('Base'),
    'text' => t('Text color'),
    'link' => t('Link color'),
  // Pre-defined color schemes.
  'schemes' => [
    'default' => [
      'title' => t('Carbon Neutral'),
      'colors' => [
        'base' => $sass_variables['base-color'],
        'text' => $sass_variables['text-color'],
        'link' => $sass_variables['link-color'],
    'goodearth' => [
      'title' => t('The Good Earth'),
      'colors' => [
        'base' => '#4ba943',
        'text' => '#555555',
        'link' => '#8dd087',
    'tippingpoint' => [
      'title' => t('Tipping Point'),
      'colors' => [
        'base' => '#e65200',
        'text' => '#1b1918',
        'link' => '#ff792f',
    'palebluedot' => [
      'title' => t('Pale Blue Dot'),
      'colors' => [
        'base' => '#089de3',
        'text' => '#777777',
        'link' => '#089de3',
  // CSS files (excluding @import) to rewrite with new color scheme.
  'css' => [
  // Files to copy.
  'copy' => [
  // Gradient definitions.
  'gradients' => [],